Lehrstuhl für Global Change Ecology

Rasmus Dam Jensen

Rasmus Dam Jensen

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Lehrstuhl für Global Change Ecology
Emil-Hilb-Weg 22
Hubland Nord
97074 Würzburg
Raum: 03.B.35
Telefon: +49 931 31-82321

Educational CV

Since 2024 – PhD student at Julian-Maximillian University Würzburg

2020 – 2023 – Master’s studies at the University of Aarhus and University of Copenhagen

2017 – 2020 – Bachelor’s studies at the University of Aarhus


Voluntary CV

Since 2024 – PhD representative at the Biodiversity Exploratories

2023 – 2024 - Member of Danish Society for Nature Conservation Aarhus Youth

Vollstädt, M., Jensen, R. D., Dalsgaard, B., [+41 authors]. (Submitted). The macroecology of the ornithophilous pollination syndrome: effects of insularity and plant taxonomy. Functional Ecology.

Schrøder, T. S. O., Vollstädt, M., Gonçalves, F., Zhang, T., Jensen, R. D., Tarazona, F., Kim, S., Galetti, M., Simmons, B, I., Kaiser-Bunbury, C, N., Temeles, E., Dalsgaard, B. (In Progress). Hurricane-induced pollinator shifts in a coadapted plant-hummingbird association. Nature, Ecology and Evolution.