Christian Zehner

Christian Zehner

Research Associate
Department of Global Change Ecology
Klara-Oppenheimer-weg 32
Hubland Nord
97074 Würzburg
Building: 32

Follow Me: LinkedIn, BlueSky


Since 04/2025                  

Faculty of Biology 
Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg 
Topic: “Insects in Transition: How Land Use, Climate, and Protected Area Frameworks Shape the Trends of Insect Changes”



M.Sc. Ecological Engineering   
Technical University of Munich 
Thesis: Evaluation of Protected Areas: Representativeness and Conservation Effects on Long-Term Insect Species Richness


08/2019 – 12/2020 

Erasmus+ Ecology and Conservation 
Høgskolen i Innlandet (Norway) 



B.Eng. Engineering in Forestry 
Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, Freising 
Thesis: Spatio-Temporal Behavior of Roe Deer in Areas with Chamois and Red Deer During Summer and Autumn in the Bavarian Alps


Since 02/2025                 

Research Associate
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Chair for Global Change Ecology  


11/2022 – 01/2025 

GIS & Forestry Specialist 
OCELL GmbH, München 


03/2018 – 10/2022 

Student Assistant  
Bavarian State Institute of Forestry 
Camera trap monitoring and telemetry of roe deer, chamois, and red deer (fieldwork and data analysis) 


2017 - 2022 

Various short-term positions as a student assistant at the Technical University of Munich (e.g., insect monitoring, literature research)   


PhD Scholarship of Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) 
Insekten im Wandel: Wie Landnutzung, Klima und Schutzgebietskulisse die Dynamik von Insektentrends prägen - DBU 



Prize of the Mayor of the City of Freising for Best Master Thesis 2022/2023   


Zehner C., Biber M., Engelhardt E.K., Novella-Fernandez R., Hof C., (2023) Evaluation of protected areas - representativeness and conservation effects on long-term insect  species richness, GfÖ Jahrestagung, Leipzig. Vortrag 

Zehner C., Biber M., Engelhardt E.K., Novella-Fernandez R., Hof C., (2023) Biodiversity in protected areas: priorities for regional biodiversity conservation, Macroecology and  Biogeography Meeting, Bayreuth. Vortrag 

 Zehner C., Biber M., Engelhardt E.K., Novella-Fernandez R., Hof C., (2022) Biodiversity in protected areas: priorities for regional biodiversity conservation, SFE2, GfÖ, EEF International Conference on Ecological Sciences, Metz (Frankreich). Poster