Carnivorous Plants
2020[ to top ]
{{T}he {V}enus flytrap trigger hair-specific potassium channel {K}{D}{M}1 can reestablish the {K}+ gradient required for hapto-electric signaling}. . In PLoS Biol, 18(12), bl e3000964. 2020.
{{G}enomes of the {V}enus {F}lytrap and {C}lose {R}elatives {U}nveil the {R}oots of {P}lant {C}arnivory}. . In Curr Biol, 30(12), bll 2312–2320. 2020.
2016[ to top ]
{{V}enus flytrap carnivorous lifestyle builds on herbivore defense strategies}. . In Genome Res., 26(6), bll 812–825. 2016.
2012[ to top ]
{{T}he protein composition of the digestive fluid from the venus flytrap sheds light on prey digestion mechanisms}. . In Mol. Cell Proteomics, 11(11), bll 1306–1319. 2012.