Topics for the thesis
Master/Bachelor/Teacher training
Bachelor's theses should generally be combined with the practical course "Animal Ecology 4" on a related topic. Master's theses should be preceded by the practical course "F2 Animal Ecology" on a related topic.
We are also happy to supervise theses on ecological topics suggested by students. The topic needs to be of scientific interest and the data to be collected must be replicable and statistically analyzable. Long-term planning is advisable in any case, as many field and laboratory projects can only start on certain dates. Timely planning is particularly important for work in the tropics and in nature reserves and national parks to ensure that all necessary research permits are obtained in time.
Those interested in working in the tropics should be able to demonstrate an extraordinary commitment and very good knowledge of ecology by their previous academic achievements.
For some field work, a car or at least a driving license is required.
For teacher training students: Information on further topics for admission theses in Zoology III is available from Prof. Dr Jochen Krauß, PD Dr Marcell Peters, Prof. Dr Andrea Holzschuh, Dr Sarah Redlich and Dr Frauke Fischer (see contacts below).
Topic suggestions
If you are interested in a particular topic, please contact the supervisor of the thesis directly (in brackets after the topic). Further information on current topics is also available on the pinboard of the Zoology III department and on request from the lecturers.
Topics supervised by lecturers at the Fabrikschleichach field station can be found here.
B: Bachelor's thesis; M: Master's thesis; Z: Admission thesis for teacher training students
Influence of different forms of forest management on the pollination success of early flowering plants (as part of the beta4 project) (study site: Sailershausen University Forest; car advantageous; start as early as March!) (A. Classen, B/M)
Influence of different forms of forest management on the quantity and quality of nectar in the herb layer (within the beta4 project) (A. Classen, B/M).
Interacting effects of climate and grazing on the biomass and diversity of insects. No field work, as samples are already available; intensive laboratory work instead. Immediate start possible. (A. Classen, B/M)
Behavioural ecology on wound care behaviour in German ants (Würzburg and surroundings). (E.T. Frank, B/M)
Various topics on the effects of organic farming, mass harvesting and semi-natural habitats on bees and hoverflies in agricultural landscapes with different land use intensities (Driving licence and car advantageous, A. Holzschuh, B/M/Z)
The value of newly created nesting structures for ground-nesting bees and wasps as a measure to promote biodiversity (Driving licence and car an advantage, A. Holzschuh, B/M/Z)
Ploughed fields: ‘ecological traps’ for ground-nesting bees and hibernating hoverflies? (Driving licence required, car an advantage, A. Holzschuh, B/M/Z)
Benefits of insect protection strips and reduced mowing intensity for pollinators in meadows and clover grass areas in the Rhön (Cooperation with the WWF, driving licence and car required, A. Holzschuh, B/M/Z)
Pollinator attractiveness and nectar supply of various perennial mixtures that are currently being tested for marketing with the label ‘bee-friendly’ (Cooperation with the LWG Veitshöchheim, A. Holzschuh, B/M/Z)
Reasons for the spread of the vinegar-rose soft bug at the military training area in Ebern. Rose odours and C/N ratio of the food plants. All in close cooperation with the Institute for Biodiversity Information (Ifbi) in Ebern (free accommodation in Ebern and reimbursement of travel costs; driving licence, car and knowledge of insects an advantage, J. Krauss, B/M).
Various studies on the consequences of habitat fragmentation, management, agri-environmental measures and environment on the diversity of calcareous grasslands, e.g. flowering plants, butterflies and moths, hoverflies, cicadas, bugs, beetles and spiders, birds and small mammals as well as ecosystem services (Driving licence required, car and knowledge of species advantageous, J. Krauss, B/M)
Diversity surveys of birds, small mammals, butterflies and moths and other arthropods along scrub margins in Bavaria (Driving licence required, car and knowledge of species advantageous, J. Krauss, B/M)
Various studies on different grasshopper species as a function of winter/spring temperature (Climate barrier experiment) (J. Krauss, B).
Mechanisms of resource finding of specialised pollinators using the example of Bombus gersaeckeri in the Austrian Alps (T. Schmitt, B/M)
Comparative study of environmental odours and their functional significance (T. Schmitt, B/M)
Influence of climate on the biomass and resource exploitation of insects (Car: required, M. Peters, B/M)
Influence of forest management on dung insects and rates of dung decomposition (Car: required, M. Peters, B/M)
Insect diversity and ecosystem services along climate and land use gradients in Bavaria (as part of the Bavarian climate research network bayklif, I. Steffan-Dewenter, B/M)
Plant-pollinator interactions along altitudinal gradients in the Berchtesgaden National Park (I. Steffan-Dewenter, M)
Foraging distances, resource utilisation and colony development of honey bees in forest and agricultural landscapes (I. Steffan-Dewenter, M)
Solitary trap-nesting bees, wasps and antagonists in differently managed forest areas ( University forest Sailershausen, A. Classen, I. Steffan-Dewenter, B/M)
Behavioural ecology on wound care behaviour in tropical ants (Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Kenya, Mozambique). (E.T. Frank, B/M)
Collection distances, resource utilisation and colony development of honey bees in forest and agricultural landscapes in southern India, DFG project (I. Steffan-Dewenter, M)
Enhancing biological pest control in tropical cropping systems in Malawi (I. Steffan-Dewenter, M)
Pollinator diversity and crop pollination in Tanzania (I. Steffan-Dewenter, M)
Biodiversity and biological pest control in cocoa agroforestry systems in Peru, DFG project (Tarapoto, Juanjui, I. Steffan-Dewenter, M)
Spill-over effects of push-pull systems on biodiversity and interaction networks in East Africa in the framework of the EU project Upscale (I. Steffan-Dewenter, M)
Pollinator diversity, plant-pollinator interactions and pollination along altitudinal gradients, (DFG project Manu National Park, Southern Peru, I. Steffan-Dewenter, M)
Pair bonding in crested guinea fowl (F. Fischer, Coop. Lajuma Research Center, M)
The role of the sentinel in vigilance behaviour of crested guinea fowl (F. Fischer, Coop. Lajuma Research Center, M)
Chemical ecology of changes in cuticular hydrocarbons caused by heat stress (lab work at Uni Würzburg). (E.T. Frank, B/M)
Colonisation of nesting aids in agricultural landscapes with different land use intensities - evaluation of hatching bees, wasps and their natural counterparts from nesting aids (A. Holzschuh, B/M/Z)
Influence of climate and mammalian diversity on scavenger communities on Mt. Kilimanjaro (M. Peters, B/M)
Comparative analyses of pheromones and cuticular hydrocarbons in European bumblebee species (T. Schmitt, B/M)
Studies on the evolution of chemical mimicry in brood-parasitic insects and their hosts (T. Schmitt, B/M)
Adaptation of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) to different climates in alpine bumblebees (S. Nooten B/M)
Climate-induced changes in functional traits in alpine bumblebees (S. Nooten B/M)
Plant-mediated effects of enhanced ozone and carbon dioxid concentrations on plant-insect interactions; glass house experiments (L. Duque, B/M)
Effect of climate and land use on pollinator functional traits (S. Redlich & C. Ganuza, B)
Evolution of fitness-dependent emigration rules in the community context (O. Mitesser, T. Hovestadt, B/M)
Upscaling from movement to dispersal (O. Mitesser, T. Hovestadt, B/M)
Organizing searching in nest-surrounding by multiple scouts (O. Mitesser, T. Hovestadt, B/M)
Local resource competition and coexistence of independent and dependent colony foundation in social insects (O. Mitesser, T. Hovestadt, B/M)
Development of a model for the potential distribution of Lucanus cervus in the university forest (O. Mitesser, B)
Participatory research in agriculture: How can citizen science projects help to solve the problems of modern agriculture and food production? (S. Redlich, B/M/Z)
Various topics on the link between corporate responsibility and biodiversity (F. Fischer, B)
Aspects of knowledge transfer - from basic research to applied nature conservation (F. Fischer, B)
Development of biodiversity certificates (F. Fischer, B)
Communication of biodiversity (to the target groups of pupils, journalists or interested laypersons; F. Fischer, Z)
Local resource competition and coexistence of independent and dependent colony foundation in social insects (T. Hovestadt, M)
Historical change in biomass and abundance in ants (S. Nooten B/M)
Effects of climate change on functional traits in plant-insect associations (S. Nooten B/M)
Lecturer | Telephone | Room | |
Dr. Fabian Bötzl | | 0931/31-89637 | Raum C018 |
Dr. Alice Classen | | 0931/31-82793 | Raum C041 |
Dr. Laura Duque | | 0931/31-83229 | Raum C046 |
Dr. Frauke Fischer | | 0931/31-84365 | Raum C020 |
Prof.'in Dr. Andrea Holzschuh | | 0931/31-82380 | Raum C040 |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hovestadt | | 0931/31-83083 | Campus Nord, Gebäude 32 |
Prof. Dr. Jochen Krauß | | 0931/31-82382 | Raum C043 |
Dr. Oliver Mitesser | | 0931/31-86876 | Campus Nord, Gebäude 32, R6 |
Prof. Dr. Jörg Müller | | 0931/31-83378 | Ökologische Station Fabrikschleichach |
Dr. Sabine Nooten | | 0931/31- 83224 | Raum C017 |
Dr. Marcell Peters | | 0931/31-83330 | Raum C044 |
Dr. Sarah Redlich | | 0931/31-82129 | Raum C041 |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitt | | 0931/31-84188 | Raum C016 |
Prof. Dr. Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter | | 0931/31-86947 | Raum C039 |