UPSCALE aims to take key steps to realize the transformative potential of push-pull technology, to address food security, livelihoods and climate change resilience in the sub-Saharan region of East Africa, while reducing the environmental impact of agricultural practices. For this, it fosters the design, adaptation and adoption of strategies for integrated agro-ecological management based on push-pull technology for wide-spread and climate-resilient sustainable intensification.
David Meinhof
David Meinhof
Biocenter, University of Würzburg
Am Hubland

- Renaturation ecology
- Biological Pestcontrol
- Environmental and bodiversity protection
- Climate-resilient sustainable intensification
- Agro-ecological management
The UPSCALE Project
since 05/2021 PhD Student and research fellow at the University of Würzburg
Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology
10/2017 – 10/2020 Environmental science studies, M.Sc. Justus-Liebig-University Gießen
Focus: Sustainability research, renaturation ecology, nature conservation Thesis: “Relationships Between Landscape Structure, Habitat Quality, and Wildlife in a Palm Oil Plantation near Mapiripán (Meta, Colombia)”
01/2019 – 06/2019 Erasmus semester at Polytechnic University of Valencia
Degree program: Agricultural and Environmental Management
04/2017 – 10/2017 Animal science studies, (master program)
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn
Focus: Renewable resources and bioenergy, Production Systems in the Tropics
10/2012 – 02/2017 Agricultural science studies, B.Sc.
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn
Focus: Animal Sciences Thesis: "Perspectives of soybean cultivation in Germany"