Department of Global Change Ecology


This course offers a comprehensive introduction to soil ecology, emphasizing the critical role of soil biodiversity in ecosystem functioning, particularly in the context of global environmental changes. Students will explore the major taxa and key players in soil ecology, gaining insights into their ecological roles and interactions within soil ecosystems.
Teacher:       Prof. Dr. Malte Jochum
Language:    English
Scope:           3 SWS

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the key taxa in soil and their functional roles in the ecosystem. Students will learn various quantitative sampling methods for soil fauna and gain skills in the basic identification of higher taxa. Additionally, the course covers essential principles of study design and provides hands-on experience with simple data analyses using R.
Teacher:        Prof. Dr. Malte Jochum / Dr. Sarah Redlich
Type:              Practice
Language:     German
Scope:            5 SWS  

Frequency:     every second semester

Kennenlernen wichtiger Wirbellosen und Wirbeltiergruppen in der näheren Umgebung  
Teacher:      Prof. Dr. Malte Jochum / Prof. Dr. Nadja Simons / Dr. Britta Uhl 
Language:   German

This course provides a thorough introduction to the principles and practices of conservation biology, emphasizing the importance of biodiversity and the various threats it faces. Students will gain a solid understanding of the foundational concepts in conservation biology, the critical role of biodiversity in ecosystem health, and the urgent need to address the threats to biodiversity.
Teaching:     Prof. Dr. Malte Jochum / Prof. Dr. Nadja Simons 
Type:             Lecture
Language:    English
Scope:           3SWS