Chair of Conservation Biology and Forest Ecology


The Main Valley Project: Ecosystem-based solutions for hazard scenarios in the Franconian Main Valley (MainPro)

The aim of the project is to identify the effects of the interaction of ungulate browsing and microclimate on biodiversity and ecosystem functions at the microscale level.

MainPro contributes to the programme goal of establishing a greener, low-carbon Europe through sustainable adaptation strategies, such as the creation of "Green Infrastructures" and the use of "Ecosystem-based Solutions". The focus is on the analysis of current and future threats to geoecosystems and anthropogenic structures at selected sites in the form of multi-scale hazard scenarios. The MainPro team takes into account hazards and risks that arise from climatic challenges such as droughts or extreme precipitation, from the expansion of settlement areas and infrastructure, and from the increased occurrence of natural hazards. MainPro addresses these societal challenges with ecosystem-based concepts and solutions that are able to reduce geohazards, protect natural environmental resources and valorise CO2 sink potentials.

In addition to their function as carbon sinks, forests have to meet many societal demands. In times of climate change, forest adaptation is therefore essential. In this context, the two factors of ungulate predation and microclimate are crucial for natural forest regeneration and subsequent forest structure and resilience.

In this context, we have started a study based on an experiment with artificially created crown opening and closed crown covers and the exclusion of ungulates. In total, 6x6 m fences were placed on 90 plots. The study compares the difference between microclimate, tree regeneration, biodiversity of arthropods and soil fauna, and various ecosystem functions inside and outside the fence.

Duration: since 2023

Funded by:

European Regional Development FundCo-financed by the European Union

Verantwortliche Person: Ludwig Lettenmaier