Lehrstuhl für Zell- und Entwicklungsbiologie


Die Zell- und Entwicklungsbiologie im Master Biowissenschaften / Master Biosciences

Cell & Developmental Biology F1

This 5 weeks full-time practical course provides an introduction into modern cell and developmental biology-related methods with a focus on Bio-Imaging techniques. A broad spectrum of different model organisms is covered and the participants are encouraged to design and perform independently individual experiments. Acquired technological skills are used to analyse important basic biological processes. Major parts of this practical course are small individual projects, which should provide sustained insights into current research activities of the department. Intended interactions with master and graduate students as well as post-docs prepare participants for a future team-based working environment.


Cell & Developmental Biology F2

Well-defined aspects of scientific projects are addressed with independently designed experiments in the context of current research projects in the field of cell and developmental biology. The applied techniques are evaluated on the basis of the results obtained and modified if necessary. The results of all experiments as well as the impact on the research project is presented and discussed in a progress reports seminar within the research group. This practical course (10-12 week) is considered as preparatory to the thesis and therefore its arrangement goes along with the organisation of the thesis. The participants are qualified to carry out scientific experiments in the field of cell and developmental biology independently and modify them according to the outcome. They are competent to approach current scientific topics independently and can perform, interpret and document experiments according to accepted rules of scientific practice.


Molecular Infection Biology F1

This practical feature various aspects of infection biology, including bacteriology, fungal pathogens, virology and immunology. Our part focuses on the cell biology of parasites. We will discuss current developments in molecular parasitology using parasitic protozoa (Trypanosomes) and helminths (Echinoccoccus) as examples. We will cover different aspects of the host/parasite interaction, the complex life cycles of these parasites and motility of parasites on a single cell level.

Lecture Series Molecular Biology

The lecture series is a joint activity of the chairs of Cell- and Developmental Biology, Microbiology, Biophysics and Bioinformatics and deals with concepts of modern molecular biology from the point of view of these different disciplines. The section Cell Biology mainly regards the eukaryotic cell and intends to elucidate the vast diversity in structure and function of molecules, organelles and cells in addition to basic principles of modern molecular cell biology. The bioinformatics section contains a large amount of examples for applications which allow the investigation of the molecular biology of a cell with bioinformatics tools. The microbiological section deals with basic molecular aspects of prokaryotic cells. Key aspects include the organization of the bacterial genome, the transcription and translation machinery, mechanisms of regulation of gene expression, transport of small molecules and macromolecules, cell division and differentiation, bacterial motility and chemotaxis, signal transduction and bacterial communication mechanisms.


Lecture Series Cell Pathology

Die Vorlesung beschäftigt sich mit pathologischen Zuständen und ihren zellbiologischen Ursachen und Konsequenzen, wie Infektion, Apoptose, Seneszenz, Stoffwechselstörungen und Krebs. Macht die Umwelt krank? Was hat zelluläre Motilität mit Pathologie zu tun? Wie können Zellen Schäden reparieren? Wir geben die Antworten.

Seminar Series Cell Pathology - Methods and Beyond

An ambitious seminar series with a wide variety of topics - mostly connected to modern techniques and methods. The students prepare high-quality lectures that guarantee lively discussion.

Lecture Series Signals and Differentiation

This lecture does not attempt to impart pure textbook knowledge. Instead, historically important as well as particularly interesting and important trend-setting topics in developmental biology are presented. The topics range from classical developmental subjects such as tissue regeneration and morphogenetic cell migration to molecular stem cell biology, epigenetic plasticity, origins of multicellularity and development within changing environments.


Seminar Signals & Differentiation - Methods and Beyond

An ambitious seminar series with a wide variety of topics - mostly connected to modern techniques and methods. The students prepare high-quality lectures that guarantee lively discussion.

Lecture Series Molecular Parasitology

Our new module Molecular Parasitology has launched in summer 2018. The lecture explains how parasites exploit all basic aspects of molecular cell biology and biochemistry for survival and persistence. In addition to our in-house beasts Trypanosoma, Leishmania and Echinococcus, the lecture will feature e.g. Giardia, Plasmodium, Schistosoma and other killers. Join the horror show.


25.04.    Overview and concepts

09.05.    T. cruzi and Chagas

16.05.    Plasmodium and Malaria

23.05.    Leishmania


06.06.    T. brucei and Sleeping sickness

13.06.    Toxoplasma


27.06.    Giardia

04.07.    Nematodes

11.07.    Schistosoma

18.07.    Echinococcosis

25.07.    Exam

Molecular Parasitology F1

This pretty unique 5-weeks course wants to identify future molecular parasitologist. You will contribute to ongoing research projects, and you will learn about our ideas and goals. We offer an exceptionally broad range of methods and techniques.

If you are interested, talk to us just after the MolPara-lectures on Thursdays.

Seminar Series Molecular Parasitology

The seminar series introduces contemporary concepts of Molecular and Cellular Parasitology. Recent publications will be critically discussed. The seminars build on the concurrent lectures. Students are expected to prepare high-quality presentations.


13.05.   T. cruzi

20.05.    Plasmodium

27.05.    Leishmania

03.06     kein Seminar


17.06.    T. brucei

24.06.    Toxoplasma

01.07.    Giardia

08.07.    Nematodes

15.07.    Schistosoma

22.07.    Echinoccocus