2023 Tissue Networks - from Imaging to Quantification and Modeling

We had some great talks and discussions. For that we would like to thank everybody who contributed - both speakers and participants! See you next time.
8th International CCTB Summer School
Tissue Networks
from Imaging to Quantification and Modeling
In this summer school, the participants will explore the topic of cellular networks in complex biological tissues. In several talks by international researchers, examples from current research in plant sciences, developmental biology, cancer, bone and neuroscience will be presented. In the practical tutorials, participants will learn the computational methods for image analysis (classical and deep learning), agent-based modeling and topological analysis of spatial cellular networks, including sessions on novel AI-based methods.
The fee of 100 € covers participation and includes drinks/snacks during the sessions.
Würzburg, September 25-28, 2023
Registration is closed now.
Preliminary program:
For questions, please contact