Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Research Groups

AG Eilers

Martin Eilers works on mammalian Myc proteins, their mechanism of action and their role in tumorigenesis.

AG Büchel

Targeting transcription-replication conflicts in MYCN-driven neuroblastoma

AG Burger

We are interested in RNA metabolic events that modulate the stability of the human genome in crosstalk with the DNA damage response.

  • AG Gallant

Alumni Research Groups

AG Wiegering

Armin Wiegering is now clinic director at clinic for general, visceral, transplantation and thoracic surgery at the University Hospital Frankfurt

AG Diefenbacher

Markus E. Diefenbacher is now professor for Experimental Oncology at the Helmholtz-Center Munich

Markus E. Diefenbacher studies the effects of deregulated protein stability in cancer.

AG Wolf

Elmar Wolf is now professor for biochemistry at the Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel

Elmar Wolf's group is analyzing and targeting deregulated transcription in cancer through new chemical concepts.


Almut Schulze

Almut Schulze is now professor for tumor metabolism and microenvironment at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg

Almut Schulze studies the connection of metabolism, oncogenic signalling and cancer cell transformation.


We wish all our alumni and their research groups all the best.