  • Honeybees (partly marked) on the edge of a brood frame
Chair of Behavioral Physiology & Sociobiology

Delac, Saskia

Saskia Delac

PhD student
Zoology / Thamm lab
Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: Biozentrum (B1)
Room: D109a
Link: Thamm lab
Portrait of Saskia Delac

The western honey bee Apis mellifera has complex and highly developed behaviours that allow a colony
to precisely regulate the temperature in a hive. These behaviours are furthermore necessary for the
survival in a variety of extreme situations. Thermogenesis and fanning are two of these thermoregulatory
behaviours. The flight muscles of the honey bee are crucial for both of these behaviours.

As part of my research, I want to investigate the effects of thermal stress on gene expression in the
flight muscles of Apis mellifera. Another aim is to analyze different factors that influence the performance
of thermoregulation. Biogenic amines such as octopamine and dopamine are localized in the flight muscles
of the western honeybee. The former is essential for thermogenesis. The function of dopamine in relation
to the flight muscles is still unknown. A major aim of my work is to determine the role of dopamine in
flight muscles.

  • Robustness of the honeybee neuro-muscular octopaminergic system in the face of cold stress. Kaya-Zeeb, Sinan; Delac, Saskia; Wolf, Lena; Marante, Ana Luiza; Scherf-Clavel, Oliver; Thamm, Markus. In Frontiers in Physiology, 13. Frontiers Media {SA}, 2022.
