Bernardos paper published!
February 3rd, 2025
Expansion microscopy, BioID, TrypTag and Alphafold joined forces to produce this new map of the trypansosome nuclear pore complex, which is an update to the fantastic work that Sam Obado published in 2016.
GSLS student symposium
October 11th, 2024
Bernardo wins the 1st prize of the Speaker Award for presenting his brand-new story on the trypanosome nuclear pore complex. Well done and many congratulations!
News from the basket
Dr. Jaime Lisack with her PhD examiners
September 27th, 2023
The brand new Dr. Jamie Lisack with her PhD advisory commitee consisting of Markus Engstler and Alvaro Acosta-Serrano from the University of Notre Dame, USA and Philip Kollmannsberger from the HHU Düsseldorf.
Hanna's paper on SUN4 is now published in JCS

24th February 2023
"SUN4 is a spermatid type II inner nuclear membrane protein that forms heteromeric assemblies with SUN3 and interacts with lamin B3"
Memento Research Prize 2022

20th October 2022
Markus Engstler receives the Memento Research Prize in Berlin

October 6th, 2022
Fabian Link won the prize for the best talk. Congratulations!
спасибо GORBI

30th August 2022
... the Kramer lab would not exist without you.
Marius made it!

July 20th, 2022
Congratulations on successfully completing the biology laboratory assistant training!
Dr. Smita Sutrave
Our TrypClub speaker on Thursday 9th June will be Dr. Smita Sutrave from the Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung.
"The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment: at a glance"
Prof. Daniel Chourrout

May 18, 2022 -- A103, 03:30 p.m.
Prof. Daniel Chourrout (Sars Centre, University of Bergen, Norway)
"Genomic Turbulence near Vertebrates"
We are building the PoP-site
May 9th 2022
The DFG-SPP 2332 'Physics of Parasitism' goes online
Farewell to Bonavita Blank!
August 29th, 2018
A unique, historic portrait of the founder of Würzburg Zoology has been moved from our department to the Martin von Wagner Museum, where it will be prominently displayed in the entrance hall.
30 Years of Würzburg Africa Festival

May 31th to June 3rd, 2018
Our work featured is as part of the University's Africa initiatives.
Dea Slade

May 30th, 2018 -- Seminar A102.3, 10:15 a.m.
How SPOC executes the Nerve Pinch through transcriptional regulation
Kareem Elsayad

May 5, 2018 -- Seminar C102.3, 10:15 a.m.
Optical Microspectrometry for studying the underlying dynamics of life: from phase transitions to mechano-transduction
Studie in Berlin vorgestellt
Marie-Christin Spindler

March 28, 2018
Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds awarded Marie a travel grant to take part in the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory course on Quantitative Imaging
Visiting scientists

March 28, 2018
We warmly welcome Roberta Sciurano (Buenos Aires) and Fernanda Trovero (Montevideo) who will spend six months in the Benavente lab
Sebastian Zoll

March 26, 2018 -- C101.2, 10:00 a.m.
Trypanosomes' magic bullet – Understanding the structural basis of SRA-mediated immune escape in T. b. rhodesiense
Poster prize for Sarah Schuster

March 23, 2018
Sarah (arrow) receives DGP-poster prize for her tsetse fly work
The Würzburg Virtual Boveri Library

March 14, 2018
We have launched a comprehensive online resource that features Theodor Boveri's life and work.
Theodor Boveri's legacy

February 16, 2018
Uli Scheer publishes the rediscovery of Boveri's microscope slides in Würzburg.
We offer five new positions for doctoral students

February 14, 2018
Interested in doing your PhD in our interdisciplinary department? Perfect time to join us!
Telomere Complexes in Trypanosomes

February 8, 2018
Novel components of the telomeric shelterin complex were identified in Trypanosome brucei.
Towards Trypanobots - more fiction than science?

February 2, 2018
Science or fiction? Can we design trypanosome-inspired micro-robots? Read our new review.
New Masters module

February 1, 2018
Advance notice for M.Sc. students. Our brand-new module will start in April.
Holger Kress

January 25, 2018 -- A103, 09:15 a.m.
Size-dependent organelle transport during phagocytosis
Nature Microbiology paper featured

January 17, 2018
Our work on VSG structure and dynamics featured by the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
Microstructures for microswimmers

January 7, 2018
New review in Cellular Microbiology
Andrew Jonathan Nok (1962 - 2017)

November 21, 2017
Our friend and coworker Prof Andrew Nok has passed away. With deep sorrow we remember his brilliant intellect, his kindness and wonderful sense of humor. Markus Engstler
Bettina Böttcher

November 13, 2017 -- A103, 09:15 a.m.
Electron cryo microscopy as tool in structural biology

November 13, 2017
Find your favorite thesis project! We are continuously updating the selection of topics ...
Ricardo Benavente honored

November 13, 2017
Ricardo Benavente appointed „Investigador Emérito“ by the Clemente-Estable-Institute for Biological Research in Montevideo
BPoD – Biomedical Picture of the Day

November 8, 2017
Sarah's work in eLIFE featured by Cambridge-based BPoD
Gang Dong

November 16, 2017 -- A103, 09:15 a.m.
Structural dissections of the flagellar pocket collar in Trypanosoma brucei and a novel oligomeric lysine methyltranferase from Toxoplasma gondii
The new semester starts ... we are prepared

October 16, 2017
We welcome all new (and old) students to the winter term. Hope you like our lectures, seminars and courses!
Good practice: Summer School Infection Biology

October 12, 2017
The school, co-organized by Susanne Kramer, has been honored by the HRK
Microswimmer School in Cargese

September 18 to 22, 2017
Markus Engstler lectured at the International School "From single particle motion to collective behaviour".
The trypanosome surface coat

September 11, 2017
Our work on the structure-function relationship of VSG published in Nature Microbiology
Trypanosomes in the tsetse fly

August 15, 2017
Sarah's work published in eLife
Georg Borner

July 27, 2017 -- A103, 09:15 a.m.
MPI Biochemie, Martinsried
Dynamic Mapping of Protein Subcellular Localization through Quantitative Proteomics
Helena Reis

July 19, 2017 -- A101, 02:30 p.m.
PhD defence
Helena Reis

July 18, 2017
...we have started to launch our new websites ... will take a while ....
Ger van Zandbergen

July 13, 2017 -- A103, 09:15 a.m.
Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Langen
“Paraphagy”, a new autophagy mechanism for Leishmania immune evasion?
Nina Papavasiliou

June 28, 2017 -- A101, 05:15 p.m.
DKFZ Heidelberg
Adaptive fine tuning of genetic information by DNA mutation and RNA editing
Henriette Zimmermann

June 21, 2017 -- A101, 02:30 p.m.
PhD defence
Henriette Zimmermann