Chair of Bioinformatics

Thomas Dandekar


Bioinformatik, Biozentrum, Am Hubland, D-97074 Universitaet Wuerzburg
Tel.: +49 (0)931 31-84551, Fax: +49 (0)931 31-84552

Prof. Dr. Thomas Dandekar

Curriculum Vitae

  • Name:
    Prof. Thomas Dandekar
  • Born:
    July 23rd, 1960; Alpen/Moers, Germany (German citizen)
  • Dept.:
  • Address:
    Biocenter, Am Hubland
    University of Würzburg
    97074 Würzburg, Germany
  • Current position:
    head, dept. of bioinformatics (since Dec. 2001)
    member of the board of directors of the Biocenter (since Feb. 2002)
  • Education
    1994        Habilitation in Biochemistry: University of Heidelberg
    1982-86  MD: Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Department of Neuropharmacology, Martinsried
    1979-86  Studies in Medicine: University of Munich
  • Professional Career and Research Experience
    2001-present    Full professor (C4), chair of Bioinformatics, Biocenter, University of Würzburg
    2000-01             Reader (AR) for Bioinformatics, Medical School Freiburg

    1988–present  Scientist at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg
    1987–1988       Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France

    • Honors and Awards

      Since 2019    Partner of the NFDI (Nationale Forschungsdaten Initiative)
      2018-2019     Advisor to the President of the DFG on Digitalization
      2017               Appointment as member of the priority inititative "Digital Information" of the Alliance  of Science Organisations in Germany
      2015               Member of the Alexander v. Humboldt Foundation (Selection Board)
      2015               Emerging Technology Finalist Royal Society (Nanocellulose Chip)
      2009–2011   Dean, faculty of biology (2007-2009; 2011-2013 vice dean)
      2007               BMC Hot 100 Scientist Award for Top Open Access Publications
      2005–2007   Speaker of the Biocenter, University of Würzburg (2003-2005 vice-speaker)
      1989–1991   Boehringer Ingelheim Fellow

    • Editorial Boards
      2015–present  Scientific Reports (Nature Publ.)
      2013–present  Frontiers in Synthetic Biology
      2013–present  Frontiers in Microbiology
      2013–present  Biology Direct
      2008–present  Associate Editor BMC Bioinformatics
