Biozentrum der Universität Würzburg

Schwerpunkt Pflanzenwissenschaften am Julius-von-Sachs-Institut


Aktuelle Meldungen aus dem Biozentrum

Eine aufgebaute Emergenzfalle. In diesen werden Insekten und Spinnen nach ihrer Winterruhe gesammelt.

Die Stadt als Winterquartier für Insekten

Der Beirat der Werner und Inge Grüter-Stiftung und die diesjährigen Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger bei der Preisverleihung in München. In der Mitte (v.l.): Romy Zeiss, Malte Jochum und Elisabeth Bönisch.

Wissenschaftskommunikation zu Biodiversität zweifach ausgezeichnet

Ein Kalkmagerrasen in Karlstadt in Unterfranken: Auch hier hat das Forschungsteam die Artenvielfalt bestimmt.

Mehr Vielfalt im Kalkmagerrasen


Neue Details über die Insulinproduktion entschlüsselt

Publikationen in Uni-weiten Kooperationen

2023[ to top ]
  • Assessing the agreement between the pneumatic and the flow-centrifuge method for estimating xylem safety in temperate diffuse-porous tree species. Paligi, S. S.; Link, R. M.; Isasa, E.; Bittencourt, P.; Cabral, J. S.; Jansen, S.; Oliveira, R. S.; Pereira, L.; Schuldt, B. In Plant Biol (Stuttg), 25(7), pp. 1171–1185. 2023.
  • S1 basic leucine zipper transcription factors shape plant architecture by controlling C/N partitioning to apical and lateral organs.. Kreisz, P.; Hellens, A.M.; Fröschel, C.; Krischke, M.; Maag, D.; Feil, R.; Wildenhain, T.; Draken, J.; Braune, G.; Erdelitsch, L.; Cecchino, L.; Wagner, T.C.; Mueller, M.J.; Becker, D.; Lunn, J.E.; Hanson, J.; Beveridge, C.A.; Fichtner, F.; Barbier, F.F.; Weiste, C. In bioRxiv, p. 2023.05.23.541964. 2023.
  • Subgenome dominance shapes novel gene evolution in the decaploid pitcher plant Nepenthes gracilis. Saul, F.; Scharmann, M.; Wakatake, T.; Rajaraman, S.; Marques, A.; Freund, M.; Bringmann, G.; Channon, L.; Becker, D.; Carroll, E.; Low, Y. W.; Lindqvist, C.; Gilbert, K. J.; Renner, T.; Masuda, S.; Richter, M.; Vogg, G.; Shirasu, K.; Michael, T. P.; Hedrich, R.; Albert, V. A.; Fukushima, K. In Nat Plants. 2023.
  • Ambient and substrate energy influence decomposer diversity differentially across trophic levels. Kriegel, P.; Vogel, S.; Angeleri, R.; Baldrian, P.; Borken, W.; Bouget, C.; Brin, A.; Bussler, H.; Cocciufa, C.; Feldmann, B.; Gossner, M. M.; Haeler, E.; Hagge, J.; Hardersen, S.; Hartmann, H.; Hjalten, J.; Kotowska, M. M.; Lachat, T.; Larrieu, L.; Leverkus, A. B.; Macagno, A. L. M.; Mitesser, O.; Muller, J.; Obermaier, E.; Parisi, F.; Pelz, S.; Schuldt, B.; Seibold, S.; Stengel, E.; Sverdrup-Thygeson, A.; Weisser, W.; Thorn, S. In Ecol Lett, 26(7), pp. 1157–1173. 2023.
  • Tobacco leaf tissue rapidly detoxifies direct salt loads without activation of calcium and SOS signaling. Graus, D.; Li, K.; Rathje, J. M.; Ding, M.; Krischke, M.; Muller, M. J.; Cuin, T. A.; Al-Rasheid, K. A. S.; Scherzer, S.; Marten, I.; Konrad, K. R.; Hedrich, R. In New Phytol, 237(1), pp. 217–231. 2023.
  • Vicia faba SV channel VfTPC1 is a hyperexcitable variant of plant vacuole Two Pore Channels. Lu, J.; Dreyer, I.; Dickinson, M. S.; Panzer, S.; Jaslan, D.; Navarro-Retamal, C.; Geiger, D.; Terpitz, U.; Becker, D.; Stroud, R. M.; Marten, I.; Hedrich, R. In Elife, 12. 2023.
  • Carnivory on demand: phosphorus deficiency induces glandular leaves in the African liana Triphyophyllum peltatum. Winkelmann, T.; Bringmann, G.; Herwig, A.; Hedrich, R. In New Phytol, 239(3), pp. 1140–1152. 2023.
  • Central Role of Sibling Small RNAs NgncR_162 and NgncR_163 in Main Metabolic Pathways of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Steiner, T.; Zachary, M.; Bauer, S.; Muller, M. J.; Krischke, M.; Radziej, S.; Klepsch, M.; Huettel, B.; Eisenreich, W.; Rudel, T.; Beier, D. In mBio, 14(1), p. e0309322. 2023.
  • Addressing controversies in the xylem embolism resistance-vessel diameter relationship. Isasa, E.; Link, R. M.; Jansen, S.; Tezeh, F. R.; Kaack, L.; Sarmento Cabral, J.; Schuldt, B. In New Phytol, 238(1), pp. 283–296. 2023.
  • The circadian clock is required for rhythmic lipid transport in Drosophila in interaction with diet and photic condition. Amatobi, K. M.; Ozbek-Unal, A. G.; Schabler, S.; Deppisch, P.; Helfrich-Forster, C.; Mueller, M. J.; Wegener, C.; Fekete, A. In J Lipid Res, 64(10), p. 100417. 2023.
  • Enhancing the structural diversity between forest patches-A concept and real-world experiment to study biodiversity, multifunctionality and forest resilience across spatial scales. Muller, J.; Mitesser, O.; Cadotte, M. W.; van der Plas, F.; Mori, A. S.; Ammer, C.; Chao, A.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Baldrian, P.; Bassler, C.; Biedermann, P.; Cesarz, S.; Classen, A.; Delory, B. M.; Feldhaar, H.; Fichtner, A.; Hothorn, T.; Kuenzer, C.; Peters, M. K.; Pierick, K.; Schmitt, T.; Schuldt, B.; Seidel, D.; Six, D.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Thorn, S.; von Oheimb, G.; Wegmann, M.; Weisser, W. W.; Eisenhauer, N. In Glob Chang Biol, 29(6), pp. 1437–1450. 2023.
  • Design of Glycoengineered IL-4 Antagonists Employing Chemical and Biosynthetic Glycosylation. Thomas, S.; Fiebig, J. E.; Kuhn, E. M.; Mayer, D. S.; Filbeck, S.; Schmitz, W.; Krischke, M.; Gropp, R.; Mueller, T. D. In ACS Omega, 8(28), pp. 24841–24852. 2023.
  • DYSCALCULIA, a Venus flytrap mutant without the ability to count action potentials. Iosip, A. L.; Scherzer, S.; Bauer, S.; Becker, D.; Krischke, M.; Al-Rasheid, K. A. S.; Schultz, J.; Kreuzer, I.; Hedrich, R. In Curr Biol, 33(3), pp. 589–596 e5. 2023.
2022[ to top ]
  • Sugar perception in honeybees. Degirmenci, L.; Roge Ferreira, F. L.; Vukosavljevic, A.; Heindl, C.; Keller, A.; Geiger, D.; Scheiner, R. In Front Physiol, 13, p. 1089669. 2022.
  • A nonfunctional copy of the salmonid sex-determining gene (sdY) is responsible for the "apparent" XY females in Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Bertho, S.; Herpin, A.; Jouanno, E.; Yano, A.; Bobe, J.; Parrinello, H.; Journot, L.; Guyomard, R.; Muller, T.; Swanson, P.; McKinney, G.; Williamson, K.; Meek, M.; Schartl, M.; Guiguen, Y. In G3 (Bethesda), 12(2). 2022.
  • The digestive systems of carnivorous plants. Freund, M.; Graus, D.; Fleischmann, A.; Gilbert, K. J.; Lin, Q.; Renner, T.; Stigloher, C.; Albert, V. A.; Hedrich, R.; Fukushima, K. In Plant Physiol, 190(1), pp. 44–59. 2022.
  • A unique inventory of ion transporters poises the Venus flytrap to fast-propagating action potentials and calcium waves. Scherzer, S.; Bohm, J.; Huang, S.; Iosip, A. L.; Kreuzer, I.; Becker, D.; Heckmann, M.; Al-Rasheid, K. A. S.; Dreyer, I.; Hedrich, R. In Curr Biol, 32(19), pp. 4255–4263 e5. 2022.
  • Site-Directed Immobilization of an Engineered Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (BMP2) Variant to Collagen-Based Microspheres Induces Bone Formation In Vivo. Siverino, C.; Fahmy-Garcia, S.; Mumcuoglu, D.; Oberwinkler, H.; Muehlemann, M.; Mueller, T.; Farrell, E.; van Osch, Gjvm; Nickel, J. In Int J Mol Sci, 23(7). 2022.
  • Stalk cell polar ion transport provide for bladder-based salinity tolerance in Chenopodium quinoa. Bazihizina, N.; Bohm, J.; Messerer, M.; Stigloher, C.; Muller, H. M.; Cuin, T. A.; Maierhofer, T.; Cabot, J.; Mayer, K. F. X.; Fella, C.; Huang, S.; Al-Rasheid, K. A. S.; Alquraishi, S.; Breadmore, M.; Mancuso, S.; Shabala, S.; Ache, P.; Zhang, H.; Zhu, J. K.; Hedrich, R.; Scherzer, S. In New Phytol, 235(5), pp. 1822–1835. 2022.
  • Ether anesthetics prevents touch-induced trigger hair calcium-electrical signals excite the Venus flytrap. Scherzer, S.; Huang, S.; Iosip, A.; Kreuzer, I.; Yokawa, K.; Al-Rasheid, K. A. S.; Heckmann, M.; Hedrich, R. In Sci Rep, 12(1), p. 2851. 2022.
2021[ to top ]
  • Endocrine signals fine-tune daily activity patterns in Drosophila. Pauls, D.; Selcho, M.; Raderscheidt, J.; Amatobi, K. M.; Fekete, A.; Krischke, M.; Hermann-Luibl, C.; Ozbek-Unal, A. G.; Ehmann, N.; Itskov, P. M.; Kittel, R. J.; Helfrich-Forster, C.; Kuhnlein, R. P.; Mueller, M. J.; Wegener, C. In Curr Biol, 31(18), pp. 4076–4087 e5. 2021.
  • Optogenetic control of plant growth by a microbial rhodopsin. Zhou, Y.; Ding, M.; Gao, S.; Yu-Strzelczyk, J.; Krischke, M.; Duan, X.; Leide, J.; Riederer, M.; Mueller, M. J.; Hedrich, R.; Konrad, K. R.; Nagel, G. In Nat Plants, 7(2), pp. 144–151. 2021.
  • Reproducibility challenges in the search for antibacterial compounds from nature. Masota, N. E.; Vogg, G.; Ohlsen, K.; Holzgrabe, U. In PLoS One, 16(7), p. e0255437. 2021.
  • Mechanosensitive channel gating by delipidation. Flegler, V. J.; Rasmussen, A.; Borbil, K.; Boten, L.; Chen, H. A.; Deinlein, H.; Halang, J.; Hellmanzik, K.; Loffler, J.; Schmidt, V.; Makbul, C.; Kraft, C.; Hedrich, R.; Rasmussen, T.; Bottcher, B. In Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 118(33). 2021.
  • How to Grow a Tree: Plant Voltage-Dependent Cation Channels in the Spotlight of Evolution. Dreyer, I.; Sussmilch, F. C.; Fukushima, K.; Riadi, G.; Becker, D.; Schultz, J.; Hedrich, R. In Trends Plant Sci, 26(1), pp. 41–52. 2021.
  • Plant roots employ cell-layer-specific programs to respond to pathogenic and beneficial microbes. Froschel, C.; Komorek, J.; Attard, A.; Marsell, A.; Lopez-Arboleda, W. A.; Le Berre, J.; Wolf, E.; Geldner, N.; Waller, F.; Korte, A.; Droge-Laser, W. In Cell Host Microbe, 29(2), pp. 299–310 e7. 2021.
  • The Developmental and Genetic Architecture of the Sexually Selected Male Ornament of Swordtails. Schartl, M.; Kneitz, S.; Ormanns, J.; Schmidt, C.; Anderson, J. L.; Amores, A.; Catchen, J.; Wilson, C.; Geiger, D.; Du, K.; Garcia-Olazabal, M.; Sudaram, S.; Winkler, C.; Hedrich, R.; Warren, W. C.; Walter, R.; Meyer, A.; Postlethwait, J. H. In Curr Biol, 31(5), pp. 911–922 e4. 2021.
  • In Vitro Rearing Changes Social Task Performance and Physiology in Honeybees. Schilcher, F.; Hilsmann, L.; Rauscher, L.; Degirmenci, L.; Krischke, M.; Krischke, B.; Ankenbrand, M.; Rutschmann, B.; Mueller, M. J.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Scheiner, R. In Insects, 13(1). 2021.
  • Perturbations in plant energy homeostasis prime lateral root initiation via SnRK1-bZIP63-ARF19 signaling. Muralidhara, P.; Weiste, C.; Collani, S.; Krischke, M.; Kreisz, P.; Draken, J.; Feil, R.; Mair, A.; Teige, M.; Muller, M. J.; Schmid, M.; Becker, D.; Lunn, J. E.; Rolland, F.; Hanson, J.; Droge-Laser, W. In Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 118(37). 2021.
  • Acidosis-induced activation of anion channel SLAH3 in the flooding-related stress response of Arabidopsis. Lehmann, J.; Jorgensen, M. E.; Fratz, S.; Muller, H. M.; Kusch, J.; Scherzer, S.; Navarro-Retamal, C.; Mayer, D.; Bohm, J.; Konrad, K. R.; Terpitz, U.; Dreyer, I.; Mueller, T. D.; Sauer, M.; Hedrich, R.; Geiger, D.; Maierhofer, T. In Curr Biol, 31(16), pp. 3575–3585 e9. 2021.
  • Optogenetic control of the guard cell membrane potential and stomatal movement by the light-gated anion channel GtACR1. Huang, S.; Ding, M.; Roelfsema, M. R. G.; Dreyer, I.; Scherzer, S.; Al-Rasheid, K. A. S.; Gao, S.; Nagel, G.; Hedrich, R.; Konrad, K. R. In Sci Adv, 7(28). 2021.
  • Under salt stress guard cells rewire ion transport and abscisic acid signaling. Karimi, S. M.; Freund, M.; Wager, B. M.; Knoblauch, M.; Fromm, J.; H, M. Mueller; Ache, P.; Krischke, M.; Mueller, M. J.; Muller, T.; Dittrich, M.; Geilfus, C. M.; Alfarhan, A. H.; Hedrich, R.; Deeken, R. In New Phytol, 231(3), pp. 1040–1055. 2021.
2020[ to top ]
  • Alkaloid Concentrations of Lolium perenne Infected with Epichloe festucae var. lolii with Different Detection Methods-A Re-Evaluation of Intoxication Risk in Germany?. Vikuk, V.; Fuchs, B.; Krischke, M.; Mueller, M. J.; Rueb, S.; Krauss, J. In J Fungi (Basel), 6(3). 2020.
  • Targeting interleukin-4 to the arthritic joint. Spieler, V.; Ludwig, M. G.; Dawson, J.; Tigani, B.; Littlewood-Evans, A.; Safina, C.; Ebersbach, H.; Seuwen, K.; Raschig, M.; Ter Mors, B.; Muller, T. D.; Meinel, L.; Luhmann, T. In J Control Release, 326, pp. 172–180. 2020.
  • Epichloe Endophyte Infection rates and Alkaloid Content in Commercially Available Grass Seed Mixtures in Europe. Krauss, J.; Vikuk, V.; Young, C. A.; Krischke, M.; Mueller, M. J.; Baerenfaller, K. In Microorganisms, 8(4). 2020.
  • Genomes of the Venus Flytrap and Close Relatives Unveil the Roots of Plant Carnivory. Palfalvi, G.; Hackl, T.; Terhoeven, N.; Shibata, T. F.; Nishiyama, T.; Ankenbrand, M.; Becker, D.; Forster, F.; Freund, M.; Iosip, A.; Kreuzer, I.; Saul, F.; Kamida, C.; Fukushima, K.; Shigenobu, S.; Tamada, Y.; Adamec, L.; Hoshi, Y.; Ueda, K.; Winkelmann, T.; Fuchs, J.; Schubert, I.; Schwacke, R.; Al-Rasheid, K.; Schultz, J.; Hasebe, M.; Hedrich, R. In Curr Biol, 30(12), pp. 2312–2320 e5. 2020.
  • An improved growth medium for enhanced inoculum production of the plant growth-promoting fungus Serendipita indica. Osman, M.; Stigloher, C.; Mueller, M. J.; Waller, F. In Plant Methods, 16, p. 39. 2020.
  • The MscS-like channel YnaI has a gating mechanism based on flexible pore helices. Flegler, V. J.; Rasmussen, A.; Rao, S.; Wu, N.; Zenobi, R.; Sansom, M. S. P.; Hedrich, R.; Rasmussen, T.; Bottcher, B. In Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 117(46), pp. 28754–28762. 2020.
  • Loss of function in the Drosophila clock gene period results in altered intermediary lipid metabolism and increased susceptibility to starvation. Schabler, S.; Amatobi, K. M.; Horn, M.; Rieger, D.; Helfrich-Forster, C.; Mueller, M. J.; Wegener, C.; Fekete, A. In Cell Mol Life Sci, 77(23), pp. 4939–4956. 2020.
  • An Activating Deletion Variant in the Submembrane Region of Natriuretic Peptide Receptor-B Causes Tall Stature. Lauffer, P.; Miranda-Laferte, E.; van Duyvenvoorde, H. A.; van Haeringen, A.; Werner, F.; Boudin, E.; Schmidt, H.; Mueller, T. D.; Kuhn, M.; van der Kaay, D. C. M. In J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 105(7), pp. 2354–66. 2020.
  • CRISPR/Cas 9-Mediated Mutations as a New Tool for Studying Taste in Honeybees. Degirmenci, L.; Geiger, D.; Roge Ferreira, F. L.; Keller, A.; Krischke, B.; Beye, M.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Scheiner, R. In Chem Senses, 45(8), pp. 655–666. 2020.
  • The Venus flytrap trigger hair-specific potassium channel KDM1 can reestablish the K+ gradient required for hapto-electric signaling. Iosip, A. L.; Bohm, J.; Scherzer, S.; Al-Rasheid, K. A. S.; Dreyer, I.; Schultz, J.; Becker, D.; Kreuzer, I.; Hedrich, R. In PLoS Biol, 18(12), p. e3000964. 2020.
  • Chemical Priming by Isothiocyanates Protects Against Intoxication by Products of the Mustard Oil Bomb. Ferber, E.; Gerhards, J.; Sauer, M.; Krischke, M.; Dittrich, M. T.; Muller, T.; Berger, S.; Fekete, A.; Mueller, M. J. In Front Plant Sci, 11, p. 887. 2020.
  • Comparison of extraction efficiency and selectivity between low-temperature pressurized microwave-assisted extraction and prolonged maceration. Masota, N. E.; Vogg, G.; Heller, E.; Holzgrabe, U. In Arch Pharm (Weinheim), 353(10), p. e2000147. 2020.
  • Metabolomic profiling and anti-infective potential of Zinnia elegans and Gazania rigens (Family Asteraceae). Gomaa, A. A.; Samy, M. N.; Abdelmohsen, U. R.; Krischke, M.; Mueller, M. J.; Wanas, A. S.; Desoukey, S. Y.; Kamel, M. S. In Nat Prod Res, 34(18), pp. 2612–2615. 2020.
2019[ to top ]
  • Infection Rates and Alkaloid Patterns of Different Grass Species with Systemic Epichloe Endophytes. Vikuk, V.; Young, C. A.; Lee, S. T.; Nagabhyru, P.; Krischke, M.; Mueller, M. J.; Krauss, J. In Appl Environ Microbiol, 85(17). 2019.
  • Specification of BMP Signaling. Nickel, J.; Mueller, T. D. In Cells, 8(12). 2019.
  • Rat Organic Cation Transporter 1 Contains Three Binding Sites for Substrate 1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium per Monomer. Keller, T.; Gorboulev, V.; Mueller, T. D.; Dotsch, V.; Bernhard, F.; Koepsell, H. In Mol Pharmacol, 95(2), pp. 169–182. 2019.
  • Effects of temperature on the cuticular transpiration barrier of two desert plants with water-spender and water-saver strategies. Bueno, A.; Alfarhan, A.; Arand, K.; Burghardt, M.; Deininger, A. C.; Hedrich, R.; Leide, J.; Seufert, P.; Staiger, S.; Riederer, M. In J Exp Bot, 70(5), pp. 1613–1625. 2019.
  • Acquiring Control: The Evolution of Stomatal Signalling Pathways. Sussmilch, F. C.; Schultz, J.; Hedrich, R.; Roelfsema, M. R. G. In Trends Plant Sci, 24(4), pp. 342–351. 2019.
2018[ to top ]
  • Collagen I derived recombinant protein microspheres as novel delivery vehicles for bone morphogenetic protein-2. Mumcuoglu, D.; de Miguel, L.; Jekhmane, S.; Siverino, C.; Nickel, J.; Mueller, T. D.; van Leeuwen, J. P.; van Osch, G. J.; Kluijtmans, S. G. In Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 84, pp. 271–280. 2018.
  • The unusual rainbow trout sex determination gene hijacked the canonical vertebrate gonadal differentiation pathway. Bertho, S.; Herpin, A.; Branthonne, A.; Jouanno, E.; Yano, A.; Nicol, B.; Muller, T.; Pannetier, M.; Pailhoux, E.; Miwa, M.; Yoshizaki, G.; Schartl, M.; Guiguen, Y. In Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 115(50), pp. 12781–12786. 2018.
  • Understanding the Molecular Basis of Salt Sequestration in Epidermal Bladder Cells of Chenopodium quinoa. Bohm, J.; Messerer, M.; Muller, H. M.; Scholz-Starke, J.; Gradogna, A.; Scherzer, S.; Maierhofer, T.; Bazihizina, N.; Zhang, H.; Stigloher, C.; Ache, P.; Al-Rasheid, K. A. S.; Mayer, K. F. X.; Shabala, S.; Carpaneto, A.; Haberer, G.; Zhu, J. K.; Hedrich, R. In Curr Biol, 28(19), pp. 3075–3085 e7. 2018.
  • Hepatoprotective potential of Malvaviscus arboreus against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats. Abdelhafez, O. H.; Fawzy, M. A.; Fahim, J. R.; Desoukey, S. Y.; Krischke, M.; Mueller, M. J.; Abdelmohsen, U. R. In PLoS One, 13(8), p. e0202362. 2018.
  • Snf1-RELATED KINASE1-Controlled C/S(1)-bZIP Signaling Activates Alternative Mitochondrial Metabolic Pathways to Ensure Plant Survival in Extended Darkness. Pedrotti, L.; Weiste, C.; Nagele, T.; Wolf, E.; Lorenzin, F.; Dietrich, K.; Mair, A.; Weckwerth, W.; Teige, M.; Baena-Gonzalez, E.; Droge-Laser, W. In Plant Cell, 30(2), pp. 495–509. 2018.
  • Site-Directed Immobilization of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 to Solid Surfaces by Click Chemistry. Siverino, C.; Tabisz, B.; Luhmann, T.; Meinel, L.; Muller, T.; Walles, H.; Nickel, J. In J Vis Exp, (133). 2018.
  • Bioresponsive release of insulin-like growth factor-I from its PEGylated conjugate. Braun, A. C.; Gutmann, M.; Mueller, T. D.; Luhmann, T.; Meinel, L. In J Control Release, 279, pp. 17–28. 2018.
  • Assay Conditions Influence Affinities of Rat Organic Cation Transporter 1: Analysis of Mutagenesis in the Modeled Outward-Facing Cleft by Measuring Effects of Substrates and Inhibitors on Initial Uptake. Gorboulev, V.; Rehman, S.; Albert, C. M.; Roth, U.; Meyer, M. J.; Tzvetkov, M. V.; Mueller, T. D.; Koepsell, H. In Mol Pharmacol, 93(4), pp. 402–415. 2018.
  • TGF-beta family co-receptor function and signaling. Nickel, J.; Ten Dijke, P.; Mueller, T. D. In Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai), 50(1), pp. 12–36. 2018.
  • High V-PPase activity is beneficial under high salt loads, but detrimental without salinity. Graus, D.; Konrad, K. R.; Bemm, F.; Patir Nebioglu, M. G.; Lorey, C.; Duscha, K.; Guthoff, T.; Herrmann, J.; Ferjani, A.; Cuin, T. A.; Roelfsema, M. R. G.; Schumacher, K.; Neuhaus, H. E.; Marten, I.; Hedrich, R. In New Phytol, 219(4), pp. 1421–1432. 2018.