Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Poethke
Prof. Dr. Ing. Hans Joachim Poethke
phone: +49 931 31 82065 - email:
Research Interest: Evolution of life history strategies, evolution of dispersal strategies, influence of dispersal on population survival and community structure
CV: Since 2015 retired; 1998-2015 Prof. for Ecology and Head of the Field Station Fabrikschleichach, Univ. Würzburg; 1995 Habilitation “Chances and Limits of Mathematic Modelling in Ecology”; 1989-1997 Research assistant of A. Seitz (Dept. of Ecology, University Mainz); 1988 Stay at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (Univ. Bielefeld); 1982-1987 Research Assistant of H. Kaiser (Dept. of Ecology, RWTH Aachen); 1982 PhD Thesis “ A Four-Phase Model of Traffic Flow on Highways”; 1977-1982 Research assistant of A.E. Beylich (Shock-Wave Laboratory RWTH Aachen); 1976 Diploma thesis: Individual Based Simulation of Traffic Flow in Networks; 1969-1976 Study of Electrical Engeneering (RWTH Aachen, INSA Lyon)
Selected recent Publications (Google Scholar profile)