Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology Group


2022[ to top ]
  • Emergence of spatially structured populations by area-concentrated search. Chaianunporn, Thotsapol; Hovestadt, Thomas. In Ecology and Evolution, 12(12). Wiley, 2022.
2021[ to top ]
  • Tracking the temporal dynamics of insect defoliation by high-resolution radar satellite data. Bae, Soyeon; Müller, Jörg; Förster, Bernhard; Hilmers, Torben; Hochrein, Sophia; Jacobs, Martin; Leroy, Benjamin ML; Pretzsch, Hans; Weisser, Wolfgang W; Mitesser, Oliver. In Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Wiley Online Library, 2021.
  • Women temporarily synchronize their menstrual cycles with the luminance and gravimetric cycles of the Moon. Helfrich-Förster, C.; Monecke, S.; Spiousas, I.; Hovestadt, T.; Mitesser, O.; Wehr, T.A. In Science Advances, 7(5), p. eabe1358. 2021.
2019[ to top ]
  • Multiple host use and the dynamics of host switching in hosttextendashparasite systems. Hovestadt, Thomas; Thomas, Jeremy A.; Mitesser, Oliver; Schönrogge, Karsten. In Insect Conservation and Diversity. Wiley, 2019.
  • The Circadian Clock Improves Fitness in the Fruit Fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Horn, Melanie; Mitesser, Oliver; Hovestadt, Thomas; Yoshii, Taishi; Rieger, Dirk; Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte. In Frontiers in Physiology, 10, p. 1374. 2019.
  • Habitat loss and fragmentation increase realized predatortextendashprey body size ratios. Hillaert, Jasmijn; Vandegehuchte, Martijn L.; Hovestadt, Thomas; Bonte, Dries. In Functional Ecology, 34(2), M. Spasojevic (ed.), pp. 534–544. Wiley, 2019.
  • Dispersal evolution in metacommunities of tri-trophic systems. Chaianunporn, T.; Hovestadt, T. In Ecological Modelling, 395, pp. 28–38. 2019.
2018[ to top ]
  • Explaining the variability in the response of annual eusocial insects to mass-flowering events. Hovestadt, Thomas; Mitesser, Oliver; Poethke, Achim; Holzschuh, Andrea. In Journal of Animal Ecology. 2018.
  • Suitable triggers for timing the transition from worker to sexual production in annual eusocial insects. Hovestadt, T.; Degen, T.; Mitesser, O. In Insectes Sociaux. 2018.
  • Size-dependent movement explains why bigger is better in fragmented landscapes. Hillaert, Jasmijn; Hovestadt, Thomas; Vandegehuchte, Martijn L.; Bonte, Dries. In Ecology and Evolution, 8, pp. 10754–10767. 2018.
  • Information use during movement regulates how fragmentation and loss of habitat affect body size. Hillaert, Jamijn; Vandegehuchte, Martijn L.; Hovestadt, Thomas; Bonte, Dries. In Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (B), 285. 2018.
  • Eusociality outcompetes egalitarian and solitary strategies when resources are limited and reproduction is costly. Fronhofer, E. A.; Liebig, J.; Mitesser, O.; Poethke, H. J. In Ecology and Evolution. 2018.
  • Exploratory behavior of re-orienting foragers differs from other flight patterns of honeybees. Degen, Jacqueline; Hovestadt, Thomas; Storms, Mona; Menzel, Randolf. In PLOS ONE, 13(8), pp. 1–14. Public Library of Science, 2018.
2017[ to top ]
  • Transgenerational effects of mild heat in Arabidopsis thaliana show strong genotype specificity that is explained by climate at origin. Groot, Maartje P.; Kubisch, Alexander; Ouborg, N. Joop; Pagel, Jörn; Schmid, Karl J.; Vergeer, Philippine; Lampei, Christian. In New Phytologist. 2017.
  • Saving the injured: Rescue behavior in the termite-hunting ant Megaponera analis. Frank, Erik Thomas; Schmitt, Thomas; Hovestadt, Thomas; Mitesser, Oliver; Stiegler, Jonas; Linsenmair, Karl Eduard. In Science Advances, 3(4). American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2017.
  • Altered sex-specific mortality and female mating success: ecological effects and evolutionary responses. Degen, Tobias; Hovestadt, Thomas; Mitesser, Oliver; Hölker, Franz. In Ecosphere, 8(5), p. e01820-n/a. 2017.
  • Consequences of the genetic threshold model for observing partial migration under climate change scenarios. Cobben, Marleen M. P.; van Noordwijk, Arie J. In Ecology and Evolution, p. n/a-n/a. 2017.
  • Evolving mutation rate advances the invasion speed of a sexual species. Cobben, Marleen M. P.; Mitesser, Oliver; Kubisch, Alexander. In BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17(150), pp. 1–10. 2017.
  • Mating timing, dispersal and local adaptation in patchy environments. Lakovic, Milica; Mitesser, Oliver; Hovestadt, Thomas. In Oikos. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2017.
2016[ to top ]
  • The downward spiral: eco-evolutionary feedback loops lead to the emergence of ‘elastic’ ranges. Kubisch, Alexander; Winter, Anna-Marie; Fronhofer, Emanuel A. In Ecography, 39(3), pp. 261–269. 2016.
  • Street lighting: sex-independent impacts on moth movement. Degen, Tobias; Mitesser, Oliver; Perkin, Elizabeth K.; Weiß, Nina-Sophie; Oehlert, Martin; Mattig, Emily; Hölker, Franz. In Journal of Animal Ecology, 85, pp. 1352–1360. 2016.
2015[ to top ]
  • Evolution of dispersal distance: Maternal investment leads to bimodal dispersal kernels. Fronhofer, Emanuel A.; Joachim Poethke, Hans; Dieckmann, Ulf. In Journal of Theoretical Biology, 365, pp. 270–279. 2015.
  • Evolutionary responses to climate change in parasitic systems. Chaianunporn, Thotsapol; Hovestadt, Thomas. In Global Change Biology, 21(8), pp. 2905–2916. 2015.
  • Relationships between wild bees, hoverflies and pollination success in apple orchards with different landscape contexts: Importance of wild pollinators in apple orchards. Földesi, Rita; Kovács-Hostyánszki, Anikó; Kőrösi, Ádám; Somay, László; Elek, Zoltán; Markó, Viktor; Sárospataki, Miklós; Bakos, Réka; Varga, Ákos; Nyisztor, Katinka; Báldi, András. In Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 18, pp. 68–75. 2015.
  • Coping with shorter days: Do phenology shifts constrain aphid fitness?. Joschinski, Jens; Krauss, Jochen; Hovestadt, Thomas. In PeerJ, 3, p. e1103. 2015.
  • High female survival promotes evolution of protogyny and sexual conflict. Degen, Tobias; Hovestadt, Thomas; Mitesser, Oliver; Hölker, Franz. In PLoS ONE, 10(3), p. e0118354. 2015.
2014[ to top ]
  • Habitat structure mediates spatial segregation and therefore coexistence. Boeye, Jeroen; Kubisch, Alexander; Bonte, Dries. In Landscape Ecology, 29(4), pp. 593–604. 2014.
  • Photographic survey of the prey-choice of European Bee-eaters (Merops apiaster Linnaeus, 1758) in Hungary at three colonies. Fuisz, Tibor István; Vas, Zoltán; Túri, Katalin; Kőrösi, Ádám. In Ornis Hungarica, 21(2), pp. 38–46. 2014.
  • Spatially correlated extinctions select for less emigration but larger dispersal distances in the Spider Mite Tetranychus Urticae. Fronhofer, Emanuel A.; Stelz, Jonas M.; Lutz, Eva; Poethke, Hans Joachim; Bonte, Dries. In Evolution, 68(6), pp. 1838–1844. 2014.
  • Gender-Specific Emigration Decisions Sensitive to Local Male and Female Density. Hovestadt, Thomas; Mitesser, Oliver; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In The American Naturalist, 184(1), pp. 38–51. 2014.
  • Specialization and phenological synchrony of plant-pollinator interactions along an altitudinal gradient. Benadi, Gita; Hovestadt, Thomas; Poethke, Hans-Joachim; Blüthgen, Nico. In Journal of Animal Ecology, 83(3), pp. 639–650. 2014.
  • Dispersal, evolution and range dynamics – a synthesis. Kubisch, Alexander; Fronhofer, Emanuel A. In Oikos, 123(1), pp. 3–4. 2014.
  • Where am I and why? Synthesizing range biology and the eco-evolutionary dynamics of dispersal. Kubisch, Alexander; Holt, Robert D.; Poethke, Hans-Joachim; Fronhofer, Emanuel A. In Oikos, 123(1), pp. 5–22. 2014.
  • Effects of timing and frequency of mowing on the threatened scarce large blue butterfly – A fine-scale experiment. Kőrösi, Ádám; Szentirmai, István; Batáry, Péter; Kövér, Szilvia; Örvössy, Noémi; Peregovits, László. In Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 196, pp. 24–33. 2014.
  • Optimal life-history strategy differs between philopatric and dispersing individuals in a metapopulation. Cotto, Olivier; Kubisch, Alexander; Ronce, Ophélie; Gardner, Associate Editor: Andy; Day, Editor: Troy. In The American Naturalist, 183(3), pp. 384–393. 2014.
2013[ to top ]
  • Kin competition as a major driving force for invasions. Kubisch, Alexander; Fronhofer, Emanuel A.; Poethke, Hans Joachim; Hovestadt, Thomas. In The American Naturalist, 181(5), pp. 700–706. 2013.
  • Prey density, value, and spatial distribution affect the efficiency of area-concentrated search. Bartoń, Kamil A.; Hovestadt, Thomas. In Journal of Theoretical Biology, 316, pp. 61–69. 2013.
  • Picky hitch-hikers: vector choice leads to directed dispersal and fat-tailed kernels in a passively dispersing mite. Fronhofer, Emanuel A.; Sperr, Ellen B.; Kreis, Anna; Ayasse, Manfred; Poethke, Hans Joachim; Tschapka, Marco. In Oikos, 122(8), pp. 1254–1264. 2013.
  • Predicting range shifts under global change: the balance between local adaptation and dispersal. Kubisch, Alexander; Degen, Tobias; Hovestadt, Thomas; Poethke, Hans Joachim. In Ecography, 36(8), pp. 873–882. 2013.
  • From random walks to informed movement. Fronhofer, Emanuel A.; Hovestadt, Thomas; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In Oikos, 122(6), pp. 857–866. 2013.
  • When can plant-pollinator interactions promote plant diversity?. Benadi, Gita; Blüthgen, Nico; Hovestadt, Thomas; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In The American Naturalist, 182(2), pp. 131–146. 2013.
  • Contrasting specialization–stability relationships in plant–animal mutualistic systems. Benadi, Gita; Blüthgen, Nico; Hovestadt, Thomas; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In Ecological Modelling, 258, pp. 65–73. 2013.
  • The genetic structure of populations of Metrioptera bicolor in a spatially structured landscape: effects of dispersal barriers and geographic distance. Heidinger, Ina Monika Margret; Hein, Silke; Feldhaar, Heike; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In Conservation Genetics, 14(2), pp. 299–311. 2013.
  • Group tolerance, dispersal evolution, and the maintenance of polymorphism in recognition cues. Chaianunporn, T.; Hovestadt, T. In Behavioral Ecology, 25(1), pp. 191–199. 2013.
2012[ to top ]
  • Unexpected benefit of a social parasite for a key fitness component of its ant host. Hovestadt, Thomas; Thomas, Jeremy A.; Mitesser, Oliver; Elmes, Graham W.; Schoenrogge, Karsten. In American Naturalist, 179(1), pp. 110–123. 2012.
  • Risky movement increases the rate of range expansion. Bartoń, Kamil A.; Hovestadt, T.; Phillips, B. L.; Travis, J. M. J. In Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 279(1731), pp. 1194–1202. 2012.
  • Effects of grazing, vegetation structure and landscape complexity on grassland leafhoppers (Hemiptera: {Auchenorrhyncha}) and true bugs (Hemiptera: {Heteroptera}) in Hungary. Kőrösi, Ádám; Batáry, Péter; Orosz, András; Rédei, Dávid; Báldi, András. In Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5(1), pp. 57–66. 2012.
  • Different habitat selection by two sympatric Maculinea butterflies at small spatial scale. Kőrösi, Ádám; Örvössy, Noémi; Batáry, PéTer; Harnos, Andrea; Peregovits, LáSzló. In Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5(2), pp. 118–126. 2012.
  • Population dynamics of plant and pollinator communities: Stability reconsidered. Benadi, Gita; Blüthgen, Nico; Hovestadt, Thomas; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In American Naturalist, 179(2), pp. 157–168. 2012.
  • Concurrent evolution of random dispersal and habitat niche width in host-parasitoid systems. Chaianunporn, Thotsapol; Hovestadt, Thomas. In Ecological Modelling, 247, pp. 241–250. 2012.
  • Costs of dispersal. Bonte, Dries; Van Dyck, Hans; Bullock, James M.; Coulon, Aurelie; Delgado, Maria; Gibbs, Melanie; Lehouck, Valerie; Matthysen, Erik; Mustin, Karin; Saastamoinen, Marjo; Schtickzelle, Nicolas; Stevens, Virginie M.; Vandewoestijne, Sofie; Baguette, Michel; Barton, Kamil; Benton, Tim G.; Chaput-Bardy, Audrey; Clobert, Jean; Dytham, Calvin; Hovestadt, Thomas; Meier, Christoph M.; Palmer, Steve C. F.; Turlure, Camille; Travis, Justin M. J. In Biological Reviews, 87(2), pp. 290–312. 2012.
  • Evolution of dispersal in metacommunities of interacting species. Chaianunporn, T.; Hovestadt, T. In Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 25(12), pp. 2511–2525. 2012.
  • Why are metapopulations so rare?. Fronhofer, Emanuel A.; Kubisch, Alexander; Hilker, Frank M.; Hovestadt, Thomas; Poethke, Hans Joachim. In Ecology, 93(8), pp. 1967–1978. 2012.
2011[ to top ]
  • Set-aside promotes insect and plant diversity in a Central European country. Kovács-Hostyánszki, Anikó; Kőrösi, Ádám; Orci, Kirill Márk; Batáry, Péter; Báldi, András. In Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 141(3–4), pp. 296–301. 2011.
  • An updated algorithm for the generation of neutral landscapes by spectral synthesis. Chipperfield, Joseph D.; Dytham, Calvin; Hovestadt, Thomas. In Plos One, 6(2), p. e17040. 2011.
  • Assortative mating counteracts the evolution of dispersal polymorphisms. Fronhofer, Emanuel A.; Kubisch, Alexander; Hovestadt, Thomas; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In Evolution, 65(9), pp. 2461–2469. 2011.
  • Scarce resources, risk sensitivity, and egalitarian resource sharing. Fronhofer, Emanuel A.; Pasurka, Henrik; Mitesser, Oliver; Poethke, Hans Joachim. In Evolutionary Ecology Research, 13(3), pp. 253–267. 2011.
  • Risk sensitivity revisited: from individuals to populations. Fronhofer, Emanuel A.; Pasurka, Henrik; Poitrineau, Karine; Mitesser, Oliver; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In Animal Behaviour, 82(4), pp. 875–883. 2011.
  • Do all inter-patch movements represent dispersal? A mixed kernel study of butterfly mobility in fragmented landscapes. Hovestadt, Thomas; Binzenhoefer, Birgit; Nowicki, Piotr; Settele, Josef. In Journal of Animal Ecology, 80(5), pp. 1070–1077. 2011.
  • On the approximation of continuous dispersal kernels in discrete-space models: Approximating continuous dispersal on lattices. Chipperfield, Joseph D.; Holland, E. Penelope; Dytham, Calvin; Thomas, Chris D.; Hovestadt, Thomas. In Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2(6), pp. 668–681. 2011.
  • Range border formation in a world with increasing climatic variance. Kubisch, Alexander; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In Evolutionary Ecology Research, 13(2), pp. 159–169. 2011.
  • Density-dependent dispersal and the formation of range borders. Kubisch, Alexander; Poethke, Hans-Joachim; Hovestadt, Thomas. In Ecography, 34(6), pp. 1002–1008. 2011.
  • The role of mobility for the emergence of diversity in victim-exploiter systems. Chaianunporn, T.; Hovestadt, T. In Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24(11), pp. 2473–2484. 2011.
2010[ to top ]
  • Evolution of dispersal polymorphism and local adaptation of dispersal distance in spatially structured landscapes. Bonte, Dries; Hovestadt, Thomas; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In Oikos, 119(3), pp. 560–566. 2010.
  • On the elasticity of range limits during periods of expansion. Kubisch, Alexander; Hovestadt, Thomas; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In Ecology, 91(10), pp. 3094–3099. 2010.
  • Information processing in models for density-dependent emigration: A comparison. Hovestadt, Thomas; Kubisch, Alexander; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In Ecological Modelling, 221(3), pp. 405–410. 2010.
2009[ to top ]
  • What stops the ‘diploid male vortex’?—A simulation study for species with single locus complementary sex determination. Hein, Silke; Poethke, Hans-Joachim; Dorn, Silvia. In Ecological Modelling, 220(13–14), pp. 1663–1669. 2009.
  • Sex-specific dispersal and evolutionary rescue in metapopulations infected by male killing endosymbionts. Bonte, Dries; Hovestadt, Thomas; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9, p. 16. 2009.
  • Sex-specific spatio-temporal variability in reproductive success promotes the evolution of sex-biased dispersal. Gros, Andreas; Poethke, Hans Joachim; Hovestadt, Thomas. In Theoretical Population Biology, 76(1), pp. 13–18. 2009.
2008[ to top ]
  • Variation of dispersal agents? Frugivore assemblages and fruit handling in a typical ’bird-dispersed’ tree (Lannea acida, {Anacardiaceae}). Kunz, Britta K.; Hovestadt, Thomas; Linsenmair, K. Eduard. In Ecotropica-Bonn, 14(2), pp. 101–112. 2008.
  • Investigating movement within irregularly shaped patches: Analysis of mark-release-recapture data using randomization procedures. Hovestadt, Thomas; Nowicki, Piotr. In Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution, 54(1), pp. 137–154. 2008.
  • Evolution of sex-biased dispersal: The role of sex-specific dispersal costs, demographic stochasticity, and inbreeding. Gros, Andreas; Hovestadt, Thomas; Poethke, Hans Joachim. In Ecological Modelling, 219(1-2), pp. 226–233. 2008.
  • Male-killing endosymbionts: influence of environmental conditions on persistence of host metapopulation. Bonte, Dries; Hovestadt, Thomas; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In Bmc Evolutionary Biology, 8, p. 243. 2008.
  • Restricted within-habitat movement and time-constrained egg laying of female Maculinea rebeli butterflies. Kőrösi, Ádám; Örvössy, Noémi; Batáry, Péter; Kövér, Szilvia; Peregovits, László. In Oecologia, 156(2), pp. 455–464. 2008.
  • Habitat quality matters for the distribution of an endangered leaf beetle and its egg parasitoid in a fragmented landscape. Heisswolf, Annette; Reichmann, Stefanie; Poethke, Hans Joachim; Schröder, Boris; Obermaier, Elisabeth. In Journal of Insect Conservation, 13(2), pp. 165–175. 2008.
  • Egg distribution of the southern festoon (Zerynthia polyxena)(Lepidoptera, {Papilionidae}). Batáry, P.; Örvössy, N.; Kőrösi, Á; Peregovits, L. In Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae, 54, pp. 401–410. 2008.
  • Species-specific distribution of two sympatric Maculinea butterflies across different meadow edges. Batáry, Péter; Kőrösi, Ádám; Örvössy, Noémi; Kövér, Szilvia; Peregovits, László. In Journal of Insect Conservation, 13(2), pp. 223–230. 2008.
  • Process and measurement errors of population size: their mutual effects on precision and bias of estimates for demographic parameters. Hovestadt, Thomas; Nowicki, Piotr. In Biodiversity and Conservation, 17(14), pp. 3417–3429. 2008.
2007[ to top ]
  • Mosaic cycles in agricultural landscapes of Northwest Europe. Kleyer, Michael; Biedermann, Robert; Henle, Klaus; Obermaier, Elisabeth; Poethke, Hans-Joachim; Poschlod, Peter; Schröder, Boris; Settele, Josef; Vetterlein, Doris. In Basic and Applied Ecology, 8(4), pp. 295–309. 2007.
  • Host plant finding in the specialised leaf beetle Cassida canaliculata: an analysis of small-scale movement behaviour. Heisswolf, Annette; Ulmann, Sandra; Obermaier, Elisabeth; Mitesser, Oliver; Poethke, Hans Joachim. In Ecological Entomology, 32(2), pp. 194–200. 2007.
  • Microhabitat preferences of Maculinea teleius (Lepidoptera: {Lycaenidae}) in a mosaic landscape. Batáry, Péter; Örvössy, Noémi; Kőrösi, Ádám; Nagy, Marianna Vályi; Peregovits, László. In European Journal of Entomology, 104(4), p. 731. 2007.
  • An evolutionarily stable strategy model for the evolution of dimorphic development in the butterfly Maculinea rebeli, a social parasite of Myrmica ant colonies. Hovestadt, Thomas; Mitesser, Oliver; Elmes, Graham W.; Thomas, Jeremy A.; Hochberg, Michael E. In American Naturalist, 169(4), pp. 466–480. 2007.
  • The generality of habitat suitability models: A practical test with two insect groups. Hein, Silke; Binzenhöfer, Birgit; Poethke, Hans-Joachim; Biedermann, Robert; Settele, Josef; Schröder, Boris. In Basic and Applied Ecology, 8(4), pp. 310–320. 2007.
  • Consequences of cyclic vegetation management for arthropod survival: Simulation experiments. Hinsch, Martin; Poethke, Hans-Joachim. In Basic and Applied Ecology, 8(4), pp. 321–331. 2007.
  • Host plant finding in the specialised leaf beetle Cassida canaliculata: an analysis of small-scale movement behaviour. Heisswolf, Annette; Ulmann, Sandra; Obermaier, Elisabeth; Mitesser, Oliver; Poethke, Hans Joachim. In Ecological Entomology, 32, pp. 194–200. 2007.
2006[ to top ]
  • Multitrophic influences on egg distribution in a specialized leaf beetle at multiple spatial scales. Heisswolf, Annette; Poethke, Hans Joachim; Obermaier, Elisabeth. In Basic and Applied Ecology, 7(6), pp. 565–576. 2006.
  • Parameterizing, evaluating and comparing metapopulation models with data from individual-based simulations. Hilker, Frank M.; Hinsch, Martin; Poethke, Hans Joachim. In Ecological Modelling, 199(4), pp. 476–485. 2006.
  • Habitat suitability models for the conservation of thermophilic grasshoppers and bush crickets—simple or complex?. Hein, Silke; Voss, Julia; Poethke, Hans-Joachim; Boris, Schröder. In Journal of Insect Conservation, 11(3), p. 221. 2006.
  • Evolution of local adaptations in dispersal strategies. Gros, Andreas; Poethke, Hans Joachim; Hovestadt, Thomas. In Oikos, 114(3), pp. 544–552. 2006.
  • The control of emigration and its consequences for the survival of populations. Hovestadt, T.; Poethke, H. J. In Ecological Modelling, 190(3-4), pp. 443–453. 2006.
2005[ to top ]
  • Computer-generated null models as an approach to detect perceptual range in mark-re-sight studies - an example with grasshoppers. Hein, S.; Poethke, H. J.; Hovestadt, T. In Ecological Entomology, 30(2), pp. 225–233. 2005.
  • Spatial patterns in species-area relationships and species distribution in a West African forest-savanna mosaic. Hovestadt, T.; Poethke, H. J.; Linsenmair, K. E. In Journal of Biogeography, 32(4), pp. 677–684. 2005.
  • Dispersal and establishment: spatial patterns and species-area relationships. Hovestadt, T.; Poethke, H. J. In Diversity and Distributions, 11(4), pp. 333–340. 2005.
  • Selection of large host plants for oviposition by a monophagous leaf beetle: nutritional quality or enemy-free space?. Heisswolf, Annette; Obermaier, Elisabeth; Poethke, Hans Joachim. In Ecological Entomology, 30(3), pp. 299–306. 2005.
2004[ to top ]
  • Patch density, movement pattern, and realised dispersal distances in a patch-matrix landscape - a simulation study. Hein, S.; Pfenning, B.; Hovestadt, T.; Poethke, H. J. In Ecological Modelling, 174(4), pp. 411–420. 2004.
2003[ to top ]
  • Forecasting plant migration rates: managing uncertainty for risk assessment. Higgins, S. I.; Clark, J. S.; Nathan, R.; Hovestadt, T.; Schurr, F.; Fragoso, J. M. V.; Aguiar, M. R.; Ribbens, E.; Lavorel, S. In Journal of Ecology, 91(3), pp. 341–347. 2003.
  • Movement patterns of the bush cricket Platycleis albopunctata in different types of habitat: matrix is not always matrix. Hein, S.; Gombert, J.; Hovestadt, T.; Poethke, H. J. In Ecological Entomology, 28(4), pp. 432–438. 2003.
2001[ to top ]
  • Evolution of reduced dispersal mortality and ’fat-tailed’ dispersal kernels in autocorrelated landscapes. Hovestadt, T.; Messner, S.; Poethke, H. J. In Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 268(1465), pp. 385–391. 2001.
2000[ to top ]
  • Variability in dispersal distances generates typical successional patterns: a simple simulation model. Hovestadt, T.; Poethke, H. J.; Messner, S. In Oikos, 90(3), pp. 612–619. 2000.
1999[ to top ]
  • Seed dispersal mechanisms and the vegetation of forest islands in a West African forest-savanna mosaic (Comoe National Park, Ivory {Coast}). Hovestadt, T.; Yao, P.; Linsenmair, K. E. In Plant Ecology, 144(1), pp. 1–25. 1999.