Groh, Claudia
Dr. Claudia Groh
Senior Scientist
Zoology II / Rössler lab
Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
Am Hubland
B1 (Biozentrum)
+49 931 31 89266
Rössler lab

My research interest is the neuronal basis of behavior with a main focus on mechanisms of developmental and adult plasticity in the brain (e.g. olfactory and visual neuropils) of insects. Social insects are favorable model systems to study these aspects because of a multitude of sensory and behavioral adaptations. In order to understand how the nervous system is able to process and store sensory information, knowledge of the connections and properties of neurons within microcircuits is required. To investigate synaptic structural plasticity in the insect brain, I mainly use neuroanatomical techniques (immunocytochemistry, serial 3D electron microscopy). Current research projects are:
Current research projects are
- neuronal connectivity of individual microcircuits in the mushroom-body calyx (honeybee)
- age-releated structural plasticity of visual and olfactory centers in the brain (bumble bee)
- structural plasticity in microglomerular synaptic circuits of the mushroom-body after sensory experience (honeybee)
Expansion microscopy in honeybee brains for high-resolution neuroanatomical analyses in social insects. . In Cell and Tissue Research. 2023.
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Analysis of Synaptic Microcircuits in the Mushroom Bodies of the Honeybee. . In Insects, 11(1), p. 43. 2020.
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Experience during early adulthood shapes the learning capacities and the number of synaptic boutons in the mushroom bodies of honey bees (Apis mellifera).. . In Learning & Memory, 24(10), pp. 557–562. 2017.
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Pitfalls of using confocal-microscopy based automated quantification of synaptic complexes in honeybee mushroom bodies (response to Peng and Yang 2016). . In Scientific Reports, 7(1), p. 9786. 2017.
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Age-related plasticity in the synaptic ultrastructure of neurons in the mushroom body calyx of the adult honeybee Apis mellifera.. . In The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 520(15), pp. 3509–3527. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company, 2012.
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