Dr. Oliver Mitesser
Dr. Oliver Mitesser
University of Würzburg
Field Station Fabrikschleichach
Glashüttenstraße 5
Field Station Fabrikschleichach
Glashüttenstraße 5
+49 931 31 86876

- Phenologie der Pflanzen und Tiere
- Evolution von Lebenslaufstrategien
- Soziale Insekten
- Mathematische und statistische Modellierung
- [ 2025 ]
- [ 2024 ]
- [ 2023 ]
- [ 2022 ]
- [ 2021 ]
- [ 2020 ]
- [ 2019 ]
- [ 2018 ]
- [ 2017 ]
- [ 2016 ]
- [ 2015 ]
- [ 2014 ]
- [ 2012 ]
- [ 2011 ]
- [ 2010 ]
- [ 2009 ]
- [ 2007 ]
- [ 2006 ]
- [ 2003 ]
2025[ to top ]
Sample coverage affects diversity measures of bird communities along a natural recovery gradient of abandoned agriculture in tropical lowland forests. . In Journal of Applied Ecology. Wiley, 2025.
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2024[ to top ]
Hill–Chao numbers allow decomposing gamma multifunctionality into alpha and beta components. . 2024.
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Mechanisms determining the multi-diversity of carrion visiting species along a gradient of carrion body mass. . In Oecologia, 206(1), pp. 115–126. 2024.
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Optimal fissioning strategies of social insects with respect to colony dynamics and nest founding probability. . In Insectes Sociaux, 71(2), pp. 171–183. 2024.
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Weather explains the decline and rise of insect biomass over 34 years. . In Nature, 628(8007), pp. 349–354. 2024.
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Soundscapes and airborne laser scanning identify vegetation density and its interaction with elevation as main driver of bird diversity and community composition. . In Diversity and Distributions. Wiley, 2024.
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Ecological drivers of carrion beetle (Staphylinidae: Silphinae) diversity on small to large mammals. . In Ecology and Evolution, 14(9). Wiley, 2024.
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Temporal dynamics of acoustic diversity in managed forests. . In Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 12. 2024.
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Species Diversity and Habitat Fragmentation Per Se: The Influence of Local Extinctions and Species Clustering. . In The American Naturalist, 203(6), pp. 655–667. University of Chicago Press, 2024.
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Response of parasitoid communities to insecticide application during a Lymantria dispar outbreak in mixed oak forests. . In Journal of Applied Ecology, 61(11), pp. 2774–2785. Wiley, 2024.
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Habitat niches of bird species along a recovery gradient in the Chocó tropical forest. . In Ecological Indicators, 166, p. 112260. Elsevier BV, 2024.
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Evolutionary cycles in a model of nestmate recognition. . In Oikos, 2024(11). Wiley, 2024.
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The impact of land use on the acoustic behaviour of cicadas in the Chocó lowland tropical forest of Ecuador. . In Insect Conservation and Diversity. Wiley, 2024.
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Shedding light with harmonic radar: Unveiling the hidden impacts of streetlights on moth flight behavior. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(42), p. e2401215121. 2024.
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Season, decay stage, habitat, temperature and carrion beetles allow estimating the post‐mortem interval of wild boar carcasses. . In Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 5(1). Wiley, 2024.
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Unexpected soundscape response to insecticide application in oak forests. . In Conservation Biology. Wiley, 2024.
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2023[ to top ]
Soundscapes and deep learning enable tracking biodiversity recovery in tropical forests. . In Nature Communications, 14(1), p. 6191. 2023.
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Diverse Effects of Climate, Land Use, and Insects on Dung and Carrion Decomposition. . In Ecosystems, 26(2), pp. 397–411. 2023.
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Drivers of tree-related microhabitat profiles in European and Oriental beech forests. . In Biological Conservation, 285, p. 110245. Elsevier BV, 2023.
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Ambient and substrate energy influence decomposer diversity differentially across trophic levels. . In Ecology Letters, 26(7), pp. 1157–1173. Wiley, 2023.
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Diversity and specialization responses to climate and land use differ between deadwood fungi and bacteria. . In Ecography, 2023(11). Wiley, 2023.
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2022[ to top ]
Enhancing the structural diversity between forest patches—A concept and real-world experiment to study biodiversity, multifunctionality and forest resilience across spatial scales. . In Global Change Biology, 29(6), pp. 1437–1450. Wiley, 2022.
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The rising moon promotes mate finding in moths. . In Communications Biology, 5, p. 393. 2022.
Temporal Soundscape Patterns in a Panamanian Tree Diversity Experiment: Polycultures Show an Increase in High Frequency Cover. . In Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10. Frontiers Media SA, 2022.
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Response of cavity nesting birds to Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera) and aerial spraying – An experimental approach. . In Forest Ecology and Management, 524, p. 120520. Elsevier BV, 2022.
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Dung-visiting beetle diversity is mainly affected by land use, while community specialization is driven by climate. . In Ecology and Evolution, 12(10). Wiley, 2022.
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Quantifying wood decomposition by insects and fungi using computed tomography scanning and machine learning. . In Scientific Reports, 12(1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022.
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2021[ to top ]
Tracking the temporal dynamics of insect defoliation by high-resolution radar satellite data. . In Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Wiley Online Library, 2021.
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Women temporarily synchronize their menstrual cycles with the luminance and gravimetric cycles of the Moon. . In Science Advances, 7(5), p. eabe1358. 2021.
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Relationship of insect biomass and richness with land use along a climate gradient. . In Nature communications, 12(1), pp. 1–9. Nature Publishing Group, 2021.
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Tracking the temporal dynamics of insect defoliation by high‐resolution radar satellite data. . In Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13(1), pp. 121–132. Wiley, 2021.
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Natural Zeitgebers Under Temperate Conditions Cannot Compensate for the Loss of a Functional Circadian Clock in Timing of a Vital Behavior in Drosophila. . In Journal of Biological Rhythms, 36(3), pp. 271–285. 2021.
2020[ to top ]
A Novel Thermal-Visual Place Learning Paradigm for Honeybees (Apis mellifera). . In Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 14, p. 56. 2020.
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2019[ to top ]
Multiple host use and the dynamics of host switching in host–parasite systems. . In Insect Conservation and Diversity, 12(6), pp. 511–522. Wiley, 2019.
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2018[ to top ]
Overwintering temperature and body condition shift emergence dates of spring-emerging solitary bees. . In PeerJ, 6, p. e4721. PeerJ, 2018.
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Suitable triggers for timing the transition from worker to sexual production in annual eusocial insects. . In Insectes Sociaux. 2018.
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Explaining the variability in the response of annual eusocial insects to mass‐flowering events. . In Journal of Animal Ecology, 88(1), A. Dussutour (ed.), pp. 178–188. Wiley, 2018.
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Eusociality outcompetes egalitarian and solitary strategies when resources are limited and reproduction is costly. . In Ecology and Evolution, 8(24), pp. 12953–12964. Wiley, 2018.
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2017[ to top ]
Saving the injured: Rescue behavior in the termite-hunting ant Megaponera analis. . In Science Advances, 3(4). American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2017.
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The evolution of simultaneous progressive provisioning revisited: extending the model to overlapping generations. . In Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71(8), p. 127. 2017.
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Mating timing, dispersal and local adaptation in patchy environments. . In Oikos. 2017.
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2016[ to top ]
Annual dynamics of wild bee densities: attractiveness and productivity effects of oilseed rape. . Figshare, 2016.
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The evolution of optimal emergence times: Bet hedging and the quest for an ideal free temporal distribution of individuals. . In Oikos. 2016.
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2015[ to top ]
High female survival promotes evolution of protogyny and sexual conflict. . In PLOS ONE, 10(3), pp. 1–12. Public Library of Science, 2015.
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2014[ to top ]
Gender-specific emigration decisions sensitive to local male and female density. . In The American Naturalist, 184(1), pp. 38–51. University of Chicago Press, 2014.
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2012[ to top ]
Availability and depletion of fat reserves in halictid foundress queens with a focus on solitary nest founding. . In Insectes Sociaux, 59(1), pp. 67–74. 2012.
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Unexpected benefit of a social parasite for a key fitness component of its ant host. . In The American Naturalist, 179(1), pp. 110–123. University of Chicago Press, 2012.
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2011[ to top ]
Risk sensitivity revisited: from individuals to populations. . In Animal Behaviour, 82(4), pp. 875–883. Elsevier BV, 2011.
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2010[ to top ]
Correlations between sequential timing decisions do not necessarily indicate strategic behavior: A comment on Bêty et al. . In The American Naturalist, 176(6), pp. 835–837. University of Chicago Press, 2010.
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2009[ to top ]
Workers, sexuals, or both? Optimal allocation of resources to reproduction and growth in annual insect colonies. . In Insectes Sociaux, 56(2), pp. 119–129. 2009.
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Effect of vegetation density, height, and connectivity on the oviposition pattern of the leaf beetle Galeruca tanaceti. . In Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 132(2), pp. 134–146. Wiley, 2009.
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2007[ to top ]
The influence of soil temperature on the nesting cycle of the halictid bee Lasioglossum malachurum. . In Insectes Sociaux, 54(1), pp. E106-E114. 2007.
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Host plant finding in the specialised leaf beetle Cassida canaliculata: an analysis of small-scale movement behaviour. . In Ecological Entomology, 32(2), pp. 194–200. Wiley, 2007.
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An Evolutionarily Stable Strategy Model for the Evolution of Dimorphic Development in the ButterflyMaculinea rebeli, a Social Parasite ofMyrmicaAnt Colonies. . In The American Naturalist, 169(4), pp. 466–480. University of Chicago Press, 2007.
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Adaptive dynamic resource allocation in annual eusocial insects: environmental variation will not necessarily promote graded control. . In BMC Ecology, 7(1), p. 16. 2007.
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Optimal investment allocation in primitively eusocial bees: a balance model based on resource limitation of the queen. . In Insectes Sociaux, 54(3), pp. 234–241. 2007.
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2006[ to top ]
The evolution of activity breaks in the nest cycle of annual eusocial bees: a model of delayed exponential growth. . In BMC Evolutionary Biology, 6(1), p. 45. 2006.
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2003[ to top ]
Local Extinction and the Evolution of Dispersal Rates: Causes and Correlations. . In The American Naturalist, 161(4), pp. 631–640. University of Chicago Press, 2003.
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