Katharina Kallnik
- host-parasite ecolgy
- climate change biology
- phenology of plants and insects
- plant-pollinator interactions
- conservation biology
- 04/2018 – 04/2021
Research project (TA): ADaptation of Alpine Pollinators in Times of Global Change (ADAPT)/bayklif, University of Würzburg
- 04/2011 – 09/2016
Research project (PhD): Climate-mediated plant-bumblebee-antagonist interactions in cooperation with Berchtesgaden National Park, University of Würzburg
- 08/2011
Field assistance at the Ucka Nature Park, Croatia : Biomonitoring of ponds
- 07/2009 - 08/2010
Field assistance at the Swiss National Park
Resurvey of the GLORIA (Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine environments) target regions
- 04/2009 - 03/2011
Studies in biodiversity and ecology (Master of Science), University of Bayreuth
Master’ s thesis at the Department of Animal Ecology I in cooperation with Berchtesgaden National Park. Title: “Diversity and host-parasite interactions of bumblebees (Bombus spp.) along an elevational gradient”
- 10/2006 - 03/2009
Studies in biology (Bachelor of Science), University of Bayreuth Bachelor ’s thesis at the Department of Plant Ecology. Title: “Flora and Vegetation of the Roter Main riverside in the municipal area of Bayreuth with special focus on non-native plants”
Lanuza JB, Knight TM, Montes‐Perez N, Glenny W, Acuña P, Albrecht M, Artamendi M, Badenhausser I, Bennett JM, Biella P, Bommarco R, Cappellari A, Castro S, Clough Y, Colom P, Costa J, Cyrille N, de Manincor N, Dominguez‐Lapido P, Dominik C, Dupont YL, Feldmann R, Felten E, Ferrero V, Fiordaliso W, Fisogni A, Fitzpatrick Úna, Galloni M, Gaspar H, Gazzea E, Goia I, Gómez‐Martínez C, González‐Estévez MA, González‐Varo JP, Grass I, Hadrava J, Hautekèete N, Hederström V, Heleno R, Hervias‐Parejo S, Heuschele JM, Hoiss B, Holzschuh A, Hopfenmüller S, Iriondo JM, Jauker B, Jauker F, Jersáková J, Kallnik K, Karise R, Kleijn D, Klotz S, Krausl T, Kühn E, Lara‐Romero C, Larkin M, Laurent E, Lázaro A, Librán‐Embid F, Liu Y, Lopes S, López‐Núñez F, Loureiro J, Magrach A, Mänd M, Marini L, Mas RB, Massol F, Maurer C, Michez D, Molina FP, Morente‐López J, Mullen S, Nakas G, Neuenkamp L, Nowak A, O’Connor CJ, O’Rourke A, Öckinger E, Olesen JM, Opedal Øystein H, Petanidou T, Piquot Y, Potts SG, Power EF, Proesmans W, Rakosy D, Reverté S, Roberts SPM, Rundlöf M, Russo L, Schatz B, Scheper J, Schweiger O, Serra PE, Siopa C, Smith HG, Stanley D, Ştefan V, et al. (2025) A European Database of Plant‐Pollinator Networks. Global Ecology and Biogeography 34: e70000.
Maihoff F, Sahler S, Schoger S, Brenzinger K, Kallnik K, Sauer N, Bofinger L, Schmitt T, Nooten SS, Classen A (2023) Cuticular hydrocarbons of alpine bumble bees (Hymenoptera: Bombus) are species-specific, but show little evidence of elevation-related climate adaptation. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1082559.
Sponsler D, Kallnik K, Requier F, Classen A, Maihoff AF, Sieger J, Steffan-Dewenter I (2022) Floral preferences of mountain bumble bees are constrained by functional traits but flexible through elevation and season. Oikos: e08902.
Sponsler DB, Requier F, Kallnik K, Classen A, Maihoff F, Sieger J, Steffan-Dewenter I (2022) Contrasting patterns of richness, abundance, and turnover in mountain bumble bees and their floral hosts. Ecology: e3712.
Requier F, Jowanowitsch KK, Kallnik K, Steffan‐Dewenter I (2020) Limitation of complementary resources affects colony growth, foraging behavior, and reproduction in bumble bees. Ecology 101: e02946.
Requier F, Jowanowitsch KK, Kallnik K, Steffan‐Dewenter I (2020) Assessing Resource Limitation in Bumblebee Ecology. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101: e01675.