News from the Department of Molecular Plantphysiology and Biophysics


Plant Guard Cells can Count Environmental Stimuli


Acid Sensor and Calcium Store Discovered in Plants


Broad Bean Thrives Despite a Hyperactive Ion Channel

Pitcher plants like Nephentes gracilis use their specialized leaves to capture insects. This food supplement allows the plants to thrive even in nutrient-poor habitats.

How A Pitcher Plant Evolved with Tenfold Genomic Wealth

News from the Biocentre


Immunotherapy Against Cancer: How Therapeutic Antibodies do Their Job


A Quick End for mRNA

Pauline Fleischmann during field research in Greece.

Desert ants use the polarity of the geomagnetic field for navigation

Image showing all the neurons (color-coded based on type) that make up the Drosophila circadian clock network. (Image: Nils Reinhard)

A Blueprint for the Brain's Circadian Clock