Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology

Repp, Felix (PhD)

Felix Repp

Visiting PostDoc from Institute of Physiology (Prof. Heckmann) in the image analysis group 2017-2018


moved to industry


{2015}[ to top ]
  • {Sol-gel hybrid coatings with strontium-doped 45S5 glass particles for enhancing the performance of stainless steel implants: Electrochemical, bioactive and in vivo response}. Omar, Sheila; Repp, Felix; Desimone, Paula Mariela; Weinkamer, Richard; Wagermaier, Wolfgang; Cere, Silvia; Ballarre, Josefina. In {JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS}, {425}, bll {1–10}. {ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV}, {PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS}, {2015}.
{2014}[ to top ]
  • {Influence of Magnetic Fields on Magneto-Aerotaxis}. Bennet, Mathieu; McCarthy, Aongus; Fix, Dmitri; Edwards, Matthew R.; Repp, Felix; Vach, Peter; Dunlop, John W. C.; Sitti, Metin; Buller, Gerald S.; Klumpp, Stefan; Faivre, Damien. In {PLOS ONE}, {9}({7}). {PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE}, {1160 BATTERY STREET, STE 100, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 USA}, {2014}.
2017[ to top ]
  • The Small World of Osteocytes: Connectomics of the Lacuno-Canalicular Network in Bone. Kollmannsberger, Philip; Kerschnitzki, Michael; Repp, Felix; Wagermaier, Wolfgang; Weinkamer, Richard; Fratzl, Peter. In New Journal of Physics, 19, bl 073019. 2017.
  • Spatial heterogeneity in the canalicular density of the osteocyte network in human osteons. Repp, Felix; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Roschger, Andreas; Kerschnitzki, Michael; Berzlanovich, Andrea; Gruber, Gerlinde M.; Roschger, Paul; Wagermaier, Wolfgang; Weinkamer, Richard. In Bone Reports, 6, bll 101–108. 2017.
  • Coalignment of osteocyte canaliculi and collagen fibers in human osteonal bone. Repp, Felix; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Roschger, Andreas; Berzlanovich, Andrea; Gruber, Gerlinde; Roschger, Paul; Wagermaier, Wolfgang; Weinkamer, Richard. In Journal of Stuctural Biology, 199, bll 177–186. 2017.
2015[ to top ]
  • The connection between cellular mechanoregulation and tissue patterns during bone healing. Repp, Felix; Vetter, Andreas; Duda, Georg N.; Weinkamer, Richard. In Medical {\&} Biological Engineering {\&} Computing, 53(9), bll 829–842. 2015.
2014[ to top ]
  • Remodeling in bone without osteocytes: Billfish challenge bone structure–function paradigms. Atkins, Ayelet; Dean, Mason N.; Habegger, Maria Laura; Motta, Phillip J.; Ofer, Lior; Repp, Felix; Shipov, Anna; Weiner, Steve; Currey, John D.; Shahar, Ron. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(45), bll 16047–16052. 2014.