Chair of Bioinformatics

Matthias Wolf

Wolf Lab - RNA sequence-structure phylogenetics

Dr. Matthias Wolf, Dipl. Biol.
Academic Director (Akademischer Direktor, AkadD)
Department of Bioinformatics
Biocenter, University of Würzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg

phone: +49 931 31-84562

Building B1, Room 103

matthias.wolf (at)
matthias.wolf (at)

Selected Publications (from >100)
(>85 peer reviewed, h-index 46, >8000 citations)

ITS2 database V: Twice as much.
Markus J Ankenbrand,
Alexander Keller, Matthias Wolf, Jörg Schultz, Frank Förster
(2015) Molecular Biology and Evolution 32:3030–3032.

ITS so much more.
Matthias Wolf
(2015) Trends in Genetics 31:175-176.

ITS2, 18S, 16S or any other RNA — simply aligning sequences and their individual secondary structures simultaneously by an automatic approach.
Matthias Wolf, Christian Koetschan, Tobias Müller
(2014) Gene 546:145-149.

Including RNA Secondary Structures improves Accuracy and Robustness in Reconstruction of Phylogenetic Trees.
Alexander Keller, Frank Förster, Tobias Muller, Thomas Dandekar, Jörg Schultz, Matthias Wolf
(2010) Biology Direct 5:4.

ITS2 sequence–structure analysis in phylogenetics: a how-to manual for molecular systematics.
Jörg Schultz, Matthias Wolf
(2009) Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 52:520-523.

Short Curriculum
Dez 2024-today Academic Director, Department of Bioinformatics, University of Würzburg, Germany
Jul 2023 Honoree, 25 years of service for Berlin and Bavaria
Apr 2015-Nov 2024 Senior Lecturer, Department of Bioinformatics, University of Würzburg, Germany
Nov 2008-Mar 2015 Lecturer (tenured faculty position), Department of Bioinformatics, University of Würzburg, Germany
Jan 2003-Oct 2008 C1 Assistant Professor, Department of Bioinformatics, University of Würzburg, Germany (Lab of Thomas Dandekar)
Oct 2002-Dec 2002 Visiting Scientist (Postdoc), Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG), Research Centre Juelich, Germany (Lab of Eberhard Hegewald)
Jul 2002 Doctor rerum naturalium (summa cum laude), Free University of Berlin, Germany (Lab of Klaus Hausmann)
Oct 1999-Sep 2002 PhD studies (Molecular Systematics of Coccoid Green Algae), Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Berlin Research Association, Department of Limnology of Stratified Lakes, Stechlin-Neuglobsow, Germany (Lab of Lothar Krienitz)
May 1999 Diploma in Biology (equivalent to the Master's degree), Free University of Berlin, Germany (Lab of Klaus Hausmann)
Dec 1997-Jan 1998 Research Assistant, Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Frankfurt, Germany (expedition aboard the research vessel METEOR) (please note the infobox about the discovery of Meteora sporadica)
Apr 1993-Sep 1999 Undergraduate/Graduate studies in Biology, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Sep 1991-Nov 1992 Community Service, State Conservation Office, Department of Archaeology, Mainz, Germany

Listed in the “updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators” version 2 (top 100,000 scientists across all fields or top 2% of scientists of their main subfield discipline) by Ioannidis et al. 2020

Research Topics
Phylogenetics, Phycology, Protistology, RNA secondary structures, ITS2, 18S

2007-2011 MU 2831/1-1, Species phylogeny and the 'tree of life' based on an ITS2 sequence-structure database and new algorithms, German Research Foundation (DFG), project number 37802341

Editorial Advisory Board Membership
2021-today BMC Ecology and Evolution, BMC Part of Springer Nature (Associate Editor)
2021-today Biology, MDPI (Section Board for 'Evolutionary Biology')
2007-today BIOLOGIA (Section Cellular and Molecular Biology), Springer (Associate Editor)
2014-2020 BMC Evolutionary Biology, BMC Part of Springer Nature (Associate Editor)
2014-2020 PLANT GENE, Elsevier (Associate Editor)
2011-2020 GENE, Elsevier (Associate Editor)

Membership in Societies
GfBS (Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik) - Society for Biological Systematics (2003-today)
DBG (Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft) - German Society for Plant Sciences (2003-today)
SSB - The Society of Systematic Biologists (2006-2010)

Service as Reviewer (selected)
BMC Plant Biol, Database, Sci Rep, Int J Biol Macromol, RNA, Ann Bot, Syst Biol, Mol Phylogenet Evol, Nucleic Acids Res, PLoS ONE, BMC Evol Biol, Bioinformatics, Planta, J Mol Evol, Plant Syst Evol, Mol Ecol, J Phycol, Phycologia, Algal Res, J Appl Phycol, Gene, BMC Genomics, BMC Bioinformatics, J Eukaryot Microbiol, Eur J Phycol, Protist, Conserv Genet, Integr Comp Biol, FEMS Microbiol Lett, Environ Microbiol Rep, Biologia, BMC Res Notes, BioTechniques, J Zool Syst Evol Res, Acta Tropica, Mol Biol Rep, Diatom Res, Int J Mol Sci, Nova Hedwigia, Phytotaxa, J Biomed Biotechnol, Plant Gene, Botany, Biochem Sys Ecol, Genetica, MycoKeys, Cryptogamie Algologie,  BioMed Res Int, Oceanol Hydrobiol Stud, Evol Bioinform, Folia Microbiol, Diversity, Fottea, Biology, Plants, Genes, Virology, Comput Struct Biotechnol J, Entomol Res, Front Microbiol, Life, DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation), NSERC - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, NSF - National Science Foundation (USA), Springer SBM NL, ISBRA - International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, GIF - German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development

0607713 Bioinformatik für Fortgeschrittene (Bachelorstudium Biologie)
0607739 Spezielle Bioinformatik 1 - Evolutionsbiologie und Stammbäume (Bachelorstudium Biologie)
0607841 Spezielle Bioinformatik 2 (Bachelorstudium Biologie)
0607942 Spezielle Bioinformatik 3 (Bachelorstudium Biologie)
0629003 Einfache Computertools für die Biologie
0398555 Bioinformatik für Biomediziner  
0607704 Forschungsorientiertes Praktikum (Lehramt Gymnasium)
06075410 Biologische Forschungsmethoden - Phylogenetik (Lehramt Gymnasium)
06102410 Bioinformatik F1 (Masterstudium Biologie)

List of Publications (1997-2025)


Tan, SN, Kotaki, Y, Teng, ST, Lim, HC, Gao, C, Lundholm, N, Wolf, M, Gu, H, Lim, PT & Leaw, CP (2025). Intraspecific genetic diversity with unrestricted gene flow in the domoic acid-producing diatom Nitzschia navis-varingica (Bacillariophyceae) from the Western Pacific. Harmful Algae, 141, 102769

Kalaiventhan, Y, Seto, K & Wolf, M (2025). ITS2 rRNA gene sequence–structure phylogeny of the Chytridiomycota (Opisthokonta, Fungi). Biology, 14, 36


Berchtenbreiter, L, Mumcu, AE, Rackevei, AS, Cock, JM, Kawai, H & Wolf, M (2024). 18S and ITS2 rRNA gene sequence-structure phylogeny of the Phaeophyceae (SAR, Stramenopiles) with special reference to Laminariales. European Journal of Protistology, 95, 126107

Lima, MB, Borges, A, Wolf, M, Santos, HA, Dias, RJP & Rossi, MF (2024). First record of Trypanosoma (Ornithotrypanum) infecting Neotropical birds. Parasitology Research, 123, 156

Rapp, E & Wolf, M (2024). 18S rDNA sequence-structure phylogeny of the eukaryotes simultaneously inferred from sequences and their individual secondary structures. BMC Research Notes, 17, 124


Rackevei, AS, Karnkowska, A & Wolf, M (2023). 18S rDNA sequence-structure phylogeny of the Euglenophyceae (Euglenozoa, Euglenida). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 70, e12959

Weimer, M, Vďačný, P & Wolf, M (2023). Paramecium: RNA sequence-structure phylogenetics. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 73, 5744


Plieger, T & Wolf, M (2022). 18S and ITS2 rDNA sequence-structure phylogeny of Prototheca (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae). Biologia, 77, 569-582

Rackevei, AS, Borges, A, Engstler, M, Dandekar, T & Wolf, M (2022). About the analysis of 18S rDNA sequence data from trypanosomes in barcoding and phylogenetics: Tracing a continuation error occurring in the literature. Biology, 11, 1612


Borges, A, Engstler, M & Wolf, M (2021). 18S rRNA gene sequence-structure phylogeny of the Trypanosomatida (Kinetoplastea, Euglenozoa) with special reference to Trypanosoma. European Journal of Protistology, 81, 125824

Wolf, M (2021). How to teach about what is a species. Biology, 10, 523


Cai, R, Kayal, E, Alves-de-Souza, C, Bigeard, E, Corre, E, Jeanthon, C, Marie, D, Porcel, BM, Siano, R, Szymczak, J, Wolf, M & Guillou, L (2020). Cryptic species in the parasitic Amoebophrya species complex revealed by a polyphasic approach. Scientific Reports, 10, 2531

Czech, V & Wolf, M (2020). RNA consensus structures for inferring green algal phylogeny: A three-taxon analysis for Golenkinia/Jenufa, Sphaeropleales and Volvocales (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae). Fottea, 20, 68-74


Lim, HC, Tan, SN, Teng, ST, Lundholm, N, Orive, E, David, H, Quijano-Scheggia, S, Chee Yew Leong, S, Wolf, M, Bates, SS, Lim, PT & Leaw, CP (2018). Phylogeny and species delineation in the marine diatom Pseudo‐nitzchia (Bacillariophyta) using cox1, LSU and ITS2 rRNA genes: A perspective in character evolution. Journal of Phycology, 54, 234-248

Kryvenda, A, Rybalka, N, Wolf, M & Friedl, T (2018). Species distinctions among closely related strains of Eustigmatophyceae (Stramenopiles) emphasizing ITS2 sequence-structure data: Eustigmatos and Vischeria. European Journal of Phycology, 53, 471-491

Wolf, M & Buchheim, MA (2018). The internal transcribed spacer 2 of Jenufa (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae) is extraordinarily long: A hypothesis. Gene, 678, 100-104


Dai, X, Mak, YL, Lu, CK, Mei, HH, Wu, JJ, Lee, WH, Chan, LL, Lim, PT, Mustapa, NI, Lim, HC, Wolf, M, Li, D, Luo, Z, Gu, H, Leaw, CP & Lu, D (2017). Taxonomic assignment of the benthic toxigenic dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus sp. type 6 as Gambierdiscus balechii (Dinophyceae), including its distribution and ciguatoxicity. Harmful Algae, 67, 107-118

Buchheim, MA, Müller, T & Wolf, M (2017). 18S rDNA sequence-structure phylogeny of the Chlorophyceae with special emphasis on the Sphaeropleales. Plant Gene, 10, 45-50

Marin Rodrigues, MV, Müller, T, Buchheim, MA, Canbäck, B & Wolf, M (2017). THESES db: The Algae 18S rDNA Sequence-Structure Database for Inferring Phylogenies. Phycologia, 56, 186-192


Leaw, CP, Tan, TH, Lim, HC, Teng, ST, Yong, HL, Smith, KF, Rhodes, L, Wolf, M, Holland, CW, Vandersea, MW, Litaker, WR, Tester, PA, Gu, H, Usup, G & Lim PT (2016). New scenario for speciation in the benthic dinoflagellate genus Coolia (Dinophyceae). Harmful Algae, 55, 137-149

Lim, HC, Teng, ST, Lim, PT, Wolf, M & Leaw, CP (2016). 18S rDNA phylogeny of Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) inferred from sequence-structure information. Phycologia, 55, 134-146


Ankenbrand, MJ, Keller, A, Wolf, M, Schultz, J & Förster, F (2015). ITS2 database V: Twice as much. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 32, 3030-3032

Heeg, JS & Wolf, M (2015). ITS2 and 18S rDNA sequence-structure phylogeny of Chlorella and allies (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorellaceae). Plant Gene, 4, 20-28

Teng, ST, Lim, PT, Lim, HC, Rivera-Vilarelle, M, Quijano-Scheggia, S, Takata, Y, Quilliam, MA, Wolf, M, Bates, SS & Leaw, CP (2015). A non-toxigenic but morphologically and phylogenetically distinct new species of Pseudo-nitzschia, P. sabit sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology, 51, 706-725

Pegg, C, Wolf, M, Alanagreh, L, Portman, R & Buchheim, MA (2015). Morphological diversity masks phylogenetic similarity of Ettlia and Haematococcus (Chlorophyceae). Phycologia, 54, 385-397

Wolf, M (2015). ITS so much more. Trends in Genetics, 31, 175-176

Ankenbrand, MJ, Keller, A, Koetschan, C, Wolf, M, Schultz, J & Förster, F (2015). Extending the ITS2-workbench with DNA barcoding capabilities. Genome, 58, 187 (Abstract)


Koetschan, C, Kittelmann, S, Lu, J, Al-Halbouni, D, Jarvis, GN, Müller, T, Wolf, M & Janssen, PH (2014). Internal transcribed spacer 1 secondary structure analysis reveals a common core throughout the anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycota). PLoS One, 9, e91928

Wolf, M, Koetschan, C & Müller, T (2014). ITS2, 18S, 16S or any other RNA — simply aligning sequences and their individual secondary structures simultaneously by an automatic approach. Gene, 546, 145-149

Young, N, Dyková, I, Crosbie, P, Wolf, M, Morrison, R, Bridle, A & Nowak, BF (2014). Support for the coevolution of Neoparamoeba and their endosymbionts, Perkinsela amoebae-like organisms. European Journal of Protistology, 50, 509-523

Wolf, M (2014). Cilia and flagella. Ciliates and flagellates. Ultrastructure and cell biology, function and systematics, symbiosis and biodiversity. Phycologia, 53, 523


Wolf, M, Chen, S, Song, J, Ankenbrand, M & Müller, T (2013). Compensatory base changes in ITS2 secondary structures correlate with the biological species concept despite intragenomic variability in ITS2 sequences - a proof of concept. PLoS One, 8, e66726

Buchheim, MA, Sutherland, DM, Buchheim, JA & Wolf, M (2013). The blood alga: Phylogeny of Haematococcus (Chlorophyceae) inferred from ribosomal RNA gene sequence data. European Journal of Phycology, 48, 318-329

Rybalka, N, Wolf, M, Andersen, RA & Friedl, T (2013). Congruence of chloroplast-and nuclear-encoded DNA sequence variations used to assess species boundaries in the soil microalga Heterococcus (Stramenopiles, Xanthophyceae). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 13, 39

Assuncao, P, Jaen-Molina, R, Caujape-Castells, J, Wolf, M, Buchheim, MA, de la Jara, A, Freijanes, K, Carmona, L & Mendoza, H (2013). Phylogenetic analysis of ITS2 sequences suggests the taxonomic re-structuring of Dunaliella viridis (Chlorophyceae, Dunaliellales). Phycological Research, 61, 81-88


Koetschan, C, Hackl, T, Müller, T, Wolf, M, Förster, F & Schultz, J (2012). ITS2 database IV: Interactive taxon sampling for internal transcribed spacer 2 based phylogenies. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 63, 585-588

Merget, B, Koetschan, C, Hackl, T, Förster, F, Dandekar, T, Müller, T, Schultz, J & Wolf, M (2012). The ITS2 Database. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), 61, 3806

Buchheim, MA, Sutherland, DM, Schleicher, T, Förster, F & Wolf, M (2012). Phylogeny of Oedogoniales, Chaetophorales and Chaetopeltidales (Chlorophyceae): inferences from sequence-structure analysis of ITS2. Annals of Botany, 109, 109-116

Markert, SM, Müller, T, Koetschan, C, Friedl, T & Wolf, M (2012). ‘Y’Scenedesmus (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae): the internal transcribed spacer 2 rRNA secondary structure re‐revisited. Plant Biology, 14, 987-996


Buchheim, MA, Keller, A, Koetschan, C, Förster, F, Merget, B & Wolf, M (2011). Internal transcribed spacer 2 (nu ITS2 rRNA) sequence-structure phylogenetics: towards an automated reconstruction of the green algal tree of life. PloS One, 6, e16931

Krienitz, L, Bock, C, Nozaki, H & Wolf, M (2011). SSU rRNA gene phylogeny of morphospecies affiliated to the bioessay alga “Selenastrum capricornutum” recovered the polyphyletic origin of crescent-shaped Chlorophyta. Journal of Phycology, 47, 880-893

Wolf, M (2011). The ITS2 database: sequence-structure phylogenetics and distinguishing species. European Journal of Phycology, 46, 29-30 (Abstract)


Koetschan, C, Förster, F, Keller, A, Schleicher, T, Ruderisch, B, Schwarz, R, Müller, T, Wolf, M & Schultz, J (2010). The ITS2 Database III—sequences and structures for phylogeny. Nucleic Acids Research, 38, D275-D, 279

Keller, A, Förster, F, Müller, T, Dandekar, T, Schultz, J & Wolf, M (2010). Including RNA secondary structures improves accuracy and robustness in reconstruction of phylogenetic trees. Biology Direct, 5, 1-12

Hegewald, E, Wolf, M, Keller, A, Friedl, T & Krienitz, L (2010). ITS2 sequence-structure phylogeny in the Scenedesmaceae with special reference to Coelastrum (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae), including the new genera Comasiella and Pectinodesmus. Phycologia, 49, 325-335

Ruhl, MW, Wolf, M & Jenkins, TM (2010). Compensatory base changes illuminate morphologically difficult taxonomy. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 54, 664-669

Schill, RO, Förster, F, Dandekar, T & Wolf, M (2010). Using compensatory base change analysis of internal transcribed spacer 2 secondary structures to identify three new species in Paramacrobiotus (Tardigrada). Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 10, 287-296

Sorhannus, U, Ortiz, JD, Wolf, M & Fox, MG (2010). Microevolution and Speciation in Thalassiosira weissflogii (Bacillariophyta). Protist, 161, 237-249

Merget, B & Wolf, M (2010). A molecular phylogeny of Hypnales (Bryophyta) inferred from ITS2 sequence-structure data. BMC Research Notes, 3, 320

Schwarz, RF, Fletcher, W, Förster, F, Merget, B, Wolf, M, Schultz, J & Markowetz, F (2010). Evolutionary Distances in the Twilight Zone—A Rational Kernel Approach. PloS One, 5, e15788

Keller, A, Wolf, M & Dandekar, T (2010). Ribosomal RNA phylogenetics: the third dimension. Biologia, 65, 388-391

Förster, F & Wolf, M (2010). ITS2-Update - Die ITS2 Datenbank als Werkzeug. GfBS News, 24, 26-27


Keller, A, Schleicher, T, Schultz, J, Müller, T, Dandekar, T & Wolf, M (2009). 5.8S-28S rRNA interaction and HMM-based ITS2 annotation. Gene, 430, 50-57

Schultz, J & Wolf, M (2009). ITS2 sequence–structure analysis in phylogenetics: a how-to manual for molecular systematics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 52, 520-523

Guidetti, R, Schill, RO, Bertolani, R, Dandekar, T & Wolf, M (2009). New molecular data for tardigrade phylogeny, with the erection of Paramacrobiotus gen. nov. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 47, 315-321

Wiemers, M, Keller, A & Wolf, M (2009). ITS2 secondary structure improves phylogeny estimation in a radiation of blue butterflies of the subgenus Agrodiaetus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Polyommatus). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9, 1-27

Ahvenniemi, P, Wolf, M, Lehtonen, MJ, Wilson, P, German-Kinnari, M & Valkonen, JPT (2009). Evolutionary diversification indicated by compensatory base changes in ITS2 secondary structures in a complex fungal species, Rhizoctonia solani. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 69, 150-163

Engelmann, JC, Rahmann, S, Wolf, M, Schultz, J, Fritzilas, E, Kneitz, S, Dandekar, T & Müller, T (2009). Modelling cross‐hybridization on phylogenetic DNA microarrays increases the detection power of closely related species. Molecular Ecology Resources, 9, 83-93

Schwarz, R, Wolf, M & Müller, T (2009). A probabilistic model of cell size reduction in Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima (Bacillariophyta). Journal of Theoretical Biology, 258, 316-322

Wolf, M & Schultz, J (2009). ITS better than its reputation. Science (E-letter) [electronic response to Chase, MW & Fay, MF (2009) Barcoding of Plants and Fungi. Science, 325, 682-683]

Bartsch, G (2009). Die Evolution als Rechenaufgabe [interview with Matthias Wolf]. BLICK, 01, 32-33


Seibel, PN, Müller, T, Dandekar, T & Wolf, M (2008). Synchronous visual analysis and editing of RNA sequence and secondary structure alignments using 4SALE. BMC Research Notes, 1, 91

Selig, C, Wolf, M, Müller, T, Dandekar, T & Schultz, J (2008). The ITS2 Database II: homology modelling RNA structure for molecular systematics. Nucleic Acids Research, 36, D377-D380

Wolf, M, Ruderisch, B, Dandekar, T, Schultz, J & Müller, T (2008). ProfDistS:(profile-) distance based phylogeny on sequence—structure alignments. Bioinformatics, 24, 2401-2402

Keller, A, Schleicher, T, Förster, F, Ruderisch, B, Dandekar, T, Müller, T & Wolf, M (2008). ITS2 data corroborate a monophyletic chlorophycean DO-group (Sphaeropleales). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8, 1-12


Müller, T, Philippi, N, Dandekar, T, Schultz, J & Wolf, M (2007). Distinguishing species. RNA, 13, 1469-1472

Wolf, M, Selig, C, Müller, T, Philippi, N, Dandekar, T & Schultz, J (2007). Placozoa: at least two. Biologia, 62, 641-645

Gerlach, D, Wolf, M, Dandekar, T, Müller, T, Pokorny, A & Rahmann, S (2007). Deep metazoan phylogeny. In Silico Biology, 7, 151-154


Seibel, P, Müller, T, Dandekar, T, Schultz, J & Wolf, M (2006). 4SALE–a tool for synchronous RNA sequence and secondary structure alignment and editing. BMC Bioinformatics, 7, 498

Schultz, J, Müller, T, Achtziger, M, Seibel, PN, Dandekar, T & Wolf, M (2006). The internal transcribed spacer 2 database—a web server for (not only) low level phylogenetic analyses. Nucleic Acids Research, 34, W704-W707

Rahmann, S, Muller, T, Dandekar, T & Wolf, M (2006). Efficient and robust analysis of large phylogenetic datasets. In: Advanced Data Mining Technologies in Bioinformatics, 104-117

Wolf, M, Seibel, PN, Dandekar, T & Lynn, DH (2006). A java applet for exploring the new higher level classification of eukaryotes with emphasis on the taxonomy of protists. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 53, 315


Schultz, J, Maisel, S, Gerlach, D, Müller, T & Wolf, M (2005). A common core of secondary structure of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) throughout the Eukaryota. RNA, 11, 361-364

Wolf, M, Achtziger, M, Schultz, J, Dandekar, T & Müller, T (2005). Homology modeling revealed more than 20,000 rRNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) secondary structures. RNA, 11, 1616-1623

Buchheim, M, Buchheim, J, Carlson, T, Braband, A, Hepperle, D, Krienitz, L, Wolf, M & Hegewald, E (2005). Phylogeny of the Hydrodictyaceae (Chlorophyceae): inferences from rDNA data. Journal of Phycology, 41, 1039-1054

Wolf, M, Friedrich, J, Dandekar, T & Muller, T (2005). CBCAnalyzer: inferring phylogenies based on compensatory base changes in RNA secondary structures. In Silico Biology, 5, 291-294

Friedrich, J, Dandekar, T, Wolf, M & Müller, T (2005). ProfDist: a tool for the construction of large phylogenetic trees based on profile distances. Bioinformatics, 21, 2108-2109

Schmitt, S, Hentschel, U, Zea, S, Dandekar, T, & Wolf, M (2005) Erratum: ITS-2 and 18S rRNA gene phylogeny of Aplysinidae (Verongida, Demospongiae) (Journal of Molecular Evolution (2005) 60 (327-336)). Journal of Molecular Evolution, 61, 148-150

Schmitt, S, Hentschel, U, Zea, S, Dandekar, T & Wolf, M (2005). ITS-2 and 18S rRNA gene phylogeny of Aplysinidae (Verongida, Demospongiae). Journal of Molecular Evolution, 60, 327-336


Krienitz, L, Hegewald, EH, Hepperle, D, Huss, VAR, Rohr, T & Wolf, M (2004). Phylogenetic relationship of Chlorella and Parachlorella gen. nov. (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae). Phycologia, 43, 529-542

Wolf, M, Müller, T, Dandekar, T & Pollack, JD (2004). Phylogeny of Firmicutes with special reference to Mycoplasma (Mollicutes) as inferred from phosphoglycerate kinase amino acid sequence data. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 54, 871-875

Müller, T, Rahmann, S, Dandekar, T & Wolf, M (2004). Accurate and robust phylogeny estimation based on profile distances: a study of the Chlorophyceae (Chlorophyta). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 4, 20

Wolf, M (2004). The secondary structure of the ITS2 transcript in Cyclotella and Stephanodiscus (Thalassiosiraceae, Bacillariophyta). Diatom Research, 19, 135-142

Wolf, M (2004). Sphaeropleales. Lexikon der Biologie, Spektrum der Wissenschaft Verlagsgesellschaft, Heidelberg


Krienitz, L, Hegewald, E, Hepperle, D & Wolf, M (2003). The systematics of coccoid green algae: 18S rRNA gene sequence data versus morphology. Biologia, 58, 437-446

Hegewald, E & Wolf, M (2003). Phylogenetic relationships of Scenedesmus and Acutodesmus (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae) as inferred from 18S rDNA and ITS-2 sequence comparisons. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 241, 185-191

Arndt, H, Hausmann, K & Wolf, M (2003). Deep-sea heterotrophic nanoflagellates of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: qualitative and quantitative aspects of their pelagic and benthic occurrence. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 256, 45-56

Wolf, M, Hepperle, D & Krienitz, L (2003). On the phylogeny of Radiococcus, Planktosphaeria and Schizochlamydella (Radiococcaceae, Chlorophyta). Biologia, 58, 759-766

Wolf, M, Hegewald, E, Hepperle, D & Krienitz, L (2003). Phylogenetic position of the Golenkiniaceae (Chlorophyta) as inferred from 18S rDNA sequence data. Biologia, 58, 433-436

Müller, T, Rahmann, S, Dandekar, T & Wolf, M (2003). Robust estimation of the phylogeny of Chlorophyceae (Chlorophyta) based on profile distances. German Conference on Bioinformatics, 97-101 (Conference Paper)


Chan, OC, Wolf, M, Hepperle, D & Casper, P (2002). Methanogenic archaeal community in the sediment of an artificially partitioned acidic bog lake. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 42, 119-129

Wolf, M, Buchheim, M, Hegewald, E, Krienitz, L & Hepperle, D (2002). Phylogenetic position of the Sphaeropleaceae (Chlorophyta). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 230, 161-171

Wolf, M, Krienitz, L & Hepperle, D (2002). Phylogenetic position of Actinastrum hantzschii Lagerheim 1882 (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae). Algological Studies, 142, 59-67

Hausmann, K, Weitere, M, Wolf, M & Arndt, H (2002). Meteora sporadica gen. nov. et sp. nov. (Protista incertae sedis) - an extraordinary free-living protist from the Mediterranean deep sea. European Journal of Protistology, 38, 171-177

Wolf, M, Scheffler, W & Nicklisch, A (2002). Stephanodiscus neoastraea and Stephanodiscus heterostylus (Bacillariophyta) are one and the same species. Diatom Research, 17, 445-451

Krienitz, L, Wolf, M, Hegewald, E & Hepperle, D (2002). Systematics of Coccoid Green Algae: Morphology vs. 18S rRNA Gene Phylogeny. Journal of Phycology, 38, 19-20 (Abstract)

Wolf, M (2002). Metakaryoten. Lexikon der Biologie, Spektrum der Wissenschaft Verlagsgesellschaft, Heidelberg


Gottschling, M, Hilger, HH, Wolf, M & Diane, N (2001). Secondary structure of the ITS1 transcript and its application in a reconstruction of the phylogeny of Boraginales. Plant biology, 3, 629-636

Hegewald, E, Hepperle, D, Wolf, M & Krienitz, L (2001). Phylogenetic placement of Chlorotetraedron incus, C. polymorphum and Polyedriopsis spinulosa (Neochloridaceae, Chlorophyta). Phycologia, 40, 399-402

Wolf, M & Hausmann, K (2001). Protozoology from the perspective of science theory: history and concept of a biological discipline. Linzer Biologische Beiträge (Linzer Biological Contributions), 33, 461-488

Krienitz, L, Friedl, T, Hegewald, E, Hepperle, D, Huss, V, Ustinova, I & Wolf, M (2001). Concept of families and genera in the coccoid green algae: morphology versus 18S rRNA gene sequences. Phycologia, 40, 37 (Abstract)

Wolf, M (2001). Book review: Philosophische Grundlagen der Biologie. Mikrokosmos, 90, 114


Wolf, M (2000). Protozoologie im Blickwinkel der Wissenschaftstheorie - Geschichte und Konzept einer biologischen Disziplin. Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie, 7, 93-166

Wolf, M (2000). Book review: Das Genom Puzzle - Forscher auf der Spur der Erbanlagen. Mikrokosmos, 89, 56-57

Wolf, M (2000). Book review: Kaffee, Käse, Karies... Biochemie im Alltag/Auweia Chemie! Mikrokosmos, 89, 57

Wolf, M (2000). Book review: Verborgene Welten - Verhalten und Ökologie von Mikroorganismen. Mikrokosmos, 89, 27


Hausmann, K, Arndt, H & Wolf, M (1999). Protozoology. In: METEOR-Berichte, 99-2, 117-119

Wolf, M (1999). Book review: Wörterbuch der Biologie englisch-deutsch, deutsch englisch. Mikrokosmos, 88, 246

Wolf, M (1999). Book review: Das Schimmern des Ponyfisches - Plan und Zweck in der Natur. Mikrokosmos, 88, 254

Wolf, M (1999). Book review: Systematik Poster: Botanik. Mikrokosmos, 88, 72

Hausmann, K & Wolf, M (1999). Am Anfang war das Tier-Zum aktuellen Verständnis der Plastidenphylogenese. Mikrokosmos, 88, 149-156

Wolf, M (1999). Botanik und Zoologie zwischen Karneval und Aschermittwoch. Mikrokosmos, 88, 215

Hausmann, K & Wolf, M (1999). Biologische Taxonomie, Klassifikation, Systematik und Phylogenese im Widerstreit? Was ist los in der Szene? Mikrokosmos, 88, 73-84


Wolf, M (1997). Book review: Foundations of Biophilosophy. Mikrokosmos, 86, 378-379

Invited Talks (selected)

  • Universitätsbund Würzburg (Germany): Wir sind alle miteinander verwandt – Wie rekonstruiert man den tree of life? Wintervortragsreihe, Marktbreit, Nov 2024
  • Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg (Germany): The ITS2 database: sequence-structure phylogenetics and distinguishing species. Biocenter Retreat, Nov 2019
  • 5th European Phycological Congress (Greece): The ITS2 database: sequence-structure phylogenetics and distinguishing species. Rhodes, Sep 2011
  • University Bonn (Germany): The ITS2 database: distinguishing species and profile-distance based phylogeny on sequence-structure alignments. Invitation as an applicant for a professorship in Molecular Biodiversity Research, Bonn, Nov 2008
  • University of Saskatchewan (Canada): Phylogeny based on profile distances and the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) database. Invitation as an applicant (listed 2nd) for a professorship in Evolutionary Biology, Saskatoon, Dec 2007
  • Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg (Germany): Phylogeny based on profile distances. Invitation as an applicant for a professorship in Molecular Systematics, Oldenburg, Jul 2006
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany): Phylogeny based on profile distances and the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) database. Bioinformatics Colloquium, Jena, May 2006
  • Research Centre Juelich (Germany): Systematics of coccoid green algae. IBG Colloquium, Jülich, Nov 2002
  • Free University of Berlin (Germany): Protozoology from the perspective of science theory. Zoological Colloquium, Berlin, Oct 1999