Msc Biochemistry


Application Period

Application is possible during the application period from 1st April on through 1st June of each year.
The Biochemistry Master´s program at the University of Wuerzburg starts in October / winter-semester, only.

Required Qualifications

Applicants need to have a documented background in biochemistry and/or molecular biology. During their Bachelor studies they must have acquired the following number of credits either in area A or in area B:

Area A

  • 35 ECTS: Fundamental competences in bioanalytics, biochemistry, molecular biology & structural biology
  • 10 ECTS: Documented knowledge of any combination of the following topics: cell biology, pathobiochemistry, toxicology, molecular tumor biology, virology, immunology, neurobiology, human genetics, microbiology, bioinformatics, biophysics
  • 55 ECTS: Documented knowledge of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry

Area B

  • 20 ECTS: Fundamental competences in biochemistry and molecular biology
  • 20 ECTS: Documented knowledge of any combination of the following topics: animal physiology, anatomy or histology, toxicology, pathology
  • 25 ECTS: Documented knowledge of any combination of the following topics: genetics, cell biology, developmental biology, microbiology

(If necessary, your credits will be converted to the ECTS system)

In addition, applicants need to have completed their BSc studies with a grade average of 2.5 or better according to the German system (non-German grades will be appropriately converted).

Applicants who have not completed their BSc studies at the time of application can be provisionally admitted if, at the time of application, they have acquired the minimal number of credits listed above and they have acquired a total of 145 ECTS. Such candidates must hand in their BSc certificate (demonstrating a final grade of 2.5 or better) by the end of the re-immatriculation period during the 1st semester at the latest (end of January / beginnging of February), in order to remain enrolled in this MSc program.

Language skills

Proof of sufficient English language skills (at least level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR), is mandatory, verified by a relevant language certificate.

Please note: the attestation of English as language of instruction in the Bachelor´s program is not sufficient.

German language skills are not mandatory, but at least basic skills are highly recommended. It is possible to study this programme completely in English, but you may have sporadic limitations in your choice of subject then, as few modules are only taught in German. There is no requirement for any additional standardized test like the GRE.

Application procedure

Please read the following instructions and all notes carefully and completely before you start!

1. please complete this fillable pdf application form .
Save the file as a pdf file(!) by assigning the following file name:

(example: ApplMScBC25_Peter_Schmitt.pdf)

Please note the following information regarding the asterisks in the form:

* degree awarded: if the degree has not yet been completed, please enter the expected graduation date here.

** grades: 

  • your personal grade: current overall/final grade of YOUR Bachelor's degree
  • best grade achievable: enter here the best possible grade of the grading system used at your university (e.g. in Germany: 1.0) - NOT your personal best grade
  • Lowest grade required for graduation (“lowest passing grade”): enter the minimum grade required for graduation at your university (e.g. 4.0 in Germany) - NOT your personal lowest grade

Explanation: in order to convert your overall grade/final grade into the German grading system, we need your personal overall grade and the two extremes of your university's grading system (best and minimum grade).

*** required competences: please enter the number of ECTS you have collected in the various qualification areas in your Bachelor's degree program. If your university does not use an ECTS system, please enter the number and measure of the units used at your university (credits, credit-hours, hours, or similar - e.g. “12 cr-hrs”). We will then convert your entries into ECTS.


2. combine the following required documents (possibly as scans) in the specified order into ONE pdf file.
Save the file (analogous to 1.) with the following file name: DocsMScBC25_[yourFirstName]_[yourSurname].pdf

  • Curriculum vitae (1 page max.)
  • current Transcript of Records of the Bachelor degree 1)
  • Bachelor degree certificate (if BSc degree is already completed) 1)
  • Grading scale Bachelor with maximum grade (= best grade possible) and minimum final grade required to be awarded the degree (not for passing individual courses!),
    and the number of required credit units for graduation (if not included in the Transcript of Records) 1)
  • Secondary school leaving certificate including subjects and grades (e.g. Abitur, High School Diploma, A-Levels, or equivalent) 1)
  • Language certificate English level at least B2 (unless „English“ is listed as a subject and the level (B2 or better) is indicated in your high school (“Abitur”) or Bachelor diploma;
    it is not sufficient to simply state that your Bachelor education was conducted in English.)
  • (optionally) Motivation letter (1 page max.)

Note: For documents marked with 1) we need the official document in original language + certified translation in German or English (if the original language is other than German or English).

Additional country-specific documents
(must be presented before final acceptance)

  • APS – Certificate of the Academic Evaluation Center if you hold a Chinese, Vietnamese or Indian school or university degree.
    Please refer to the following links:

China: APS Beijing

Vietnam: APS Hanoi

India: APS New Delhi

  • “Vorprüfungsdokumentation” (VPD) – preliminary review documentation for international University degrees (not necessary, if you hold a German Bachelor´s degree or an equivalent University degree from an EU / EEA country)

For detailed informations please refer to this LINK (JMU-Link:

Instructions for creating the pdf file:

  • Please note the maximum size of 25 MB - larger files will not be accepted by the mail server!
  • Therefore, do not scan at too high resolution - 200 dpi is usually sufficient, but make sure it is still legible!
  • If possible/legible, scan in black and white or grayscale instead of color.
  • Leave out the backs of documents if no important information is listed there.


3. send us your application by e-mail with the following two attachments: Your application file (filled pdf application form under 1.) plus document file (compiled documents under 2.) to this e-mail address: 

Email address will be displayed in time for the start of the application process (April 1st).

Please note the following information:

  • You will receive an auto-reply information that your e-mail has been received - if not, your e-mail has not been received, e.g. because the attached files were too large.
  • All the incoming applications are examined and evaluated in detail. The eligibility committee will only decide on all applications after the application deadline. Therefore, please be patient - a decision email by the eligibility committee is not expected until mid-June. Please refrain from asking questions about the status of the application process beforehand.
  • If we have any questions about your documents, we will contact you by e-mail.
  • Please avoid submitting multiple applications. If anything changes in your documents/data during the application period, please inform us first via the aforementioned address and wait for further instructions.
  • We receive a large number of e-mails - we endeavor to answer inquiries promptly, but we ask for your patience. Please avoid unnecessary inquiries by reading the instructions and notes above carefully!

Evaluation of documents and subsequent eligibility interview

Candidates whose submitted documents demonstrate that they meet the above listed criteria will be further evaluated in an oral 30-minute eligibility interview. Successfull candidates will finally be informed within 4 weeks about their admission to the program.

Please note - application period starts on April 1st

Application deadline is 1. June 2025 for the study program beginning 14. October 2025.

Applications have to be submitted electronically. You do not have to send us any documents as hardcopies via postal mail.