Tsinoglou, Makrina
Makrina Tsinoglou
Am Hubland
My main research interest focuses on behavioral ecology of nocturnal pollinators and on the effect of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the behavior of moths. Light pollution is a recent and dynamic threat to insect biodiversity and abundance as nocturnal pollinators are using the natural celestial cues of the night sky for their orientation. The goal of my project is to understand the effect of natural and artificial light at night on the flight behavior of moths (Sphinx ligustri and Deilephila elpenor) using field and laboratory experiments. A major focus is dedicated to unveiling the interplay between streetlight height and intensity on attraction of moths and the impact of streetlights in pristine landscapes, which is highly important for applying insect conservation strategies.
Locomotion and postures of the Vietnamese pygmy dormouse Typhlomys chapensis (Platacanthomyidae, Rodentia): climbing and leaping in the blind.. . In Mammalian Biology, 100, pp. 485–496. 2020.
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