Chair of Conservation Biology and Forest Ecology

Faktencheck Artenvielfalt

BMBF-research initiative for the conservation of biodiversity

Main aims

Faktencheck Artenvielfalt is a joint project that aims to create a national assessment of biodiversity in Germany. Although there has been an enormous increase in knowledge and experience over the last 10-15 years, but is hardly reflected in recommendations for action to preserve biodiversity or restore ecosystems. Therefore, it is essential to comprehensively synthesize old and new knowledge about biodiversity in Germany.


For the most important habitats in Germany (agricultural and open land, forests, inland waters and floodplains, coasts and coastal waters, and urban areas), the following questions will be answered: What are the current trends and direct drivers of biodiversity change? What are the consequences of species loss for our society? Which measures for biodiversity protection and increase do really work? What role do indirect drivers play? What is the special role of soil biodiversity? How do we need to transform our lifestyles, economies, and land use to maintain biodiversity or bring it back to our landscapes?

Prof. Jörg Müller is the coordinating lead author of the "Forest" chapter group and, together with his staff, is part of the 120 authors involved in the project Faktencheck Artenvielfalt.


