Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology

Benjamin Rutschmann

Dr. Benjamin Rutschmann

Agroecology and Environment
Reckenholzstrasse 191
8046 Zurich
Room: C041

  • Honeybee ecology.
  • Besides studying the life and resilience of wild honeybee colonies, I am interested in the nesting sites and foraging recourses used by honeybees in European forests.


Rutschmann B, Kohl PL, Steffan-Dewenter I. (2023) Foraging distances, habitat preferences and seasonal colony performance of honeybees in Central European forest landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60, 1056– 1066.

Kohl PL, Rutschmann B, Steffan-Dewenter I (2022) Population demography of feral honeybee colonies in Central European forests. Royal Society Open Science 9.8, 220565.


Rutschmann B*, Kohl PL*, Machado A, Steffan-Dewenter I (2022) Semi-natural habitats promote winter survival of wild-living honeybees in an agricultural landscape. Biological Conservation 266, 109450.

Kohl PL, D'Alvise P, Rutschmann B, Roth S, Remter F, Steffan-Dewenter I, Hasselmann M (2022) Reduced parasite burden in feral honeybee colonies. bioRxiv, 2022-07.

Schilcher F, Hilsmann L, Rauscher L, Değirmenci L, Krischke M, Krischke B, Ankenbrand M, Rutschmann B, Mueller MJ, Steffan-Dewenter I, Scheiner R (2021) In Vitro Rearing Changes Social Task Performance and Physiology in Honeybees. Insects, 13(1):4.


George EA, Thulasi N, Kohl PL, Suresh S, Rutschmann B, Brockmann A (2021) Distance estimation by Asian honey bees in two visually different landscapes. Journal of Experimental Biology.

Kohl, PL, Rutschmann B (2021) Honey bees communicate distance via non-linear waggle duration functions. PeerJ 9: e11187.

Young AM*, Kohl PL*, Rutschmann B*, Steffan-Dewenter I, Brockmann A, Dyer FC (2021) Temporal and spatial foraging patterns of three Asian honey bee species in Bangalore, India. Apidologie 52.2: 503-523.

Otieno M, Joshi NK, Rutschmann B. (2021) Flower visitors of Streptocarpus teitensis: implications for conservation of a critically endangered African violet species in Kenya. PeerJ 9: e10473.


Requier F, Paillet Y, Laroche F, Rutschmann B, Zhang J, Lombardi F, Svoboda F, Steffan-Dewenter I (2020) Contribution of European forests to safeguard wild honey bee populations. Conservation Letters 13: e12693.

Kablau A, Berg S, Rutschmann B, Scheiner R (2020) Short-term hyperthermia at larval age reduces sucrose responsiveness of adult honeybees and can increase life span. Apidologie 51, 570–582.

Kohl PL, Thulasi N, Rutschmann B, George EA, Steffan-Dewenter I, Brockmann A (2020) Adaptive evolution of honeybee dance dialects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287(1922), 20200190.


Kohl PL*, Rutschmann B* (2018) The neglected bee trees: European beech forests as a home for feral honey bee colonies. PeerJ 6:e4602.