Literature on climate change
Book recommendations:
1. Climate Wars: The Fight for Survival as the World Overheats, Gwynne Dyer. 01.04.2011
2. Onnen, C. (eds) Gelegenheitsfenster für nachhaltigen Konsum. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. last accessed on: 09.12.2022
Articles and publications:
1. Weltweite Temperaturen und Extremwetterereignisse seit 2010, Umwelt Bundeamt. 03.11.2022. last accessed on: 05.12.2022
2. Zuhad Hai, Rebecca L. Perlman. Extreme weather events and the politics of climate change attribution, 09.11.2022. Science. last accessed on: 05.12.2022
3. Vital Signs of the Planet, NASA. last accessed on: 05.12.2022
4. Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying, IPCC. 09.08.2021. last accessed on: 05.12.2022
5. What is climate change?, United Nations. last accessed on: 05.12.2022
6. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) U.S. Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters (2022). last accessed on: 05.12.2022
7. Global warming, John Houghton. Published 4 May 2005. last accessed on: 05.12.2022
8. Juan-Carlos Ciscar et. al. Physical and economic consequences of climate change in Europe, 31.01.2011. last accessed on: 05.12.2022
9. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) U.S. Climate change impacts. last accessed on: 05.12.2022
10. Causes and Effects of Climate Change, United Nations. last accessed on: 05.12.2022
11. Naturkatastrophen: Vorsorge treffen, Nothilfe bereitstellen, Malteser International. last accessed on: 05.12.2022
Courses and Communities
1. Effective Altruism. Many online courses and local Communities all over the world.