Abhinay Arra
Abhinay Arra
Biocenter, University of Würzburg
Am Hubland
- Honey bee ecology
- Foraging ecology
- Pollination ecology
- Behavioral ecology
Effects of land use on resource partitioning and foraging neuroecology in four honey bee species in India (IndiaHoneybee project funded by DFG)
- Since 09/2022 PhD student at the department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, University of Würzburg
- 2019–2022 Master of Science in Biosciences at the University of Würzburg
- 2013–2018 Integrated Master of Science in Life Science at the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela, India
Abhinay, A., & Mishra, M. (2019). Assessment of Butterfly Diversity of the Semi-Natural Habitat of NIT Rourkela Campus, Amidst a Highly Industrialized Region of India. In OP Jenkins (Ed). Advances in Animal Science and Zoology. Volume 13 Chapter 6. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Ranjan, R., Abhinay, A., & Mishra, M. (2018). Can oral microbial infections be a risk factor for neurodegeneration? A review of the literature. Neurology India, 66(2), 344. https://doi.org/10.4103/0028-3886.227315
Sabat D, Johnson EM, Abhinay A, Jayabalan R, Mishra M (2015). A Protocol to Generate Germ Free Drosophila for Microbial Interaction Studies. Adv Tech Biol MedS1: 001. https://doi.org/10.4172/2379-1764.S1-001