Dr. Eva Katharina Engelhardt

Research Associate
Department of Global Change Ecology
Klara-Oppenheimer-weg 32
Hubland Nord
97074 Würzburg
Room: 00.112

08.2018 – 04.2023* PhD student in Ecology and Biogeography, Technical University of Munich, Germany “Long-term occupancy trends across three insect taxa and their relationship with potential drivers”

10.2015 – 05.2018 M.Sc. Ecology and Evolution Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany

10.2011 – 09.2015 B.Sc. Biosciences Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany

2024[ to top ]
  • Myrmecophily is not a risk factor for long‐term occupancy trends of central European Lycaenidae butterflies. Engelhardt, Eva Katharina; Bowler, Diana E.; Dolek, Matthias; Opolka, Melvin Kenneth; Hof, Christian. In Insect Conservation and Diversity, 18(1), pp. 107–115. Wiley, 2024.
2023[ to top ]
  • European Habitats Directive has fostered monitoring but not prevented species declines. Engelhardt, Eva Katharina; Bowler, Diana E.; Hof, Christian. In Conservation Letters, 16(3). Wiley, 2023.
2019[ to top ]
  • Ignoring biotic interactions overestimates climate change effects: The potential response of the spotted nutcracker to changes in climate and resource plants. Engelhardt, Eva Katharina; Neuschulz, Eike Lena; Hof, Christian. In Journal of Biogeography, 47(1), pp. 143–154. Wiley, 2019.
  • Macroecology as a hub between research disciplines: Opportunities, challenges and possible ways forward. Leitão, Pedro J.; Andrew, Carrie J.; Engelhardt, Eva Katharina; Graham, Catherine H.; Martinez‐Almoyna, Camille; Mimet, Anne; Pinkert, Stefan; Schröder, Boris; Voskamp, Alke; Hof, Christian; Fritz, Susanne A. In Journal of Biogeography, 47(1), pp. 13–15. Wiley, 2019.
2018[ to top ]
  • Bioenergy cropland expansion may offset positive effects of climate change mitigation for global vertebrate diversity. Hof, Christian; Voskamp, Alke; Biber, Matthias F.; Böhning-Gaese, Katrin; Engelhardt, Eva Katharina; Niamir, Aidin; Willis, Stephen G.; Hickler, Thomas. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(52), pp. 13294–13299. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018.
2016[ to top ]
  • Hatte die Usutu-Virus-Epidemie von 2011 und Folgejahren einen Einfluss auf die Brutbestände ausgewählter Vogelarten in Nordbaden?. Engelhardt, Eva Katharina; Engelhardt, Eva Katharina; Wink, Michael. In Ornithologisches Jahresheft Baden-Württemberg. 2016.

Master-award 2018 of The Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ)