Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology

Chaitanya Gokhale (Prof. Dr.)


Hello! My name is Chaitanya and I am heading the group on Theoretical Biology at the CCTB

You can learn more about me and my research in the university's online magazine: From Cells to Societies

Research in my group spans levels of organization - from subcellular entities to societies. I am interested in elucidating the associations and interactions that power the emergent complexity at multiple scales. My focus is on eco-evolutionary processes within and between the valuable but amorphous organization of hierarchies of organization. My group members utilize the toolbox of theoretical biology while simultaneously developing it further. With "Insight preceding application" (Max Planck), we then eventually deploy our knowledge into action via translational programs.

Professor for Theoretical Biology

Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology (CCTB)

Campus Hubland Nord 32

Universität Würzburg

97074 Würzburg, Germany

Tel: 0931 - 31 84126




