Dr. Roberto Novella Fernández

Research Associate
Department of Global Change Ecology
Klara-Oppenheimer-Weg 32
Hubland Nord
97074 Würzburg

2023- current. PostDoctoral Research. University of Würzburg. Global Change Ecology department, School of Ecology. Würzburg (Germany). Prof. Dr. Christian Hof.

2021- 2023. PostDoctoral Researcher. Technical University of Munich, Terrestrial Ecology Research Group. School of Life Sciences. Freising (Germany). Dr. Christian Hof.

2016 – 2020. PhD in Biological Sciences. University of Southampton (United Kingdom) PhD thesis “Biogeographic processes determining the distributions of European bats across spatial scales: The role of biotic interactions and habitat preferences”. Dr. Orly Razgour and Prof. Dr. Patrick Doncaster.

2014 - 2015. MSc in Terrestrial Ecology. Autonomous University of Barcelona. Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona (Spain). Weighted Average Grade: 9.07/10, 3.10/4. MSc Thesis: Interaction strength in plant-pollinator networks; are we using the right measure?. Dr. Jordi Bosch & Dr. Anselm Rodrigo.

2010 - 2014. BSc hons (four years) in Environmental Biology. Mention in Animal Biology. Weighted Average Grade: 8.85/10 or 3.03/4 (38 modules; F:0, C:0, B:13, A:11, A+:14). Autonomous University of Barcelona. Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona (Spain).

  • PhD Thesis Vincent Weir Scientific Award 2022 https://www.bats.org.uk/our-work/awards/the-vincent-weir-scientific-award/the-vincent-weir-scientific-award-winners
  • Cost Action Short Term Scientific Mission: Assessing predicted range losses of European bats due to climate change. European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), 2020.
  • Beca de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU) (Spanish competitive national PhD scholarship). Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte de España, 2015.
  • Best Academic Record Award BSc in Environmental Biology (8.85/10). Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2014.
  • Competitive collaboration grant in departments (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2014).

2024[ to top ]
  • A straightforward protocol to sample morphological traits of dragonflies and damselflies in the field. Novella Fernandez, Roberto. In Ecology and Evolution, 14(6). Wiley, 2024.
  • Trait overdispersion in dragonflies reveals the role and drivers of competition in community assembly across space and season. Novella-Fernandez, Roberto; Chalmandrier, Loïc; Brandl, Roland; Pinkert, Stefan; Zeuss, Dirk; Hof, Christian. In Ecography, 2024(4), p. e06918. 2024.
2023[ to top ]
  • A species-level trait dataset of bats in Europe and beyond. Froidevaux, Jérémy S. P.; Toshkova, Nia; Barbaro, Luc; Benítez-López, Ana; Kerbiriou, Christian; Le Viol, Isabelle; Pacifici, Michela; Santini, Luca; Stawski, Clare; Russo, Danilo; Dekker, Jasja; Alberdi, Antton; Amorim, Francisco; Ancillotto, Leonardo; Barré, Kévin; Bas, Yves; Cantú-Salazar, Lisette; Dechmann, Dina K. N.; Devaux, Tiphaine; Eldegard, Katrine; Fereidouni, Sasan; Furmankiewicz, Joanna; Hamidovic, Daniela; Hill, Davina L.; Ibá~n}}ez, Carlos; Julien, Jean-François; Juste, Javier; Kaňuch, Peter; Korine, Carmi; Laforge, Alexis; Legras, Gaëlle; Leroux, Camille; Lesiński, Grzegorz; Mariton, Léa; Marmet, Julie; Mata, Vanessa A.; Mifsud, Clare M.; Nistreanu, Victoria; Novella-Fernandez, Roberto; Rebelo, Hugo; Roche, Niamh; Roemer, Charlotte; Ruczyński, Ireneusz; S\or{aa}s, Rune; Uhrin, Marcel; Vella, Adriana; Voigt, Christian C.; Razgour, Orly. In Scientific Data, 10(1), p. 253. 2023.
  • Seasonal variation in dragonfly assemblage colouration suggests a link between thermal melanism and phenology. Novella-Fernandez, Roberto; Brandl, Roland; Pinkert, Stefan; Zeuss, Dirk; Hof, Christian. In Nature Communications, 14(1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023.
2022[ to top ]
  • The role of forest structure and composition in driving the distribution of bats in Mediterranean regions. Novella-Fernandez, Roberto; Juste, Javier; Iba~n}}ez, Carlos; Nogueras, Jesús; Osborne, Patrick E.; Razgour, Orly. In Scientific Reports, 12(1), p. 3224. 2022.
2021[ to top ]
  • Broad‐scale patterns of geographic avoidance between species emerge in the absence of fine‐scale mechanisms of coexistence. Novella‐Fernandez, Roberto; Juste, Javier; Ibáñez, Carlos; Rebelo, Hugo; Russo, Danilo; Alberdi, Antton; Kiefer, Andreas; Graham, Laura; Paul, Hynek; Doncaster, Charles Patrick; Razgour, Orly. In Diversity and Distributions, 27(9), C. Capinha (ed.), pp. 1606–1618. Wiley, 2021.
2020[ to top ]
  • DNA metabarcoding and spatial modelling link diet diversification with distribution homogeneity in European bats. Alberdi, Antton; Razgour, Orly; Aizpurua, Ostaizka; Novella-Fernandez, Roberto; Aihartza, Joxerra; Budinski, Ivana; Garin, Inazio; Ibáñez, Carlos; Izagirre, Eñaut; Rebelo, Hugo; Russo, Danilo; Vlaschenko, Anton; Zhelyazkova, Violeta; Zrnčić, Vida; Gilbert, M. Thomas P. In Nature Communications, 11(1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020.
  • Trophic resource partitioning drives fine-scale coexistence in cryptic bat species. Fernandez, Roberto Novella; ez, Carlos Ib; Juste, Javier; Clare, Beth; Doncaster, C Patrick; Razgour, Orly. Authorea, Inc., 2020.
2019[ to top ]
  • Interaction strength in plant-pollinator networks: Are we using the right measure?. Novella-Fernandez, Roberto; Rodrigo, Anselm; Arnan, Xavier; Bosch, Jordi. In PLOS ONE, 14(12), K. Del-Claro (ed.), p. e0225930. Public Library of Science ({PLoS}), 2019.
  • Considering adaptive genetic variation in climate change vulnerability assessment reduces species range loss projections. Razgour, Orly; Forester, Brenna; Taggart, John B.; Bekaert, Michaël; Juste, Javier; Ibáñez, Carlos; Puechmaille, Sébastien J.; Novella-Fernandez, Roberto; Alberdi, Antton; Manel, Stéphanie. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(21), pp. 10418–10423. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019.
2018[ to top ]
  • Els Odonats del Delta del Llobregat. Fernandez, Roberto Novella. In . 2018.