Jan Kalusche

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Lehrstuhl für Global Change Ecology
Klara-Oppenheimer-Weg 32
Hubland Nord
97074 Würzburg
Raum: 03.B.32

2024 - current PhD student and Research Assistant
University of Würzburg. Global Change Ecology department, School of Ecology. Würzburg (Germany). “Functional and phylogenetic diversity of birds on islands”. Prof. Dr. Christian Hof. 

2022 - 2023 PhD student and Research Assistant 
Technical University of Munich, TOEK-Group, BioChange-Lab. “Functional and phylogenetic diversity of birds on islands”. Dr. Christian Hof. 

2021 - 2022 Research Assistant 
Technical University of Munich, TOEK-Group, BioChange-Lab. “Intraspecific functional diversity of birds” Dr. Christian Hof. 

2020 - 2021 Research Assistant 
Hanover University of Veterinary Medicine Foundation, Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research. Prof. Prof. h. c. Dr. Ursula Siebert. 

2016 - 2020 MSc in Landscape ecology 
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg “Impacts of sea level rise on waders of the backbarrier tidal flats of Spiekeroog and Langeoog”. Prof. Dr. Michael Kleyer, Dr. Gregor Scheiffarth. 

2011 - 2015 BEng in Landscape development
 Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. “Auswirkungen von Deichbauarbeiten auf Brutvögel am Beispiel der Erhöhung des Ostgrodendeiches auf Wangerooge”. Prof. Dr. Herbert Zucchi, Martin Schulze-Dieckhoff. 

  • Dispersal, glacial refugia and temperature shape biogeographical patterns in European freshwater biodiversity. Cortés‐Guzmán, Daniela; Sinclair, James; Hof, Christian; Kalusche, Jan B.; Haase, Peter. In Global Ecology and Biogeography. Wiley, 2024.
  • Variation funktioneller Diversität in Zeit und Raum am Beispiel der Wasser- und Watvögel der Ostfriesischen Inseln. Kalusche, Jan; Scheiffarth, Gregor; Bastidas Urrutia, Ana Maria; Hof, Christian. In Vogelwarte, 60. 2022.
  • Auswirkungen eines Anstiegs des Meeresspiegels auf Limikolen im Wattenmeer: eine traitbasierte Modellierung. Kalusche, Jan; Kleyer, Michael; Scheiffarth, Gregor. In Vogelwarte, 58. 2020.

  • iDiv Conference 2024, 15.11.2024, Oral presentation: “Functional and phylogenetic diversity of island birds in the Anthropocene “.
  • Macroecology and Biogeography meeting 2024, 13.06.2024, Oral presentation: “Global patterns of functional and phylogenetic diversity and their drivers in island birds“. 
  • IBS Prague – 11th Biennial Conference, 7-11 January, 09.01.2024, Oral presentation: “Climate influences the spatio-temporal variation of bird functional diversity in a global biodiversity hotspot”. 
  • 4th Conference of the Society of Island Biology, Island Biology 2023, Ecological and Evolutionary Processes on Real and Habitat Islands, Lipari Italy, 03.07.2023, Oral presentation: “The functional diversity of birds on the East Frisian Islands across space and time in the context of climate change”. 
  • Macroecology and Biogeography meeting 2023, Poster presentation: “The Functional Diversity of Birds on the East Frisian Islands across Space and Time in the Context of Climate Change“. 
  • 155th DO-G Jahresversammlung in Wilhelmshaven, 23.09.2022, Oral presentation: „Variation funktioneller Diversität in Zeit und Raum am Beispiel der Wasser- und Watvögel der Ostfriesischen Inseln“. 
  • GfÖ-Virtual Annual Meeting 30 August 2021 to 1 September, 31.08.2021, Oral presentation: „A trait-based approach to modelling the loss of mudflats due to climate change induced sea level rise on waders in the Wadden Sea”. 
  • 153th Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft (online), 20.09.2020 Oral presentation: „Auswirkungen eines Anstiegs des Meeresspiegels auf Limikolen im Wattenmeer: eine Trait-basierte Modellierung“.