

Highly Cited: Dominic Grün, Christoph Wanner, Rainer Hedrich, José Pedro Friedmann Angeli. and Hermann Einsele.

Their work is most frequently cited in publications of other scientists. Researchers from the University of Würzburg are therefore included in the Highly Cited Researchers 2023 list.

Brains of three-day-old adult flies. Left: Healthy specimens. Center: animals with a brain tumor. Right: Brain tumor after reduction of SPT5 levels. Green coloring shows central brain regions. Red coloring shows the cerebral cortex, which is strongly expanded by the tumor.

MYC proteins play an important role in many types of cancer. A research team at the University of Würzburg has now succeeded in indirectly influencing these proteins - with clear consequences for the tumor.


On July 26, 2023, Katalin Karikó was awarded the Theodor Boveri Prize by the Würzburg Physical-Medical Society. Those who could not experience her inspiring lecture in person at the Biocenter can watch the recording here.

For a cacao plant to bear such rich fruit, it needs effective pollination. A research group, in which JMU was involved, has investigated how this can best be achieved.

How can the cultivation of cacao be improved by using the right pollination technique? This has now been investigated by a research team including Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter's Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology.

In the fruit fly Drosophila, a central circadian clock in the brain controls important parameters such as daily activity or food intake. Peripheral clocks receive timing signals via further pathways, and act as clocks for various metabolic processes. If the clocks chronically get out of sync, this can trigger diseases.

In the fruit fly Drosophila, circadian clocks also control fat metabolism. This is shown in a new study by a research team at the University of Würzburg. The findings could also be relevant for humans.

Information can be stored in the form of DNA on chips made of semiconducting nanocellulose. Light-controlled proteins read the information.

In the form of DNA, nature shows how data can be stored in a space-saving and long-term manner. Würzburg's chair of bioinformatics is developing DNA chips for computer technology.

Die Forscherin Katalin Karikó kommt an die Universität Würzburg.

With her research, biochemist Katalin Karikó has laid the foundation for the development of RNA vaccines against the coronavirus. Now she is coming to the University of Würzburg to give a public lecture.

Horned mason bees like to use nest boxes to raise their brood.

How do solitary bees and wasps recognize their homes? Biologists Dr. Sylvie Vandenabeele and Professor Thomas Schmitt investigated this question. They were able to demonstrate the importance of olfactory markers.
