Koeniger, Gudrun
Dr. Gudrun Koeniger
Freie Mitarbeiterin
Zoologie II / AG Scheiner
Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
Am Hubland
AG Scheiner

Honey bee reproduction in Apis. Special emphasis on Asian honey bees, Apis cerana, Apis koschevnikovi (rediscovery 1988), Apis nuluensis (description 1996), Apis dorsata, Apis florea, Apis andreniformis. Research on biology of parasitic honeybee mites (Varroa destructor, Varroa jacobsoni, Tropilaelaps clareae, Tropilaelaps koenigerum) Together with Prof. Dr. N. Koeniger development of a device to control horizontal transfer of Varroa destructor in cooperation with Bayer Animal Health, Leverkusen
Protein and Peptide Composition of Male Accessory Glands of Apis mellifera Drones Investigated by Mass Spectrometry.. . In PLOS ONE, 10(5), pp. 1–19. Public Library of Science, 2015.
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Reproductive isolation among species of the genus Apis. . In Apidologie, 31(2), pp. 313–339. 2000.
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Cornual gland of the honeybee drone (Apis mellifera L): structure and secretion.. . In Apidologie, 27(3), pp. 145–158. 1996.
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Comparative anatomy of male genital organs in the genus Apis. . In Apidologie, 22(5), pp. 539–552. 1991.
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The role of the mating sign in honey bees, Apis mellifera L.: does it hinder or promote multiple mating?.. . In Animal Behaviour, 39(3), pp. 444–449. 1990.
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Assortative mating in a mixed population of European Honeybees, Apis mellifera ligustica and Apis mellifera carnica.. . In Insectes Sociaux, 36(2), pp. 129–138. 1989.
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