Publikationen Menegazzi
A Functional Clock Within the Main Morning and Evening Neurons of D. melanogaster Is Not Sufficient for Wild-Type Locomotor Activity Under Changing Day Length. . In Frontiers in Physiology, 11, p. 229. 2020.
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The genetic basis of diurnal preference in Drosophila melanogaster. . In BMC Genomics, 21(1), p. 596. 2020.
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A distinct visual pathway mediates high light intensity adaptation of the circadian clock in Drosophila. . In Journal of Neuroscience, 39(9), pp. 1621–1630. 2019.
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Light-mediated circuit switching in the Drosophila neuronal clock network. . In Current Biology, 29(19), pp. 3266–3276.e3. 2019.
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Life at High Latitudes Does Not Require Circadian Behavioral Rhythmicity under Constant Darkness. . In Current Biology, 29(22), pp. 3928–3936.e3. 2019.
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Closely Related Fruit Fly Species Living at Different Latitudes Diverge in Their Circadian Clock Anatomy and Rhythmic Behavior. . In J Biol Rhythms, 33(6), pp. 602–613. 2018.
The Circadian Clock of the Ant Camponotus floridanus Is Localized in Dorsal and Lateral Neurons of the Brain. . In Journal of biological rhythms, 33(3), pp. 255–271. 2018.
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The characterization of the circadian clock in the olive fly Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) reveals a Drosophila-like organization. . In Sci Reports, 8(1), p. 816. 2018.
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Pigment-Dispersing Factor-expressing neurons convey circadian information in the honey bee brain. . In Open Biology, 8(1), p. 170224. 2018.
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Flies as models for circadian clock adaptation to environmental challenges. . In European Journal of Neuroscience, 51(1), pp. 116–181. 2018.
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Drosophila {RSK} Influences the Pace of the Circadian Clock by Negative Regulation of Protein Kinase Shaggy Activity. . In Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 11, p. 122. 2018.
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Adaptation of circadian neuronal network to photoperiod in high-latitude European Drosophilids. . In CURR BIOL, 27, pp. 833–839. 2017.
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A neural network underlying circadian entrainment and photoperiodic adjustment of sleep and activity in Drosophila. . In J Neurosci, 36(35), pp. 9084–9096. 2016.
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Unique features of a global human ectoparasite identified through sequencing of the bed bug genome. . In Nat Commun, 7:10165. 2016.
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Normal vision can compensate for the loss of the circadian clock. . In Proc R Soc Lond B: Biol Sci, 282(1815), p. 20151846. 2015.
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Twilight dominates over moonlight in adjusting Drosophila’s activity pattern. . In J Biol Rhythms, 30(2), pp. 117–128. 2015.
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Drosophila clock neurons under natural conditions. . In J Biol Rhythms, 28(1), pp. 3–14. 2013.
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Unexpected features of Drosophila circadian behavioural rhythms under natural conditions. . In Nature, 484(7394), pp. 371–375. 2012.
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Laboratory versus Nature The Two Sides of the Drosophila Circadian Clock. . In J Biol Rhythms, 27(6), pp. 433–442. 2012.
Flies in the north: Locomotor behavior and clock neuron organization of Drosophila montana. . In J Biol Rhythms, 27(5), pp. 377–387. 2012.
The dual-oscillator system of Drosophila melanogaster under natural-like temperature cycles. . In Chronobiol Int, 29(4), pp. 395–407. 2012.