Dr. Laura Duque
Dr. Laura Duque
Biocenter, University of Würzburg
Am Hubland

- Atmospheric pollution
- Plant-insect interactions
- Pollination
- Herbivory
- Plant volatiles
- Pollinator attraction
- Plant fitness
The impact of ozone pollution on the ecosystem services provided by hoverflies (2024-2027)
Plant-mediated effects of herbivores and atmospheric pollutants on plant-pollinator interactions (2016-2022)
Education and training
April 2016/June 2022- PhD in Biology, Department Of Animal Ecology And Tropical Biology (Zoology III), Faculty of Biology, University of Würzburg
October 2008/February 2010 - Master in Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
September 2004/November 2008 - Bachelor in Engineering Sciences - Agricultural Engineering option, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto
January 2000/January 2003 - Training in Fashion Design, CITEX (Professional Training Centre of the Textile Industry), Portugal
November 1998/December 1999 - Training in Knit Production Techniques, CITEX.
October 1997/July 1998 - Student of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto
Work Experience
Since October 2024 - Principal investigator in the Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, University of Würzburg
July 2022/October 2023 - Postdoc researcher in the Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, University of Würzburg
June 2020/November 2020 - Doctoral researcher in the Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, University of Würzburg, studying the “Effects of ozone on plants and plant-insect interactions”
April 2016/May 2020 - PhD fellow in the Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, University of Würzburg
September 2014/June 2015 - Research fellow in the Atmospheric Processes and Modelling team of the Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies, University of Aveiro, working on the project “MAPLIA – Moving from Air Pollution to Local Integrated Assessment”
May 2014/July 2014 - Research assistant in the Palinology team of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, collaborating in the performance of harvest predictions
October 2010/August 2013 - Research fellow in the Geology Centre, Environment and Society Group, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, working on the project “Effects of atmospheric non-biological pollutants on pollen grains”.
July 2009/November 2009 - Research assistant in the Pollination and Bee Ecology team, UMR406 Bees and Environment, INRA, Avignon, France
January 2003/January 2004 - Fashion Designer at IMPETUS Portugal – Têxteis, S.A.
September 2002/January 2003 - Internship at IMPETUS
- Duque L. and Steffan-Dewenter I. 2024 , Air pollution: a threat to insect pollination . Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 22:9.
- Otieno M, Karpati Z, Peters MK, Duque L , Schmitt T and Steffan-Dewenter I. 2023 , Elevated ozone and carbon dioxide affects the composition of volatile organic compounds emitted by Vicia faba (l.) and visitation by European orchard bee ( Osmia cornuta) . PloS one, 18, e0283480
- Otieno M, Peters MK, Duque L , Steffan-Dewenter I. 2022 , Interactive effects of ozone and carbon dioxide on plant-pollinator interactions and yields in a legume crop . Environmental Advances, 9, 100285.
- Duque L , Poelman EH, Steffan-Dewenter I. 2021 , Plant age at the time of ozone exposure affects flowering patterns, biotic interactions and reproduction of wild mustard. Scientific Reports, 11, 23448
- Duque L , Poelman EH, Steffan-Dewenter I. 2021 , Effects of ozone stress on flowering phenology, plant-pollinator interactions and plant reproductive success. Environmental Pollution, 272, 115953
- Duque L , Poelman EH, Steffan-Dewenter I. 2019 , Plant-mediated effects of ozone on herbivores depend on exposure duration and temperature , Scientific Reports, 9 (1), 19891
- Miranda AI, Ferreira J, Silveira C, Relvas H, Duque L , Roebeling P, Lopes M, Costa S, Monteiro A, Gama C, Sá E, Borrego C, Teixeira JP. 2016 , A cost-efficiency and health benefit approach to improve urban air quality, Science of The Total Environment , 569-570, 342-351
- Duque L , Relvas H, Silveira C, Ferreira J, Monteiro A, Gama C, Rafael S, Freitas S, Borrego C, Miranda AI. 2016 , Evaluating strategies to reduce urban air pollution , Atmospheric Environment, 127, 196-204
- Relvas H, Miranda AI, Turrini E, Lopes D, Silveira C, Ferreira J, Lopes M, Sá E, Duque L , Borrego C, Volta M. 2016 , Air quality modeling to support decision-making: scenario and optimization approaches . Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIV, 161-165
- Ribeiro H, Guimarães F, Duque L , Noronha F, Abreu I. 2015 , Characterization of particulate matter on airborne pollen grains , Environmental Pollution, 206, 7-16
- Ribeiro H, Duque L , Sousa R, Cruz A, Gomes CR, Esteves da Silva JCG, Abreu I. 2014 , Changes in the IgE-reacting protein profiles of Acer negundo, Platanus x acerifolia and Quercus robur pollen in response to ozone treatment . International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 24 (6), 515-527
- Sousa R, Ribeiro H, Cruz A, Duque L , Abreu I. 2014 , Parietaria judaica pollen: Aerobiology and allergenicity , Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia, 22 (2), 81-92
- Sousa R, Osorio H, Duque L , Ribeiro H, Cruz A, Abreu I. 2014 , Identification of Plantago lanceolata pollen allergens using an immunoproteomic approach , Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology, 24 (3), 177-183
- Duque L , Ribeiro H, Gomes CR, Esteves da Silva JCG, Abreu I. 2013 , Germination rate of three anemophilous pollen types after in vitro exposure to gaseous atmospheric pollutants , 1st Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology – Proceedings Book
- Duque L , Guimarães F, Ribeiro H, Sousa R, Abreu I. 2013 , Elemental characterization of the airborne pollen surface using Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) , Atmospheric Environment, 75, 296-302
- Ribeiro H, Duque L , Sousa R, Abreu I. 2013 , Ozone effects on soluble protein of Acer negundo, Quercus robur and Platanus spp. pollen , Aerobiologia, 29, 443-447
- Duque L , Guimarães F, Ribeiro H, Sousa R, Abreu I. 2012 , Airborne Platanus pollen analysis by EPMA , Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18 (Suppl 5), 39-40
- Sousa R, Duque L , Ribeiro H, Abreu I, Duarte A, Gomes C, Cruz A, Esteves da Silva J. 2012 , Effects of two atmospheric pollutants (SO 2 and NO 2 ) on protein content and allergenic properties of Acer negundo L. pollen . Allergy, 67 (Supl. 96), 574-575
- Guimarães F, Duque L , Ribeiro H, Sousa R, Abreu I. 2012 , Contribution of EPMA to airborne pollen analysis , IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 32 (1)
- Sousa R, Duque L , Duarte AJ, Gomes CR, Ribeiro H, Cruz A, Esteves da Silva JCG, Abreu I. 2012 , In vitro exposure of Acer negundo pollen to atmospheric levels of SO 2 and NO 2 : effects on allergenicity and germination , Environmental Science and Technology, 46 (4), 2406-2412
- Duque L , Dinâmicas de colheita de pólen e actividade polinizadora de Apis mellifera em Cucumis melo (Pollen-foraging dynamics and pollinating activity of Apis mellifera in Cucumis melo) , Master's dissertation. February 2010 , Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal