SCALES Securing the conservation of biodiversity across administrative level and spatial, temporal, and ecological scales
Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Jochen Krauss, Gudrun Schneider
Funding: EU (FP 7)
Duration: May 2009 – April 2014
The SCALES project focuses on the effects of spatial and temporal scales on biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services. Our studies include effects of semi-natural habitats on arable land and vice versa (spillover effects). Another focus is on effects of temporal changes in the agricultural landscape on biocontrol.
Species groups: carabids, araneae, oilseed rape pests and predators
Habitats: calcareous grasslands, cereal fields, pine forest and oilseed rape fields
Study region: Region Würzburg
Methods: pitfall traps, sampling, GIS
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