Schwerpunkt Pflanzenwissenschaften am Julius-von-Sachs-Institut
- Girls Day 2025
- Aktion "Schulfreier Arbeitstag 2024"
- BioSciences Day Würzburg 2024
- Fränkisches Pflanzenforschermeeting 2023
- Internationaler Abend 2023
- Gemeinsame Einführungsveranstaltung des Julius-von-Sachs-Instituts am 10.10.2023
- Aktion "Schulfreier Arbeitstag 2023" am JvSI
- BioSciences Day Würzburg 2023
- Dr. Kenji Fukushima
- W1TTW2-Prof Dr. Nathalie Lackus
- Dr. Tobias Maierhofer
- Dr. Ines Kreuzer
- Dr. Kai Konrad
- Shouguang Huang
- Dr. Agnes Fekete
- Dr. Daniel Maag
- Dr. Christoph Weiste
Alumni/Nachwuchs mit Professuren
Publikationen in Uni-weiten Kooperationen
2023[ to top ]
Assessing the agreement between the pneumatic and the flow-centrifuge method for estimating xylem safety in temperate diffuse-porous tree species. . In Plant Biol (Stuttg), 25(7), pp. 1171–1185. 2023.
S1 basic leucine zipper transcription factors shape plant architecture by controlling C/N partitioning to apical and lateral organs.. . In bioRxiv, p. 2023.05.23.541964. 2023.
Subgenome dominance shapes novel gene evolution in the decaploid pitcher plant Nepenthes gracilis. . In Nat Plants. 2023.
Ambient and substrate energy influence decomposer diversity differentially across trophic levels. . In Ecol Lett, 26(7), pp. 1157–1173. 2023.
Tobacco leaf tissue rapidly detoxifies direct salt loads without activation of calcium and SOS signaling. . In New Phytol, 237(1), pp. 217–231. 2023.
Vicia faba SV channel VfTPC1 is a hyperexcitable variant of plant vacuole Two Pore Channels. . In Elife, 12. 2023.
Carnivory on demand: phosphorus deficiency induces glandular leaves in the African liana Triphyophyllum peltatum. . In New Phytol, 239(3), pp. 1140–1152. 2023.
Central Role of Sibling Small RNAs NgncR_162 and NgncR_163 in Main Metabolic Pathways of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. . In mBio, 14(1), p. e0309322. 2023.
Addressing controversies in the xylem embolism resistance-vessel diameter relationship. . In New Phytol, 238(1), pp. 283–296. 2023.
The circadian clock is required for rhythmic lipid transport in Drosophila in interaction with diet and photic condition. . In J Lipid Res, 64(10), p. 100417. 2023.
Enhancing the structural diversity between forest patches-A concept and real-world experiment to study biodiversity, multifunctionality and forest resilience across spatial scales. . In Glob Chang Biol, 29(6), pp. 1437–1450. 2023.
Design of Glycoengineered IL-4 Antagonists Employing Chemical and Biosynthetic Glycosylation. . In ACS Omega, 8(28), pp. 24841–24852. 2023.
DYSCALCULIA, a Venus flytrap mutant without the ability to count action potentials. . In Curr Biol, 33(3), pp. 589–596 e5. 2023.
2022[ to top ]
Sugar perception in honeybees. . In Front Physiol, 13, p. 1089669. 2022.
A nonfunctional copy of the salmonid sex-determining gene (sdY) is responsible for the "apparent" XY females in Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. . In G3 (Bethesda), 12(2). 2022.
The digestive systems of carnivorous plants. . In Plant Physiol, 190(1), pp. 44–59. 2022.
A unique inventory of ion transporters poises the Venus flytrap to fast-propagating action potentials and calcium waves. . In Curr Biol, 32(19), pp. 4255–4263 e5. 2022.
Site-Directed Immobilization of an Engineered Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (BMP2) Variant to Collagen-Based Microspheres Induces Bone Formation In Vivo. . In Int J Mol Sci, 23(7). 2022.
Stalk cell polar ion transport provide for bladder-based salinity tolerance in Chenopodium quinoa. . In New Phytol, 235(5), pp. 1822–1835. 2022.
Ether anesthetics prevents touch-induced trigger hair calcium-electrical signals excite the Venus flytrap. . In Sci Rep, 12(1), p. 2851. 2022.
2021[ to top ]
Endocrine signals fine-tune daily activity patterns in Drosophila. . In Curr Biol, 31(18), pp. 4076–4087 e5. 2021.
Optogenetic control of plant growth by a microbial rhodopsin. . In Nat Plants, 7(2), pp. 144–151. 2021.
Reproducibility challenges in the search for antibacterial compounds from nature. . In PLoS One, 16(7), p. e0255437. 2021.
Mechanosensitive channel gating by delipidation. . In Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 118(33). 2021.
How to Grow a Tree: Plant Voltage-Dependent Cation Channels in the Spotlight of Evolution. . In Trends Plant Sci, 26(1), pp. 41–52. 2021.
Plant roots employ cell-layer-specific programs to respond to pathogenic and beneficial microbes. . In Cell Host Microbe, 29(2), pp. 299–310 e7. 2021.
The Developmental and Genetic Architecture of the Sexually Selected Male Ornament of Swordtails. . In Curr Biol, 31(5), pp. 911–922 e4. 2021.
In Vitro Rearing Changes Social Task Performance and Physiology in Honeybees. . In Insects, 13(1). 2021.
Perturbations in plant energy homeostasis prime lateral root initiation via SnRK1-bZIP63-ARF19 signaling. . In Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 118(37). 2021.
Acidosis-induced activation of anion channel SLAH3 in the flooding-related stress response of Arabidopsis. . In Curr Biol, 31(16), pp. 3575–3585 e9. 2021.
Optogenetic control of the guard cell membrane potential and stomatal movement by the light-gated anion channel GtACR1. . In Sci Adv, 7(28). 2021.
Under salt stress guard cells rewire ion transport and abscisic acid signaling. . In New Phytol, 231(3), pp. 1040–1055. 2021.
2020[ to top ]
Alkaloid Concentrations of Lolium perenne Infected with Epichloe festucae var. lolii with Different Detection Methods-A Re-Evaluation of Intoxication Risk in Germany?. . In J Fungi (Basel), 6(3). 2020.
Targeting interleukin-4 to the arthritic joint. . In J Control Release, 326, pp. 172–180. 2020.
Epichloe Endophyte Infection rates and Alkaloid Content in Commercially Available Grass Seed Mixtures in Europe. . In Microorganisms, 8(4). 2020.
Genomes of the Venus Flytrap and Close Relatives Unveil the Roots of Plant Carnivory. . In Curr Biol, 30(12), pp. 2312–2320 e5. 2020.
An improved growth medium for enhanced inoculum production of the plant growth-promoting fungus Serendipita indica. . In Plant Methods, 16, p. 39. 2020.
The MscS-like channel YnaI has a gating mechanism based on flexible pore helices. . In Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 117(46), pp. 28754–28762. 2020.
Loss of function in the Drosophila clock gene period results in altered intermediary lipid metabolism and increased susceptibility to starvation. . In Cell Mol Life Sci, 77(23), pp. 4939–4956. 2020.
An Activating Deletion Variant in the Submembrane Region of Natriuretic Peptide Receptor-B Causes Tall Stature. . In J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 105(7), pp. 2354–66. 2020.
CRISPR/Cas 9-Mediated Mutations as a New Tool for Studying Taste in Honeybees. . In Chem Senses, 45(8), pp. 655–666. 2020.
The Venus flytrap trigger hair-specific potassium channel KDM1 can reestablish the K+ gradient required for hapto-electric signaling. . In PLoS Biol, 18(12), p. e3000964. 2020.
Chemical Priming by Isothiocyanates Protects Against Intoxication by Products of the Mustard Oil Bomb. . In Front Plant Sci, 11, p. 887. 2020.
Comparison of extraction efficiency and selectivity between low-temperature pressurized microwave-assisted extraction and prolonged maceration. . In Arch Pharm (Weinheim), 353(10), p. e2000147. 2020.
Metabolomic profiling and anti-infective potential of Zinnia elegans and Gazania rigens (Family Asteraceae). . In Nat Prod Res, 34(18), pp. 2612–2615. 2020.
2019[ to top ]
Infection Rates and Alkaloid Patterns of Different Grass Species with Systemic Epichloe Endophytes. . In Appl Environ Microbiol, 85(17). 2019.
Specification of BMP Signaling. . In Cells, 8(12). 2019.
Rat Organic Cation Transporter 1 Contains Three Binding Sites for Substrate 1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium per Monomer. . In Mol Pharmacol, 95(2), pp. 169–182. 2019.
Effects of temperature on the cuticular transpiration barrier of two desert plants with water-spender and water-saver strategies. . In J Exp Bot, 70(5), pp. 1613–1625. 2019.
Acquiring Control: The Evolution of Stomatal Signalling Pathways. . In Trends Plant Sci, 24(4), pp. 342–351. 2019.
2018[ to top ]
Collagen I derived recombinant protein microspheres as novel delivery vehicles for bone morphogenetic protein-2. . In Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 84, pp. 271–280. 2018.
The unusual rainbow trout sex determination gene hijacked the canonical vertebrate gonadal differentiation pathway. . In Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 115(50), pp. 12781–12786. 2018.
Understanding the Molecular Basis of Salt Sequestration in Epidermal Bladder Cells of Chenopodium quinoa. . In Curr Biol, 28(19), pp. 3075–3085 e7. 2018.
Hepatoprotective potential of Malvaviscus arboreus against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats. . In PLoS One, 13(8), p. e0202362. 2018.
Snf1-RELATED KINASE1-Controlled C/S(1)-bZIP Signaling Activates Alternative Mitochondrial Metabolic Pathways to Ensure Plant Survival in Extended Darkness. . In Plant Cell, 30(2), pp. 495–509. 2018.
Site-Directed Immobilization of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 to Solid Surfaces by Click Chemistry. . In J Vis Exp, (133). 2018.
Bioresponsive release of insulin-like growth factor-I from its PEGylated conjugate. . In J Control Release, 279, pp. 17–28. 2018.
Assay Conditions Influence Affinities of Rat Organic Cation Transporter 1: Analysis of Mutagenesis in the Modeled Outward-Facing Cleft by Measuring Effects of Substrates and Inhibitors on Initial Uptake. . In Mol Pharmacol, 93(4), pp. 402–415. 2018.
TGF-beta family co-receptor function and signaling. . In Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai), 50(1), pp. 12–36. 2018.
High V-PPase activity is beneficial under high salt loads, but detrimental without salinity. . In New Phytol, 219(4), pp. 1421–1432. 2018.