Lehrstuhl für Neurobiologie und Genetik

Publikationen Rieger

  • The neuropeptide pigment-dispersing factor signals independently of Bruchpilot-labelled active zones in daily remodelled terminals of Drosophila clock neurons. Hofbauer, Benedikt; Zandawala, Meet; Reinhard, Nils; Rieger, Dirk; Werner, Christian; Evers, Jan Felix; Wegener, Christian. In European Journal of Neuroscience, n/a(n/a). 2024.
  • A clock for all seasons. Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Rieger, Dirk. In Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 210(4), pp. 473–480. 2024.
  • Synaptic connectome of the Drosophila circadian clock. Reinhard, Nils; Fukuda, Ayumi; Manoli, Giulia; Derksen, Emilia; Saito, Aika; Möller, Gabriel; Sekiguchi, Manabu; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Yoshii, Taishi; Zandawala, Meet. In Nature Communications, 15(1), p. 10392. 2024.
  • A Detailed Re-Examination of the Period Gene Rescue Experiments Shows That Four to Six Cryptochrome-Positive Posterior Dorsal Clock Neurons (DN1p) of Drosophila melanogaster Can Control Morning and Evening Activity. Sekiguchi, Manabu; Reinhard, Nils; Fukuda, Ayumi; Katoh, Shun; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Yoshii, Taishi. In Journal of Biological Rhythms. 2024.
  • A new Activity Monitor for Aquatic Zooplankter (AMAZE) allows the recording of swimming activity in wild-caught Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). Hüppe, Lukas; Bahlburg, Dominik; Busack, Michael; Lemburg, Johannes; Payton, Laura; Reinhard, Nils; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Meyer, Bettina. In Scientific Reports, 14(1), p. 16963. 2024.
  • Two light sensors decode moonlight versus sunlight to adjust a plastic circadian/circalunidian clock to moon phase. Zurl, Martin; Poehn, Birgit; Rieger, Dirk; Krishnan, Shruthi; Rokvic, Dunja; Rajan, Vinoth Babu Veedin; Gerrard, Elliot; Schlichting, Matthias; Orel, Lukas; Ćorić, Aida; Lucas, Robert J.; Wolf, Eva; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Raible, Florian; Tessmar-Raible, Kristin. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(22), p. e2115725119. 2022.
  • The lateral posterior clock neurons of Drosophila melanogaster express three neuropeptides and have multiple connections within the circadian clock network and beyond. Reinhard, Nils; Bertolini, Enrico; Saito, Aika; Sekiguchi, Manabu; Yoshii, Taishi; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In Journal of Comparative Neurology, n/a(n/a). 2022.
  • The Neuronal Circuit of the Dorsal Circadian Clock Neurons in Drosophila melanogaster. Reinhard, Nils; Schubert, Frank K.; Bertolini, Enrico; Hagedorn, Nicolas; Manoli, Giulia; Sekiguchi, Manabu; Yoshii, Taishi; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In Frontiers in Physiology, 13. 2022.
  • Loss of p21-activated kinase Mbt/PAK4 causes Parkinson-like phenotypes in Drosophila. Pütz, Stephanie M.; Kram, Jette; Rauh, Elisa; Kaiser, Sophie; Toews, Romy; Lueningschroer-Wang, Yi; Rieger, Dirk; Raabe, Thomas. In Disease Models & Mechanisms, 14(6). 2021.
  • Natural Zeitgebers Under Temperate Conditions Cannot Compensate for the Loss of a Functional Circadian Clock in Timing of a Vital Behavior in Drosophila. Ruf, Franziska; Mitesser, Oliver; Mungwa, Simon Tii; Horn, Melanie; Rieger, Dirk; Hovestadt, Thomas; Wegener, Christian. In Journal of Biological Rhythms. 2021.
  • Natural Zeitgebers Under Temperate Conditions Cannot Compensate for the Loss of a Functional Circadian Clock in Timing of a Vital Behavior in Drosophila. Ruf, Franziska; Mitesser, Oliver; Mungwa, Simon Tii; Horn, Melanie; Rieger, Dirk; Hovestadt, Thomas; Wegener, Christian. In J Biol Rhythms, 36(3), pp. 271–285. 2021.
  • Loss of function in the Drosophila clock gene period results in altered intermediary lipid metabolism and increased susceptibility to starvation. Schäbler, Stefan; Amatobi, Kelechi M.; Horn, Melanie; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Mueller, Martin J.; Wegener, Christian; Fekete, Agnes. In Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 77, pp. 4939–4956. 2020.
  • Single-cell resolution long-term luciferase imaging in cultivated Drosophila brains.. Schubert, Frank K.; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Rieger, Dirk. 2020.
  • The Circadian Clock Improves Fitness in the Fruit Fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Horn, Melanie; Mitesser, Oliver; Hovestadt, Thomas; Yoshii, Taishi; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In Frontiers in Physiology, 10, p. 1374. 2019.
  • The Circadian Clock Improves Fitness in the Fruit Fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Horn, Melanie; Mitesser, Oliver; Hovestadt, Thomas; Yoshii, Taishi; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In Front Physiol, 10, p. 1374. 2019.
  • Role of Rhodopsins as Circadian Photoreceptors in the Drosophila melanogaster. Senthilan, Pingkalai R.; Grebler, Rudi; Reinhard, Nils; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In Biology, 8(1), p. 6. 2019.
  • Neuroanatomical details of the lateral neurons of Drosophila melanogaster support their functional role in the circadian system. Schubert, F K; Hagedorn, N; Yoshii, T; Helfrich-Förster, C; Rieger, D. In J Comp Neurol, 526(7), pp. 1209–1231. 2018.
  • Cryptochrome interacts with actin and enhances eye-mediated light sensitivity of the circadian clock in Drosophila melanogaster. Schlichting, Matthias; Rieger, Dirk; Cusumano, Paola; Grebler, Rudi; Costa, Rodolfo; Mazzotta, Gabriella; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 11, p. 238. 2018.
  • The Drosophila microbiome has a limited influence on sleep, activity, and courtship behaviors. Selkrig, Joel; Mohammad, Farhan; Ng, Soon Hwee; Chua, Jia Yi; Tumkaya, Tayfun; Ho, Joses; Chiang, Yin Ning; Rieger, Dirk; Pettersson, Sven; Helfrich-Foerster, Charlotte; others. In Scientific reports, 8(1), p. 10646. 2018.
  • Swing Boat: Inducing and Recording Locomotor Activity in a Drosophila melanogaster Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Berlandi, Johannes; Lin, Fang-Ju; Ambrée, Oliver; Rieger, Dirk; Paulus, Werner; Jeibmann, Astrid. In Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 11, p. 159. 2017.
  • Drosophila Rhodopsin 7 can partially replace the structural role of Rhodopsin 1, but not its physiological function. Grebler, Rudi; Kistenpfennig, Christa; Rieger, Dirk; Bentrop, Joachim; Schneuwly, Stephan; Senthilan, Pingkalai R.; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In Journal of Comparative Physiology A, pp. 1–11. 2017.
  • The timed depolarization of morning and evening oscillators phase shifts the circadian clock of Drosophila. Eck, Saskia; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Rieger, Dirk. In J Biol Rhythms, 31(5), pp. 428–442. 2016.
  • Identification and structural characterization of interneurons of the Drosophila brain by monoclonal antibodies of the Würzburg Hybridoma Library. Redondo, Beatriz Blanco; Bunz, Melanie; Halder, Partho; Sadanandappa, Madhumala K.; Mühlbauer, Barbara; Erwin, Felix; Hofbauer, Alois; Rodrigues, Veronica; VijayRaghavan, K.; Ramaswami, Mani; Rieger, Dirk; Wegener, Christian; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Buchner, Erich. In PLOS ONE, 8(9), pp. 1–9. 2013.
  • Drosophila clock neurons under natural conditions. Menegazzi, Pamela; Vanin, Stefano; Yoshii, Taishi; Rieger, Dirk; Hermann, Christiane; Dusik, Verena; Kyriacou, Charalambos P; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Costa, Rodolfo. In J Biol Rhythms, 28(1), pp. 3–14. 2013.
  • GABA(B) receptors play an essential role in maintaining sleep during the second half of the night in Drosophila melanogaster. Gmeiner, F; Kołodziejczyk, A; Yoshii, T; Rieger, D; Nässel, D R; Helfrich-Förster, C. In J Exp Biol, 216(Pt 20), pp. 3837–3843. 2013.
  • Two clocks in the brain. Yoshii, Taishi; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In Progress in Brain Research, pp. 59–82. Elsevier {BV}, 2012.
  • Chapter 4 - Two clocks in the brain: An update of the morning and evening oscillator model in Drosophila. Yoshii, Taishi; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In The Neurobiology of Circadian Timing, Vol. 199, M. M. {Andries Kalsbeek, R. G. Foster (eds.), pp. 59–82. 2012.
  • The ability to entrain to long photoperiods differs between 3 Drosophila melanogaster wild-type strains and is modified by twilight simulation. Rieger, Dirk; Peschel, Nicolai; Dusik, Verena; Glotz, Silvia; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In J Biol Rhythms, 27(1), pp. 37–47. 2012.
  • The dual-oscillator system of Drosophila melanogaster under natural-like temperature cycles. Bywalez, Wolfgang; Menegazzi, Pamela; Rieger, Dirk; Schmid, Benjamin; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Yoshii, Taishi. In Chronobiol Int, 29(4), pp. 395–407. 2012.
  • The nocturnal activity of fruit flies exposed to artificial moonlight is partly caused by direct light effects on the activity level that bypass the endogenous clock. Kempinger, Lena; Dittmann, Rainer; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In Chronobiol Int, 26(2), pp. 151–166. 2009.
  • Period gene expression in four neurons is sufficient for rhythmic activity of Drosophila melanogaster under dim light conditions. Rieger, Dirk; Wülbeck, Corinna; Rouyer, Francois; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In J Biol Rhythms, 24(4), pp. 271–282. 2009.
  • The Lateral and Dorsal Neurons {ofDrosophila} melanogaster:New Insights about Their Morphology and Function. Helfrich-Förster, C.; Yoshii, T.; Wülbeck, C.; Grieshaber, E.; Rieger, D.; Bachleitner, W.; Cusumano, P.; Rouyer, F. In Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 72(1), pp. 517–525. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2007.
  • Glutamate and its metabotropic receptor {inDrosophilaclock} neuron circuits. Hamasaka, Yasutaka; Rieger, Dirk; Parmentier, Marie-Laure; Grau, Yves; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Nässel, Dick R. In J Comp Neurol, 505(1), pp. 32–45. 2007.
  • The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster favors dim light and times its activity peaks to early dawn and late dusk. Rieger, Dirk; Fraunholz, Christina; Popp, Jochen; Bichler, Dominik; Dittmann, Rainer; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In J Biol Rhythms, 22(5), pp. 387–399. 2007.
  • Hofbauer-Buchner Eyelet Affects Circadian Photosensitivity and Coordinates {TIM} and {PER} Expression in Drosophila Clock Neurons. Veleri, Shobi; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Stanewsky, Ralf. In J Biol Rhythms, 22(1), pp. 29–42. 2007.
  • Moonlight shifts the endogenous clock of Drosophila melanogaster. Bachleitner, Wolfgang; Kempinger, Lena; Wülbeck, Corinna; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In Proc Natl Acad Sci, 104(9), pp. 3538–3543. 2007.
  • Development and morphology of the clock-gene-expressing lateral neurons of Drosophila melanogaster. Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte; Shafer, Orie T.; Wülbeck, Corinna; Grieshaber, Eva; Rieger, Dirk; Taghert, Paul. In J Comp Neurol, 500(1), pp. 47–70. 2006.
  • Functional analysis of circadian pacemaker neurons in Drosophila melanogaster. Rieger, Dirk; Shafer, Orie Thomas; Tomioka, Kenji; Helfrich-F{ö}rster, Charlotte. In J Neurosci, 26(9), pp. 2531–2543. 2006.
  • Cryptochrome, compound eyes, Hofbauer-Buchner eyelets, and ocelli play different roles in the entrainment and masking pathway of the locomotor activity rhythm in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Rieger, Dirk; Stanewsky, Ralf; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In J Biol Rhythms, 18(5), pp. 377–391. 2003.