Prof. Dr. Roy Gross (im Ruhestand)

Academic Career
1976-1981: Studies of Biology, University of Tübingen
1981-1985: Dr. rer. nat. in Microbiology, University of Tübingen
1985-1987: Postdoctoral fellow, Sclavo Research Centre, Siena, Italy
1987-1990: Staff scientist, Sclavo Research Centre, Siena, Italy
1990-1991: Visiting scientist, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
1991-1996: Assistant Professor, Chair of Microbiology, University of Würzburg
1993: Habilitation (Microbiology), University of Würzburg
since 1997: Professor, Chair of Microbiology, University of Würzburg
since 2013: Studies Dean of the Faculty of Biology
Editorial boards:
- Microbes and Infection
- Biospektrum
- Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie (VAAM)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie (DGHM)
- Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland (VBio)
- Physikalisch Medizinische Gesellschaft zu Würzburg
- Universitätsbund Würzburg
Ad hoc reviewer for:
Agence d'Evaluation de la Recherche et des Établissements d'Enseignement Supérieur (AERES), F
- Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), F
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), UK
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FG)
- German-Israeli-Foundation (GIF)
- Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO)
- Institut Pasteur, F
- Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), F
- International Foundation for Science (IFS), S
- Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Isr
- Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG)
- Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, CDN
- Ministry for University Scientific Research and Technology (MURST), I
- National Science Foundation (NSF), USA
- Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Ire
- Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
- Universität Wien - Initiativkolleg (IK)
- Welcome Trust, UK
* Applied and Environmental Microbiology * Archives of Microbiology * Biology Letters * BMC Biology * BMC Ecology * BMC Genomcis * BMC Microbiology * Canadian Journal of Microbiology * Cellular Microbiology * Current Microbiology * EMBO Journal * Emerging Infection Diseases * European Journal of Biochemistry * FEBS Journal * FEMS Microbiology Ecology * FEMS Microbiology Letters * Genome Biology * Infection and Immunity * International Journal of Medical Microbiology * International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology * International Microbiolgy * Journal of Bacteriology * Journal of Biological Chemistry * Journal of Cystic Fibrosis * Journal of Infectious Diseases * Journal of Molecular Evolution * Microbiology * Molecular and General Genetics * Molecular Genetics and Genomics * Molecular Microbiology * Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution * Nature * Nature Reviews Genetics * Nature Reviews Microbiology * Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society B * PLoS Genetics * PLoS ONE * PLoS Pathogens * Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA * Proteomics * Research in Microbiology * Science * Symbiosis * The Biological Bulletin * Trends in Microbiology * Trends in Biochemistry * Trends in Biotechnology * Vaccine * Virulence
[1] Braun, V., Gross, R., Köster, W., and L. Zimmermann. 1983. Plasmid and chromosomal mutants in the iron(III)-aerobactin transport system of Escherichia coli. Use of streptonigrin for selection. Mol. Gen. Genet. 192:131-139.
[2] Gross, R., Engelbrecht, F., and V. Braun. 1984. Genetic and biochemical characterization of the aerobactin synthesis operon on pColV. Mol. Gen. Genet. 196:74-80.
[3] Gross, R., Engelbrecht, F., and V. Braun. 1985. Identification of the genes and their polypeptide products responsible for aerobactin synthesis by pColV plasmids. Mol. Gen. Genet. 201:204-212.
[4] Aricó, B., Gross, R., Smida, J., and R. Rappuoli. 1987. Evolutionary relationships in the genus Bordetella. Molec. Microbiol. 1:301-308.
[5] Rappuoli, R., Gross, R., and B. Aricó. 1987. Conversion from Bordetella parapertussis to B pertussis. The Lancet ii:511.
[6] Rappuoli, R., Nicosia, A., Aricó, B., Bartoloni, A., Perugini, M., and R. Gross. 1987. Towards a recombinant DNA vaccine against pertussis. In: Biotechnology in Clinical Medicine. Eds.: Albertini, A., Lenfant, C. & Paoletti, R. Raven Press, New York, 205-210.
[7] Rappuoli, R., Nicosia, A., Bartoloni, A., Aricó, B., Gross, R., and M. Perugini. 1987. Application of recombinant DNA technology for the production of a third generation pertussis vaccine. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Congress on Biotechnology 1987, Volume 4. Eds.: Neijssek, O.M., van der Meer, R.R. & Luyben, A.M. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 491-496.
[8] Gross, R., and R. Rappuoli. 1988. Positive regulation of pertussis toxin expression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85: 3913-3917.
[9] Bartoloni, A., Pizza, M., Gross, R., Perugini, M., Aricó, B., Domenighini, M., and R. Rappuoli. 1988. Engineering bacterial toxins for the development of a new vaccine against pertussis. Farmaci & Terapia 5:55-57.
[10] Rappuoli, R., Aricó, B., Bartoloni, A., Gross, R., Perugini, M., and M. Pizza. 1988. Pertussis toxin. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. Suppl. 17:19-28.
[11] Gross, R., Nicosia, A., Aricó, B., and R. Rappuoli. 1988. Regulation of pertussis toxin expression. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. Suppl. 17:233-234.
[12] Bartoloni, A., Pizza, M., Gross, R., Perugini, M., Aricó, B., Domenighini, M., and R. Rappuoli. 1988. Engineering bacterial toxins for the development of new vaccine against pertussis. Tokai J. Exp. Clin. Med. Suppl. 13:217-222.
[13] Bartoloni, A., Pizza, M., Gross, R., Grandi, G., and R. Rappuoli. 1988. Recombinant molecules and the development of new vaccines against whooping cough. J. Cell. Biochem. Suppl. 12:34.
[14] Gross, R., and R. Rappuoli. 1988. A novel system of inducible positive regulation of use for production of heterologous proteins. Italien Patent No. 20133A/88 (1988); European Patent EP0336413 (1989).
[15] Gross, R., Aricó, B., and R. Rappuoli. 1989. Genetics of pertussis toxin. Molec. Microbiol. 3:119-124.
[16] Gross, R., and R. Rappuoli. 1989. Pertussis toxin promoter sequences involved in modulation. J. Bacteriol. 171:4026- 4030.
[17] Aricó, B., Miller, J., Roy, C., Stibitz, S., Monack, D., Falkow, S., Gross, R., and R. Rappuoli. 1989. Sequences required for the expression of Bordetella pertussis virulence factors share homology with prokaryotic signal transduction proteins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86:6671-6675.
[18] Gross, R., Aricó, B., and R. Rappuoli. 1989. Families of bacterial signal transducing proteins. Molec. Microbiol. 3:1661-1667.
[19] Aricó, B., Bartoloni, A., Domenighini, M., Gross, R., Perugini, M., Pizza, M., and R. Rappuoli. 1989. Pertussis toxin and its structural genes. In: Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology and Immunology. Eds.: Balows, A., Tilton, R.C. & Turano, A. Brixia Academic Press, Brescia, 172-175.
[20] Rappuoli, R., Alouf, J.E., Falmagne, P., Fehrenbach, F.J., Freer, J., Gross, R., Jeljaszewicz, J., Montecucco, C., Tomasi, M., Wadström, T., and B. Witholt (Editors). 1990. Bacterial Protein Toxins. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. Suppl. 19, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York.
[21] Rappuoli, R., and R. Gross. 1990. Att sites, tox gene and insertion elements as tools for the diagnosis and the molecular epidemiology of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. In: Gene Probes for Bacteria. Eds.: Macario, A.J.L. & Conway de Macario, E. Academic Press Inc., New York, 205-232.
[22] Thelestam, M., and R. Gross. 1990. Toxins acting on the cytoskeleton. In: Handbook of Toxinology. Eds.: Shier, W.T. & Mebs, D. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 423-492.
[23] Gross, R., Aricó, B., Rappuoli, R., Stibitz, S., Miller, J.F., Roy, C., and S. Falkow. 1990. Antigenic modulation and phase variation of Bordetella species. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. Suppl. 19:317-324.
[24] Gross, R., and R. Rappuoli. 1991. Diphtheria. In: Vaccines and Immunotherapy. Ed.: Cryz, S.J. Pergamon Press, New York, 1-12.
[25] Gross, R., Carbonetti, N.H., Rossi, R., and R. Rappuoli. 1992. Functional analysis of the pertussis toxin promoter. Res. Microbiol. 143:671-681.
[26] Wels, W., Baldrich, M., Chakraborty, T., Gross, R., and W. Goebel. 1992. Expression of bacterial cytotoxin genes in mammalian target cells. Molec. Microbiol. 6:2651-2659.
[27] Gross, R. 1992. Regulation of bacterial pathogenicity by environmental conditions. BioEngineering 8:69-76.
[28] Gross, R., and N.H. Carbonetti. 1993. Differential regulation of Bordetella pertussis virulence factors. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 278:177-186.
[29] Gross, R. 1993. Signal transduction in human and animal pathogens. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 10:301-326.
[30] Mariani, F., Piccolella, E., Colizzi, V., Rappuoli, R., and R. Gross. 1993. Characterization of an IS-like element from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Gen. Microbiol. 139:1767-1772.
[31] Carbonetti, N.H., Khelef, N., Guiso, N., and R. Gross. 1993. A phase variant of Bordetella pertussis with a mutation in a new locus involved in the regulation of pertussis toxin and adenylate cyclase toxin expression. J. Bacteriol. 175:6679-6688.
[32] Gross, R., Fuchs, T., Deppisch, H., and N.H. Carbonetti. 1994. Virulence regulation in Bordetella pertussis. In: Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Virulence. Eds.: Kado, C.I. & Crosa, J., Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 511-524.
[33] Gross, R., Beier, D., Deppisch, H., Fuchs, T., Graeff, H., and H. Schipper. 1994. Umweltbedingte Modulation der Virulenz von Bordetella pertussis. In: Modulation der Virulenz von Krankheitserregern. Eds.: Hacker, J. & J. Heesemann. Upjohn media, Socio medico Verlag, Gräfelfing, pp. 35-51.
[34] Graeff, H., Beier, D., Deppisch, H., and R. Gross. 1994. DNA gyrase inhibitors influence the expression of Bordetella pertussis virulence factors. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. Suppl. 24: 124-125.
[35] Carbonetti, N.H., and R. Gross. 1994. A B. pertussis strain with a mutation that alters expression of pertussis and adenylate cyclase toxins. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. Suppl. 24: 150-151.
[36] Schülein, R., Gentschev, I., Schlör, S., Gross, R., and W. Goebel. 1994. Identification and characterization of two functional domains of the hemolysin translocator protein HlyD. Mol. Gen. Genet. 245: 203-211.
[37] Schipper, H., Krohne, G., and R. Gross. 1994. Epithelial cell invasion and survival of Bordetella bronchiseptica. Infect. Immun. 62: 3008-3011.
[38] Lampidis, R., Gross, R., Sokolovic, Z., Goebel, W., and J. Kreft. 1994. The virulence regulatory protein of Listeria ivanovii is highly homologous to the PrfA protein of Listeria monocytogenes, and both belong to the Crp-Fnr family of transcription activators. Molec. Microbiol. 13:141-151.
[39] Carbonetti, N.H., Fuchs, T.M., Patamawenu, A.A., Irish, T., Deppisch, H., and R. Gross. 1994. Effect of mutations causing overexpression of RNA polymerase subunit on regulation of virulence factors in Bordetella pertussis. J. Bacteriol. 176: 7267-7273.
[40] Gentschev, I., Mollenkopf, H.-J., Sokolovic, Z., Ludwig, A., Tengel, C., Gross, R., Hess, J., Demuth, A., and W. Goebel. 1994. Synthesis and secretion of bacterial antigens by attenuated Salmonella via the Escherichia coli hemolysin secretion system. Behring Inst. Mitt. 95:57-66.
[41] Graeff-Wohlleben, H., Deppisch, H., and R. Gross. 1995. Global regulatory mechanisms affect virulence gene expression in Bordetella pertussis. Mol. Gen. Genet. 247:86-94.
[42] Kreft, J., Bohne, J., Gross, R., Kestler, H., Sokolovic Z., and W. Goebel. 1995. Regulation of virulence by the transcription regulator PrfA in Listeria monocytogenes. In: Signal transduction and bacterial virulence. Eds.: Rappuoli, R., Scarlato, V, & B. Arico. R.G. Landes Company, Austin, Texas, pp. 129-142.
[43] Beier, D., Schwarz, B., Fuchs, T.M., and R. Gross. 1995. In vivo characterization of the unorthodox two-component BvgS sensor protein of Bordetella pertussis. J. Mol. Biol. 248:596-610.
[44] Gross, R. 1995. Domain structure of the outer membrane transporter CyaE of Bordetella pertussis. Molec. Microbiol. 17:1219-1220.
[45] Beier, D., Schwarz, B., Deppisch, H., Fuchs, T.M., Perraud, A.-L., and R. Gross. 1996. Structure-function relationships in BvgS - the master regulator of virulence in Bordetella pertussis. In: Bacterial Protein Toxins. Eds: Frandsen P.L. et al., Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 22-33.
[46] Beier, D., Deppisch, H., and R. Gross. 1996. Mutation analysis of the output domain of the unorthodox two-component sensor protein BvgS of Bordetella pertussis. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. Suppl. 28:46-47.
[47] Beier, D., Fuchs, T.M., Graeff-Wohlleben, H., and R. Gross. 1996. Signal transduction and virulence regulation in Bordetella pertussis. Microbiologia SEM 12:185-196.
[48] Fuchs, T.M., and R. Gross. 1996. The virulence factors of Bordetella pertussis and their regulation. Alpe Adria Microbiol. J. 5:179-190.
[49] Beier, D., Deppisch, H., and R. Gross. 1996. Conserved sequence motifs in the unorthodox sensor protein BvgS of B. pertussis. Mol. Gen. Genet. 252:169-176.
[50] Schröder, D., Deppisch, H., Obermayer, M., Krohne, G., Stackebrandt, E., Hölldobler, B., Goebel, W., and R. Gross. 1996. Intracellular endosymbiotic bacteria of Camponotus species (carpenter ants): systematics, evolution and ultrastructural analysis. Molec. Microbiol. 21:479-489.
[51] Fuchs, T.M., Deppisch, H., Scarlato, V., and R. Gross. 1996. A new gene locus of Bordetella pertussis defines a novel family of prokaryotic transcriptional accessory factors. J. Bacteriol. 178:4445-4452.
[52] Graeff-Wohlleben, H., Killat, S., Banemann, A., Guiso, N., and R. Gross. 1997. Cloning and characterization of a manganese-containing superoxide dismutase from Bordetella pertussis. J. Bacteriol. 179:2194-2201.
[53] Banemann, A., and R. Gross. 1997. Phase variation affects long term survival of Bordetella bronchiseptica in professional phagocytes. Infect. Immun. 65: 3469-3473.
[54] Vogel., U., Middendorf, B., Claus, H., Frosch, M., and R. Gross. 1997. Die Untersuchung der Evolution mikrobieller Pathogenität mittels Repräsentativer Differenzanalyse (RDA). Hyg. Mikrobiol. 1: 45-48.
[55] Reidl, J., Hacker, J., Goebel, W., and R. Gross. 1997. 8th European workshop conference on bacterial protein toxins, Kloster Banz, 29.6.-4.7.1997. Hyg. Mikrobiol. 2: 63-64.
[56] Hacker, J., Alouf, J.E., Brand, B.C., Falmagne, P., Fehrenbach, F., Goebel, W., Gross, R., Heesemann, J., Locht, C., Montecucco, C., Olsness, S., Rappuoli, R., Reidl, J., and T. Wadström (Editors). 1998. Bacterial Protein Toxins. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York.
[57] Banemann, A., Deppisch, H., and R. Gross. 1998. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Bordetella bronchiseptica acts as a protective shield against antimicrobial peptides. Infect. Immun. 66: 5607-5612.
[58] Banemann, A., Deppisch, H., Gerlach, G., and R. Gross. 1998. Intracellular survival of Bordetella bronchispetica in professional phagocytic cells. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. Suppl. 29: 333-334.
[59] Perraud, A.L., Kimmel, B., Weiss, V., and R. Gross. 1998. Specificity of the BvgAS and EvgAS phosphorelay is mediated by the C-terminal HPt domains of the sensor proteins. Molec. Microbiol. 27: 875-88.
[60] Perraud, A.-L., Weiss, V., and R. Gross. 1999. Signalling pathways in two-component phosphorelay systems. Trends Microbiol. 7: 115-120.
[61] Gross, R., and W. Goebel. 1999. Molekulare Mechanismen der Pathogenität von Bakterien. In: Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin. Eds.: Ganten and Ruckpaul. Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 322-398.
[62] Middendorf, B., and R. Gross. 1999. Representational difference analysis identifies a strain-specific LPS biosynthesis locus in Bordetella spp. Mol. Gen. Genet. 262: 189-198.
[63] Schilder, K., Heinze, J., Gross, R., and B. Hölldobler. 1999. Microsatellites reveal low clonal diversity between populations of the thelytokonous ant Platythyrea punctata (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera; Formicidae). Molec. Ecol. 8: 1497-1508.
[64] Kimmel, B., Bosserhoff, B., Frank, W., Gross, R., Goebel, W., and D. Beier. 2000. Identification of immunogenic antigens from Helicobacter pylori and evaluation of their reactivity with different patient sera. Infect. Immun. 68: 915-920.
[65] Bantscheff, M., Perraud, A.-L., Bock, A., Rippe, K., Weiss, V., Glocker, M.O., and R. Gross. 2000. Structure-function relationships in the Bvg and Evg two-component phosphorelay systems. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 290:317-323.
[66] Perraud, A.-L., Rippe, K., Bantscheff, M., Glocker, M., Lucassen, M., Jung, K., Sebald, W., Weiss, V., and R. Gross. 2000. Dimerization of signalling domains of the EvgAS and BvgAS phosphorelay systems. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1478: 341-354.
[67] Sauer, C., Stackebrandt, E., Gadau, J., Hölldobler, B., and R. Gross. 2000. Systematical characterization and congruent evolution of Camponotus species and their endosymbiotic bacteria: Proposal of a novel taxon Candidatus Blochmannia (gen. nov.). Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 50: 1877-1886.
[68] Fuchs, T.M., Schneider B., Krumbach, K., Eggeling, L., and R. Gross. 2000. The characterization of a Bordetella pertussis diaminopimelate biosynthesis locus identifies a novel gene coding for an N-succinyl-L,L-DAP aminotransferase. J. Bacteriol. 182: 3626-3631.
[69] Schneider, B., Gross, R., and A. Haas. 2000. Phagosome acidification has opposite effects on intracellular survival of Bordetella pertussis and B. bronchiseptica. Infect. Immun. 68:7039-7048.
[70] Sauer, C., Hölldobler, B., and R. Gross. 2000. Bakterielle Endosymbiosen in Insekten. BIOspektrum 6: 359-363.
[71] Boursaux-Eude, C., and R. Gross. 2000. New insights in symbiotic associations of ants and microorganisms. Res. Microbiol. 151: 513-519.
[72] von Wintzingerode, F., Schattke, A., Siddiqui, R.A., Rösick, U., Göbel, U.B., and R. Gross. 2001. Description of Bordetella petrii sp. nov., isolated from an anaerobic bioreactor and emended description of the genus Bordetella. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51:1257-1265.
[73] Gerlach, G., von Wintzingerode, F., Middendorf, B., and R. Gross. 2001. Evolutionary trends in the genus Bordetella. Microbes Infect. 3: 61-72.
[74] Fuchs, T.M., and R. Gross. 2001. Die molekularen Talente des Keuchhustenerregers Bordetella pertussis. BIUZ 31: 10-20.
[75] Gross, R. 2001. Keuchhusten – Entstehung eines Krankheitserregers. Krankenpfl. J. 39: 338-340.
[76] Beier, D., and R. Gross. 2001. Editorial. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 291: 65-66.
[77] Bock, A., and R. Gross. 2001. The BvgAS two-component system of Bordetella species: a versatile modulator of virulence gene expression. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 291: 119-130.
[78] Goebel, W., and R. Gross. 2001 Intracellular survival strategies of mutualistic and parasitic prokaryotes. Trends Microbiol. 9: 267-273.
[79] Schneider, B., and R. Gross. 2001. Bordetella pertussis: increasing problems with a well-known pathogen and its relatives. Contrib. Microbiol. 8:123-136.
[80] Bock, A., Bantscheff, M., Perraud, A.-L., Rippe, K., Weiss, V., Glocker, M.O., and R. Gross. 2001. Rational design and molecular characterization of a chimaeric response regulator protein. J. Mol. Biol. 310: 283-290.
[81] Zientz, E., Silva, F.J., and R. Gross. 2001. Genome interdependence in insect-bacterium symbioses. Genome Biol. 2: reviews1032.1-1032.6.
[82] von Wintzingerode, F., Gerlach, G., Schneider, B. and R. Gross. 2002. Phylogenetic relationships and virulence evolution in the genus Bordetella. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 264/2: 177-200.
[83] König, J., Bock, A., Perraud, A.-L., Fuchs, T.M., Beier, D., and R. Gross. 2002. Regulatory factors of Bordetella pertussis affecting virulence gene expression. J. Molec. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 4: 197-203.
[84] Schneider, B., Stübs, D., and R. Gross. 2002. Identification and genomic organization of gene loci negatively controlled by the virulence regulatory BvgAS two-component system in Bordetella bronchiseptica. Mol. Genet. Genomics 267: 526-535.
[85] Bock, A., and R. Gross. 2002. The unorthodox histidine kinases BvgS and EvgS of Bordetella pertussis and E. coli are responsive to the oxidation status of a quinone electron carrier. Eur. J. Biochem. 269: 3479-3484.
[86] Sauer, C., Dudaczek, D., Hölldobler, B., and R. Gross. 2002. Tissue localization of the endosymbiotic bacterium Blochmannia floridanus in adults and during larval development of its ant host Camponotus floridanus. Appl. Env. Microbiol. 68: 4187-4193.
[87] Gross, R., Hacker, J., and W. Goebel. 2003. The Leopoldina international symposium on parasitism, commensalism and symbiosis – common themes, different outcome. Molec. Microbiol. 47: 1749-1758.
[88] König, J., Bock, A., Perraud, A.-L., Fuchs, T.M., Beier, D., and R. Gross. 2003. Virulence gene regulation in Bordetella pertussis. In: Regulatory Networks in Bacteria. Eds.: Dürre, P., and B. Friedrich. Horizon Scientific Press, Norfolk, U.K., pp. 27-33.
[89] Gil, R., Silva, F.J., Zientz, E., Delmotte, F., Gonzales-Candelas, F., Latorre, A., Raussell, C., Kamerbeek, J., Gadau, J., Hölldobler, B., van Ham, R., Gross, R., and A. Moya. 2003. The genome sequence of Blochmannia floridanus: Comparative analysis of reduced genomes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100: 9388-9393.
[90] Goebel, W., Gross, R., Hacker, J., and V. ter Meulen (Editors). 2004. Parasitism, commensalism, symbiosis – common themes, different outcome. Nova Acta Leopoldina Bd. 88, Vol. 333.
[91] Zientz, E., Gil, R., van Ham, R., Delmotte, F., Gonzales-Candelas, F., Kamerbeek, Latorre, A., Raussell, C., Silva, F.J., Gadau, J., Hölldobler, B., Moya, A., and R. Gross. 2004. Blochmannia spp.: Intracellular endosymbiotic bacteria of carpenter ants. Nova Acta Leopoldina 333: 113-118.
[92] Wolschin, F., Hölldobler, B., Gross, R., and E. Zientz. 2004. Replication of the endosymbiotic bacterium Blochmannia floridanus is correlated with the developmental and reproductive stages of its ant host. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70: 4096-4102.
[93] Gerlach, G., Janzen, S., Beier, D., and R. Gross. 2004. Functional characterization of the BvgAS two-component system of Bordetella holmesii. Microbiology 150: 3715-3729.
[94] Zientz, E., Dandekar, T., and R. Gross. 2004. Metabolic interdependence of obligate intracellular bacteria and their insect hosts. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 68: 745-770.
[95] Stübs, D., Fuchs, T.M., Schneider, B., Bosserhoff, A., and R. Gross. 2005. Identification and regulation of cold inducible factors of Bordetella bronchiseptica. Microbiology 151: 1895-1909.
[96] Middendorf, B., Stübs, D., Guiso, N., Deppisch, H., Gross, R., and T.M. Fuchs. 2005. Phg, a novel member of the autotransporter family present in Bordetella species. Microbiol. Res. 160: 329-336.
[97] Zientz, E., Feldhaar, H., Stoll, S., and R. Gross. 2005. Insights into the microbial world associated with ants. Arch. Microbiol. 184: 199-206.
[98] Gaudermann, P., Vogl, I., Zientz, E., Silva, F., Moya, A., Gross, R., and T. Dandekar. 2006. Function predictions for conserved hypothetical proteins and proteins with putative function in Blochmannia floridanus. BMC Microbiol. 6: 1.
[99] Beier, D., and R. Gross. 2006. Regulation of bacterial virulence by two-component systems. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 9: 1-10.
[100] Gross, R., Zientz, E., and H. Feldhaar. 2006. Intrazelluläre bakterielle Endosymbiosen in Insekten. BIOspektrum 12: 23-25.
[101] Zientz, E., Beyaert, I., Gross, R. and H. Feldhaar. 2006. Relevance of the endosymbiosis of Blochmannia floridanus and carpenter ants at different stages of the life cycle of the host. Appl. Env. Microbiol. 72: 6027-6033.
[102] Armstrong, S.K., and R. Gross. 2007. Metabolism and physiology of Bordetella species. In: Bordetella: Molecular Microbiology. Ed.: Locht, C. Horizon Scientific Press, Norfolk, U.K., pp. 165-190. ISBN: 978-1-904933-31-1
[103] Stoll, S., Gadau, J., Gross, R., and H. Feldhaar. 2007. Bacterial microbiota associated with ants of the genus Tetraponera. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. Lond. 90: 399-412.
[104] Feldhaar, H., Straka, J., Krischke, M., Berthold, T., Stoll, S., Müller, M.J., and R. Gross. 2007. Nutritional upgrading for omnivorous carpenter ants by the endosymbiont Blochmannia. BMC Biol. 5: 48.
[105] Link, S., Schmitt, K., Beier, D., and R. Gross. 2007. Identification and regulation of expression of a gene encoding a filamentous hemagglutinin - related protein in Bordetella holmesii. BMC Microbiol. 7: 100.
[106] Löwe, T., Dandekar, T., and R. Gross. 2007. Gene conversion construct and method of transmitting gene mobility, and uses of the construct. WIPO Patent Application; international publication number WO/2007/128524 A1.
[107] Beier, D., and R. Gross. 2008. The BvgS/BvgA phosphorelay system of pathogenic Bordetellae - structure, function and evolution. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 631: 149-160.
[108] Feldhaar, H., Zientz, E., and R. Gross. 2008. Metabolic interactions between the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus and its endosymbiont Blochmannia. Nova Acta Leopoldina 356: 85-90.
[109] Gross, R., Guzman, C.A., Sebaihia, M., Martins dos Santos, V.A., Pieper, D.H., Koebnik, R., Lechner, M., Bartels, D., Buhrmester, J., Choudhuri, J.V., Ebensen, T., Gaigalat, L., Herrmann, S., Khachane, A.N., Larisch, C., Link, S., Linke, B., Meyer, F., Mormann, S., Nakunst, D., Rückert, C., Schneiker-Bekel, S., Schulze, K., Vorhölter, F., Yevsa, T., Engle, J.T., Goldman, W.E., Pühler, A., Göbel, U.B., Goesmann, A., Blöcker, H., Kaiser, O., and R. Martinez-Arias. 2008. The missing link: Bordetella petrii is endowed with both the metabolic versatility of environmental bacteria and virulence traits of pathogenic Bordetellae. BMC Genomics 9: 449.
[110] Feldhaar, H., and R. Gross. 2008. Immune reactions of insects on bacterial pathogens and mutualists. Microbes Infect. 10: 1082-1088.
[111] Feldhaar, H., and R. Gross. 2009. Insects as hosts for mutualistic bacteria. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 299: 1-8.
[112] Stoll, S., Feldhaar, H., and R. Gross. 2009. Transcriptional profiling of the endosymbiont Blochmannia during developmental stages of its ant host. Environ. Microbiol. 11: 877-888.
[113] Feldhaar, H., and R. Gross. 2009. Insect symbionts. In: Intracellular niches of microbes – a pathogens guide through the host cell. Eds. Haas, A., and U.E. Schaible. Wiley-VCH Publishers, Weinheim, Germany, pp. 547-563.
[114] Stoll, S., Feldhaar, H., and R. Gross. 2009. Promoter characterization in the AT-rich genome of the obligate endosymbiont “Candidatus Blochmannia floridanus”. J. Bacteriol. 191: 3747-3751.
[115] Feldhaar, H., and R. Gross. 2009. Genome degeneration affects both extracellular and intracellular bacterial endosymbionts. J. Biology 8: 38.
[116] Horvat, A., and R. Gross. 2009. Molecular characterisation of the BvgA response regulator of Bordetella holmesii. Microbiol. Res. 164: 243-252.
[117] Lechner, M., Schmitt, K., Bauer, S., Hot, D., Hubans, C., Levillain, E., Locht, C., Lemoine, Y., and R. Gross. 2009. Genomic island excisions in Bordetella petrii. BMC Microbiol. 9: 141.
[118] Gross, R., Vavre, F., Heddi, A., Hurst, G.D., Zchori-Fein, E., and K. Bourtzis. 2009. Immunity and symbiosis. Molec. Microbiol. 73: 751-759.
[119] Liang, C., Schmid, A., Lopez-Sanchez, M.J., Moya, A., Gross, R., Bernhardt, J., and T. Dandekar. 2009. JANE: efficient mapping of prokaryotic ESTs and short sequencing reads on related template genomes. BMC Bioinformatics 10: 391.
[120] Gross, R., Keidel, K., and K. Schmitt. 2010. Resemblance and divergence: The “new” members of the genus Bordetella. Med. Microbiol. Immunol. 199: 155-163.
[121] Stoll, S., Feldhaar, H., Fraunholz, M.J., and R. Gross. 2010. Bacteriocyte dynamics during development of a holometabolous insect, the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus. BMC Microbiol. 10: 308.
[122] Stoll, S., Feldhaar, H., and R. Gross. 2010. Functional analysis of Blochmannia floridanus, the primary endosymbiont of the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus. Nova Acta Leopoldina 378: 135-140.
[123] Heddi, A., and R. Gross. 2011. Proteobacteria as primary endosymbionts of arthropods. In: Manipulative tenants: bacteria associated with arthropods. Series: Frontiers in Microbiology. Eds. Zchori-Fein, E., and K. Bourtzis. Taylor and Francis Publishers (CRC Press), 1-27.
[124] Junker, R.R., Loewel, C., Gross, R., Dötterl, S., Keller, A., and N. Blüthgen. 2011. Composition of epiphytic bacterial communities differs on petals and leaves. Plant Biol. 13: 918-924.
[125] Ratzka, C., Liang, C., Dandekar, T., Gross, R., and H. Feldhaar. 2011. Immune response of the ant Camponotus floridanus against pathogens and its obligate mutualistic endosymbiont. Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 41: 529-536.
[126] Gross, R., and D. Beier (Editors). 2012. Two-component systems in bacteria. Caister Academic Press, United Kingdom. ISBN: 978-1-908230-08-9.
[127] Ratzka, C., Gross, R., and H. Feldhaar. 2012. Endosymbiont tolerance and control within insect hosts. Insects 3: 553-572.
[128] Krueger, B., Friedrich, T., Förster, F., Bernhard, J., Gross, R., and T. Dandekar. 2012. Different evolutionary modifications as a guide to rewire two-component systems. Bioinform. Biol. Insights 6: 97–128.
[129] Ratzka, C., Förster, F., Liang, C., Kupper, M., Dandekar, T., Feldhaar, H., and R. Gross. 2012. Molecular characterization of antimicrobial peptide genes of the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus. PLoS ONE, 7: e43036.
[130] Yevsa, T., Ebensen, T., Zygmunt, B., Libanova, R., Fuchs, B., Gross, R., Schulze, K., and C.A. Guzman. 2013. Development and characterization of attenuated metabolic mutants of Bordetella bronchiseptica for applications in vaccinology. Environ. Microbiol. 15: 64-76
[131] Ratzka, C., Gross, R., and H. Feldhaar. 2013. Gene expression analysis of the endosymbiont-bearing midgut tissue during ontogeny of the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus. J. Insect Physiol. 59: 611-623.
[132] Steinke, M., Gross, R., Bauer, S., Walles, T., and H. Walles. 2013. A human airway mucosa tissue model to investigate whooping cough. Eur. Respir. J. 42: Suppl. 57, 374s.
[133] Ratzka, C., Gross, R., and H. Feldhaar. 2013. Systemic gene knockdown in Camponotus floridanus workers by feeding of dsRNA. Insectes Soc. 60: 475-484.
[134] Kupper, M., Gupta, S.K., Feldhaar, H., and R. Gross. 2014. Versatile roles of the chaperonin GroEL in microbe-insect interactions. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 353: 1-10.
[135] Steinke, M., Gross, R., Walles, H., Gangnus, R., Schütze, K., and T. Walles. 2014. An engineered 3D human airway mucosa model based on an SIS scaffold. Biomaterials 35: 7355-7362.
[136] Seidensticker, K., Gross, R., Walles, T., and M. Steinke. 2014. Untersuchung von Bordetella pertussis Toxinen auf einem bioartifiziellen humanen Atmewegsepithel. Zentralbl Chir 2014; 139 - PB_1_9.
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[137] Bibova, I., Hot, D., Keidel, K., Amman, F., Slupek, S., Cerny, O., Gross, R., and B. Vecerek. 2015. Transcriptional profiling of Bordetella pertussis during infection reveals requirement of Hfq for type III secretion system functionality. RNA Biol. 12: 175-185.
[138] Gupta, S.K., Kupper, M., Ratzka, C., Feldhaar, H., Vilcinskas, A., Gross, R., Dandekar, T., and F. Förster. 2015. Scrutinizing the immune defence inventory of Camponotus floridanus applying total transcriptome sequencing. BMC Genomics 16: 540.
[139] Gabed, N., Yang, M., Bey Baba Hamed, M., Drici, H., Gross, R., Dandekar, T. and C. Liang. 2015. Draft genome sequence of the moderately heat-tolerant Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis bv. diacetylactis GL2 from Algerian dromedary's milk. Genome Announc. 3, pii: e01334-15.
[140] Gupta, S.K., Gross, R., and T. Dandekar. 2016. An antibiotic target ranking and prioritization pipeline combining sequence, structure and network-based approaches exemplified for Serratia marcescens. Gene 591: 268-278.
[141] Kupper, M., Stigloher, C., Feldhaar, H., and R. Gross. 2016. Distribution of Blochmannia floridanus in ovaries during oogenesis of its ant host Camponotus floridanus. Arthropod Struct. Dev. 45: 475-487.
[142] Tragust S, Herrmann C, Häfner J, Braasch R, Tilgen C, Hoock M, Milidakis MA, Gross R, and H. Feldhaar. 2020. Formicine ants swallow their highly acidic poison for gut microbial selection and control. Elife 9:e60287.
[143] Kessie, D.K., Lodes, N., Oberwinkler, H., Goldman, W.E., Walles, T., Steinke, M., and R. Gross. 2021. Activity of tracheal cytotoxin of Bordetella pertussis in a human tracheobronchial 3D tissue model. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 10:594932.