Department of Botany I - Plant-Physiology and Biophysics


Publication List Privdoz. Rob Roelfsema

2024[ to top ]
  • Huang, S., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Gilliham, M., Hetherington, A.M., and Hedrich, R. (2024) Guard cells count the number of unitary cytosolic Ca2+ signals to regulate stomatal dynamics, Current Biology, 34(23), 5409–5416.e2, available:
  • Sussmilch, F.C., Maierhofer, T., Herrmann, J., Voss, L.J., Lind, C., Messerer, M., Müller, H.M., Bünner, M.S., Ache, P., Mayer, K.F.X., Becker, D., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Geiger, D., Schultz, J., and Hedrich, R. (2024) Gaining or cutting SLAC: the evolution of plant guard cell signalling pathways, New Phytologist, 244(6), 2295–2310, available:
  • Hmidi, D., Muraya, F., Fizames, C., Véry, A., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2024) Potassium extrusion by plant cells: evolution from an emergency valve to a driver of long‐distance transport, New Phytologist, 245(1), 69–87, available:
  • Roelfsema, M. (2024) Profile: Rob Roelfsema, New Phytologist, 244(3), 767–768, available:
2023[ to top ]
  • Huang, S., Shen, L., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Becker, D., and Hedrich, R. (2023) Light-gated channelrhodopsin sparks proton-induced calcium release in guard cells, Science, 382(6676), 1314–1318, available:
  • Huang, S., Maierhofer, T., Hashimoto, K., Xu, X., Karimi, S.M., Müller, H., Geringer, M.A., Wang, Y., Kudla, J., Smet, I.D., Hedrich, R., Geiger, D., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2023) The CIPK23 protein kinase represses SLAC1-type anion channels in Arabidopsis guard cells and stimulates stomatal opening, New Phytologist, 238(1), 270–282, available:
  • Hedrich, R. and Roelfsema, M. (2023) Cracking the code of plant herbivore defense, Cell, 186, 1300–1302, available:
2022[ to top ]
  • Jones, J.J., Huang, S., Hedrich, R., Geilfus, C.-M., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2022) The green light gap: a window of opportunity for optogenetic control of stomatal movement, New Phytologist, 236(4), 1237–1244, available:
2021[ to top ]
  • Nuhkat, M., Brosche, M., Stoelzle-Feix, S., Dietrich, P., Hedrich, R., Roelfsema, M.R.G., and Kollist, H. (2021) Rapid depolarization and cytosolic calcium increase go hand-in-hand in mesophyll cells’ ozone response, New Phytologist, 232(4), 1692–1702, available:
  • Huang, S., Ding, M., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Dreyer, I., Scherzer, S., Al-Rasheid, K.A.S., Gao, S., Nagel, G., Hedrich, R., and Konrad, K.R. (2021) Optogenetic control of the guard cell membrane potential and stomatal movement by the light-gated anion channel Gt {ACR}1, Science Advances, 7(28), available:
  • Dindas, J., Dreyer, I., Huang, S., Hedrich, R., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2021) A voltage-dependent Ca2+-homeostat operates in the plant vacuolar membrane, New Phytologist, 230(4), 1449–1460, available:
2020[ to top ]
  • Thor, K., Jiang, S., Michard, E., George, J., Scherzer, S., Huang, S., Dindas, J., Derbyshire, P., Leit{\~{a}}o, N., DeFalco, T.A., Köster, P., Hunter, K., Kimura, S., Gronnier, J., Stransfeld, L., Kadota, Y., Bücherl, C.A., Charpentier, M., Wrzaczek, M., MacLean, D., Oldroyd, G.E.D., Menke, F.L.H., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Hedrich, R., Feij{{ó}}, J., and Zipfel, C. (2020) The calcium-permeable channel {OSCA}1.3 regulates plant stomatal immunity, Nature, 585(7826), 569–573, available:
  • Han, B., Jiang, Y., Cui, G., Mi, J., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Mouille, G., Sechet, J., Al-Babili, S., Aranda, M., and Hirt, H. (2020) CATION-CHLORIDE CO-TRANSPORTER 1 (CCC1) mediates plant resistance against Pseudomonas syringa, Plant Physiology, 182, 1052–1065, available:
  • Dindas, J., Becker, D., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Scherzer, S., Bennett, M., and Hedrich, R. (2020) Pitfalls in auxin pharmacology, New Phytologist, 227(2), 286–292, available:
2019[ to top ]
  • Sussmilch, F., Roelfsema, M.R.G., and Hedrich, R. (2019) On the origins of osmotically driven stomatal movements, New Phytologist, 222, 84–90, available:
  • Liu, Y., Maierhofer, T., Rybak, K., Sklenar, J., Breakspear, A., Johnston, M., Fliegmann, J., Huang, S., Roelfsema, M., Felix, G., Faulkner, C., Menke, F., Geiger, D., Hedrich, R., and Robatzek, S. (2019) Anion channel SLAH3 is a regulatory target of chitin receptor-associated kinase PBL27 in microbial stomatal closure, Elife, 8(e44474), available:
  • Huang, S., Waadt, R., Nuhkat, M., Kollist, H., Hedrich, R., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2019) Calcium signals in guard cells enhance the efficiency by which abscisic acid triggers stomatal closure, New Phytologist, available: 10.1111/nph.15985.
  • Sussmilch, F., Hedrich, R., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2019) Acquiring control: The evolution of stomatal signalling pathways, Trends in Plant Science, 24(4), 342–351, available:
2018[ to top ]
  • Hürter, A.-L., Fort, S., Cottaz, S., Hedrich, R., Geiger, D., and Roelfsema, M. (2018) Mycorrhizal lipochitinoligosaccharides (LCOs) depolarize root hairs of Medicago truncatula, PLoS One, 13(5), e0198126., available:
  • Graus, D., Konrad, K.R., Bemm, F., Nebioglu, M.G.P., Lorey, C., Duscha, K., Guthoff, T., Herrmann, J., Ferjani, A., Cuin, T.A., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Schumacher, K., Neuhaus, E., Marten, I., and Hedrich, R. (2018) High V-PPase activity is beneficial under high salt loads, but detrimental without salinity, New Phytologist, 219, 1421–1432, available:
  • Dindas, J., Scherzer, S., Roelfsema, M., von Meyer, K., Müller H., Al-Rasheid, K., Palme, K., Dietrich, P., Becker, D., Bennett, M., and Hedrich, R. (2018) AUX1-mediated root hair auxin influx governs SCFTIR1/AFB-type Ca2+ signaling, Nature Communications, 9, 1174, available:
  • Voss, L., McAdam, S., Knoblauch, M., Rathje, J., Brodribb, T., Hedrich, R., and Roelfsema, M. (2018) Guard cells in fern stomata are connected by plasmodesmata, but control cytosolic Ca2+ levels autonomously, New Phytologist, 219(1), 206–215, available: 10.1111/nph.15153.
2017[ to top ]
  • Nguyen, T., Huang, S., Meynard, D., Chaine, C., Michel, R., Roelfsema, M., Guiderdoni, E., Sentenac, H., and Véry, A.-A. (2017) A dual role for the OSK5.2 ion channel in stomatal movements and K+ loading into xylem sap, Plant Physiology, 174(4), 2409–2418, available:
2016[ to top ]
  • Voss, L.J., Hedrich, R., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2016) Current injection provokes rapid expansion of the guard cell cytosolic volume and triggers Ca2+ signals, Molecular plant, 9(3), 471–80, available:
  • Roelfsema, M. and Hedrich, R. (2016) Do stomata of evolutionary distant species differ in sensitivity to environmental signals?, New phytologist, 211(3), 767–770, available:
  • Jakobson, L., Vaahtera, L., Toldsepp, K., Nuhkat, M., Wang, C., Wang, Y.S., Horak, H., Valk, E., Pechter, P., Sindarovska, Y., Tang, J., Xiao, C.L., Xu, Y., Talas, U.G., Garcia-Sosa, A.T., Kangasjarvi, S., Maran, U., Remm, M., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Hu, H.H., Kangasjarvi, J., Loog, M., Schroeder, J.I., Kollist, H., and Brosche, M. (2016) Natural variation in Arabidopsis Cvi-0 accession reveals an important role of MPK12 in guard cell CO2 signaling, Plos Biology, 14(12), 25-, available:
2015[ to top ]
  • Guzel Deger, A., Scherzer, S., Nuhkat, M., Kedzierska, J., Kollist, H., Brosche, M., Unyayar, S., Boudsocq, M., Hedrich, R., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2015) Guard cell SLAC1-type anion channels mediate flagellin-induced stomatal closure, The New phytologist, 208(1), 162–73, available:
  • Wang, Y., Dindas, J., Rienmuller, F., Krebs, M., Waadt, R., Schumacher, K., Wu, W.-H., Hedrich, R., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2015) Cytosolic Ca2+ signals enhance the vacuolar ion conductivity of bulging Arabidopsis root hair cells, Molecular plant, 8(11), 1665–74, available:
2014[ to top ]
  • Kollist, H., Nuhkat, M., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2014) Closing gaps: linking elements that control stomatal movement, New Phytologist, 203(1), 44–62, available:
2013[ to top ]
  • Willige, B.C., Ahlers, S., Zourelidou, M., Barbosa, I.C.R., Demarsy, E., Trevisan, M., Davis, P.A., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Hangarter, R., Fankhauser, C., and Schwechheimer, C. (2013) D6PK AGCVIII kinases are required for auxin transport and phototropic hypocotyl bending in Arabidopsis, Plant Cell, 25(5), 1674–1688, available:
  • Roelfsema, M.R.G. and Kollist, H. (2013) Tiny pores with a global impact, New Phytologist, 197(1), 11–15, available:
2012[ to top ]
  • Roelfsema, M.R.G., Hedrich, R., and Geiger, D. (2012) Anion channels: master switches of stress responses, Trends in plant science, 17(4), 221–229, available:
  • Hedrich, R., Becker, D., Geiger, D., Marten, I., and Roelfsema, M. (2012) Role of ion channels in plants, in Y., O., ed., Tokyo: Springer, 295–322, available:
2011[ to top ]
  • Mumm, P., Wolf, T., Fromm, J., Roelfsema, M.R.G., and Marten, I. (2011) Cell Type-Specific Regulation of Ion Channels Within the Maize Stomatal Complex, Plant and Cell Physiology, 52(8), 1365–1375, available:
  • Koers, S., Guzel-Deger, A., Marten, I., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2011) Barley mildew and its elicitor chitosan promote closed stomata by stimulating guard-cell S-type anion channels, Plant Journal, 68(4), 670–680, available:
2010[ to top ]
  • Roelfsema, M. and Hedrich, R. (2010) Making sense out of Ca2+signals: their role in regulating stomatal movements, Plant, cell & environment, 33(3), 305–321, available:
  • de Carbonnel, M., Davis, P., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Inoue, S., Schepens, I., Lariguet, P., Geisler, M., Shimazaki, K., Hangarter, R., and Fankhauser, C. (2010) The Arabidopsis PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE2 Protein Is a Phototropin Signaling Element That Regulates Leaf Flattening and Leaf Positioning, Plant Physiology, 152(3), 1391–1405, available:
  • Stange, A., Hedrich, R., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2010) Ca2+-dependent activation of guard cell anion channels, triggered by hyperpolarization, is promoted by prolonged depolarization, Plant Journal, 62(2), 265–276, available:
  • Marten, I., Deeken, R., Hedrich, R., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2010) Light-induced modification of plant plasma membrane ion transport, Plant Biology, 12, 64–79, available:
  • Jeworutzki, E., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Anschutz, U., Krol, E., Elzenga, J.T.M., Felix, G., Boller, T., Hedrich, R., and Becker, D. (2010) Early signaling through the Arabidopsis pattern recognition receptors FLS2 and EFR involves Ca2+-associated opening of plasma membrane anion channels, Plant Journal, 62(3), 367–378, available:
2009[ to top ]
  • Roelfsema, M. (2009) Stomata [online], Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Wiley Online Library, available:
2008[ to top ]
  • Engelmann, J.C., Deeken, R., Mueller, T., Nimtz, G., Roelfsema, M.R.G., and Hedrich, R. (2008) Is gene activity in plant cells affected by UMTS-irradiation? A whole genome approach, Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry, 1(1), 71–83, available:
  • Marten, H., Hyun, T., Gomi, K., Seo, S., Hedrich, R., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2008) Silencing of NtMPK4 impairs CO2-induced stomatal closure, activation of anion channels and cytosolic Ca(2+)signals in Nicotiana tabacum guard cells, Plant Journal, 55(4), 698–708, available:
  • Levchenko, V., Guinot, D.R., Klein, M., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Hedrich, R., and Dietrich, P. (2008) Stringent control of cytoplasmic Ca2+ in guard cells of intact plants compared to their counterparts in epidermal strips or guard cell protoplasts, Protoplasma, 233(1-2), 61–72, available:
  • Krupenina, N.A., Bulychev, A.A., Roelfsema, M.R.G., and Schreiber, U. (2008) Action potential in Chara cells intensifies spatial patterns of photosynthetic electron flow and non-photochemical quenching in parallel with inhibition of pH banding, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 7(6), 681–688, available:
2007[ to top ]
  • Sano, T., Becker, D., Ivashikina, N., Wegner, L.H., Zimmermann, U., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Nagata, T., and Hedrich, R. (2007) Plant cells must pass a K+ threshold to re-enter the cell cycle, The Plant Journal, 50(3), 401–413, available:
  • Marten, H., Konrad, K.R., Dietrich, P., Roelfsema, M.R.G., and Hedrich, R. (2007) Ca2+-dependent and -independent abscisic acid activation of plasma membrane anion channels in guard cells of Nicotiana tabacum, Plant Physiology, 143, 28–37, available:
  • Marten, H., Hedrich, R., and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2007) Blue light inhibits guard cell plasma membrane anion channels in a phototropin-dependent manner, The Plant journal, 50(1), 29–39, available:
2006[ to top ]
  • Roelfsema, M.R.G., Konrad, K.R., Marten, H., Psaras, G.K., Hartung, W., and Hedrich, R. (2006) Guard cells in albino leaf patches do not respond to photosynthetically active radiation, but are sensitive to blue light, CO2 and abscisic acid, Plant, cell & environment, 29(8), 1595–1605, available:
2005[ to top ]
  • Levchenko, V., Konrad, K.R., Dietrich, P., Roelfsema, M.R.G., and Hedrich, R. (2005) Cytosolic abscisic acid activates guard cell anion channels without preceding Ca2+ signals, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(11), 4203–4208, available:
  • Roelfsema, M.R.G. and Hedrich, R. (2005) In the light of stomatal opening: new insights into ’the Watergate’, The New phytologist, 167(3), 665–691, available:
  • Meyerhoff, O., Muller, K., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Latz, A., Lacombe, B., Hedrich, R., Dietrich, P., and Becker, D. (2005) AtGLR3.4, a glutamate receptor channel-like gene is sensitive to touch and cold, Planta, 222(3), 418–427, available:
2004[ to top ]
  • Roelfsema, M.R.G., Levchenko, V., and Hedrich, R. (2004) ABA depolarizes guard cells in intact plants, through a transient activation of R- and S-type anion channels, The Plant journal, 37(4), 578–588, available:
  • Becker, D., Geiger, D., Dunkel, M., Roller, A., Bertl, A., Latz, A., Carpaneto, A., Dietrich, P., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Voelker, C., Schmidt, D., Mueller-Roeber, B., Czempinski, K., and Hedrich, R. (2004) AtTPK4, an Arabidopsis tandem-pore K+ channel, poised to control the pollen membrane voltage in a pH- and Ca2+-dependent manner, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(44), 15621–15626, available:
2003[ to top ]
  • Becker, D., Hoth, S., Ache, P., Wenkel, S., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Meyerhoff, O., Hartung, W., and Hedrich, R. (2003) Regulation of the ABA-sensitive Arabidopsis potassium channel gene GORK in response to water stress, Febs Letters, (1-2), 119–126, available:
2002[ to top ]
  • Roelfsema, M.R.G., Hanstein, S., Felle, H.H., and Hedrich, R. (2002) CO2 provides an intermediate link in the red light response of guard cells, The Plant Journal, 32(1), 65–75, available:
  • Roelfsema, M. and Hedrich, R. (2002) Studying guard cells in the intact plant: modulation of stomatal movement by apoplastic factors, New Phytologist, 153(3), 425–431, available:
2001[ to top ]
  • Roelfsema, M.R.G., Steinmeyer, R., Staal, M., and Hedrich, R. (2001) Single guard cell recordings in intact plants: light-induced hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane, The Plant journal, 26(1), 1–13, available:
  • Roelfsema, M.R.G., Steinmeyer, R., and Hedrich, R. (2001) Discontinuous single electrode voltage-clamp measurements: assessment of clamp accuracy in Vicia faba guard cells, Journal of experimental botany, 52(362), 1933–1939, available:
  • Hedrich, R. and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2001) Plant ion transport, in Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Nature Publishing Group, available:
  • Szyroki, A., Ivashikina, N., Dietrich, P., Roelfsema, M.R.G., Ache, P., Reintanz, B., Deeken, R., Godde, M., Felle, H., Steinmeyer, R., Palme, K., and Hedrich, R. (2001) KAT1 is not essential for stomatal opening, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98(5), 2917–21, available:
2000[ to top ]
  • Ache, P., Becker, D., Ivashikina, N., Dietrich, P., Roelfsema, M.R.G., and Hedrich, R. (2000) GORK, a delayed outward rectifier expressed in guard cells of Arabidopsis thaliana, is a K+-selective, K+-sensing ion channel, FEBS letters, 486(2), 93–98, available:
1998[ to top ]
  • Roelfsema, M.R.G., Staal, M., and Prins, H.B.A. (1998) Blue light-induced apoplastic acidification of Arabidopsis thaliana guard cells: Inhibition by ABA is mediated through protein phosphatases, Physiologia Plantarum, 103(4), 466–474, available:
  • Roelfsema, M.R.G. and Prins, H.B.A. (1998) The membrane potential of Arabidopsis thaliana guard cells; depolarizations induced by apoplastic acidification, Planta, 205(1), 100–112, available:
1997[ to top ]
  • Roelfsema, M.R.G. and Prins, H.B.A. (1997) Ion channels in guard cells of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., Planta, 202(1), 18–27, available:
1995[ to top ]
  • Roelfsema, M.R.G. and Prins, H.B.A. (1995) Effect of abscisic acid on stomatal opening in isolated epidermal strips of abi mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, Physiologia plantarum, 95(3), 373–378, available: