Chair of Biochemistry II


Prof. Dr. Bettina Warscheid

Lehrstuhl für Biochemie II
Biozentrum, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: B1
Room: 108 a

Sprechzeiten nach Anmeldung per E-Mail

Title Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
First name Bettina 
Name Warscheid
Current position Professor (W3) and Chair of Biochemistry II
Current institution(s)/site(s), country Theodor-Boveri-Institute, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg, Germany

Academic education

Since 2022 Professor (W3) and Chair of Biochemistry II, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Würzburg, Germany
2010 - 2021 Professor (W3) of Biochemistry and Functional Proteomics, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg, Germany
2009 - 2010 Professor (W2) of Clinical and Cellular Proteomics, Medical Faculty and Centre for Medical Biotechnology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
2004 - 2010 Junior-Professor (W1) for Protein Mass Spectrometry, Medical Faculty, University of Bochum, Germany
2003 - 2010 Group leader, Cellular Proteomics, Medical Proteome Center, University of Bochum, Germany
2002 - 2003 Postdoc, University of Maryland, College Park, and Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA
2002 PhD in Analytical Chemistry, Leibniz Institute of Analytical Sciences (ISAS), Dortmund, Germany
1991 - 1997 Diploma studies in Chemistry, Technical University Dortmund, Germany


Activities in the Research System

Organization of Courses and Conferences
2024 EMBO Workshop ‘Advances in Protein Translocation across Membranes’ (with Paul Jarvis, Oxford, UK, and Kostas Tokatlidis, Glaskow, UK)

International Conference ‘Peroxisome Interactions and Communication’ (with Ralf Erdmann, Bochum, Germany)

2019 Annual Congress of the European Proteomics Association ‘From genes via proteins and their interactions to functions’ (co-organizer with DGPF)
2011 LifeNet Conference ‘Integrative Omics Approaches to Disease Mechanisms’ (with Jörn Dengjel, Fribourg; Switzerland)
2007 & 2008 International Training course on ‘Biological Mass Spectrometry’


Commissions of Trust
Since 2017

Steering Board Member of the ‘German Society of Proteome Research’ (DGPF)

2019 - 2021 Member of Bioinformatics Strategic Committee, University of Freiburg
2019 - 2021 Member Cluster of Excellence CIBSS Research Infrastructure Committee and Coordinator of research area CIBSS-D ‘Integrative Signalling Technologies’
Member Cluster of Excellence CIBSS Research Infrastructure Committee and Coordinator of research area CIBSS-D ‘Integrative Signalling Technologies’
2018 - 2021 Member of Research Infrastructure Board, University of Freiburg
2017 - 2021 Founding and Steering Board Member of the Excellence Cluster CIBSS Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling StudiesFounding and Steering Board
Member of the Excellence Cluster CIBSS Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies
2010 - 2020 Steering Board Member of the Excellence Cluster BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies University of Freiburg
2010 - 2021 Member and Principal Investigator of the ‘Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine’ (SGBM), University of Freiburg
2018 - 2019 Vice Dean of the Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg
2016 - 2018 Dean of the Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg
2016 -2018 Member of the Senate, University of Freiburg
2014 - 2016 Academic Dean of the Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg
2011 - 2013 Editorial advisory board member of the ‘Journal of Proteome Research’
2007 - 2010 Member of Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) membership committee


Reviewer for granting agencies (e.g. DFG, ANR, ERC, FWO, ISF, SNF) and scientific journals (e.g. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, Cell, Cell Reports, Nature,
Nature Communications, eLife, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, Journal of Proteome Research, Analytical Chemistry)


Supervision of Researchers in Early Career Phases

For 20 years, I have been supervising Diploma, Bachelor and Master students as well as doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers at four different German Universities. In the last 5 years, I have supervised 12 PhD students and 10 Postdocs, who now hold excellent positions in academia and industry (e.g., EMBL; IMP; Celonic, Sanofi; Lonza; BioNTech, Böhringer Ingelheim, Merck). I have also been serving on many thesis advisory committees of doctoral students across Faculties (Chemistry and Pharmacy, Medicine, Biology). In addition, I have been active in the mentoring of female researchers in their academic career.


Academic Distinctions
2019 - 2022 Principal Investigator of the Excellence Cluster CIBSS
2015 - 2020 ERC Consolidator Grant (as partner)
2010 - 2020 Principal Investigator of the Excellence Cluster BIOSS
2010 Innovative Research Project Award, Structural and Innovation Fond for Research (SI-BW), Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg

Call for a core professorship position of the Excellence Cluster BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

the innovative Research Project Award, Structural and Innovation Fond for Research (SI-BW), Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg
2002 - 2003 DFG Fellowship for research in the laboratories of Prof. Catherine Fenselau at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, and Prof. Robert Cotter at the
Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
1996 ERASMUS stipend for studies at Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands


Academic activities, awards and honors

since 2019 Principal Investigator and Board Member of the Excellence Cluster CIBSS Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies,Coordinator of the Area CIBSS-D "Integrative Signalling Technologies".  
since 2019 Principal Investigator of SFB 1381 "Dynamic organization of cell protein machines: from biogenesis and modular assembly to function".  
May 2018 Member of the CIBSS review team presenting the CIBSS program "Signaling across scales: from mechanistic understanding to functional control" to the DFG review panel.  

2018 - 2019

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Biology, University of Fribourg  
Seit 2017 Deputy Vice President of the "German Society for Proteome Research" (DGPF)  
2016 - 
Dean of the Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg  
2016 - 
Member of the Senate, University of Freiburg  
2014 -
Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg  
Seit 2013 Principal Investigator of TRR 130 "B Cells: Immunity and Autoimmunity"  
Seit 2011 Principal Investigator of the "Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine" (SGBM) of the "Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments", University of Freiburg, Germany  
December 2011 Member of the BIOSS speaker team presenting the BIOSS-2 program "Signal Research from Analysis to Synthesis" to the DFG review panel.  
2010 - 
Board member of the Excellence Cluster BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies  
Since 2010 Principal Investigator of the Excellence Cluster BIOSS  
2010 Innovative Research Project Award, Structural and Innovation Fond for Research (SI-BW), a program to support top contracts of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg.  
2002 - 
DFG grant for research in the laboratories of Prof. Catherine Fenselau at the University of Maryland,
College Park, MD, and Prof. Robert Cotter at Johns Hopkins University, School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
1996 Bachelor scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Program for the research stay at the University of Leiden, NL

Academic Distinctions
2019 - 2022 Principal Investigator of the Excellence Cluster CIBSS
2015 - 2020 ERC Consolidator Grant (as partner)
2010 - 2020 Principal Investigator of the Excellence Cluster BIOSS
2010 Innovative Research Project Award, Structural and Innovation Fond for Research (SI-BW), Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg

Call for a core professorship position of the Excellence Cluster BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

the innovative Research Project Award, Structural and Innovation Fond for Research (SI-BW), Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg
2002 - 2003 DFG Fellowship for research in the laboratories of Prof. Catherine Fenselau at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, and Prof. Robert Cotter at the
Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
1996 ERASMUS stipend for studies at Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands

Dr. Julian Bender

Senior Scientist
Lehrstuhl für Biochemie II
Biocentre, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: B1
Room: B108 b

Dr. Silke Oeljeklaus

Senior Scientist
Lehrstuhl für Biochemie II
Biozentrum, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: B1
Room: B108 b

Dr. Johann Georg Polleichtner

Lehrstuhl für Biochemie
Biozentrum, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: B0
Room: B090

Sprechzeiten: Di-Do 10-11:30 Uhr, oder nach Vereinbarung

Hirakjyoti Das

PhD Student
Lehrstuhl für Biochemie II
Biocentre, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: B1
Room: B107 b

Thomas Morgenbrodt

Technischer Assistent
Lehrstuhl für Biochemie II
Biozentrum, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: B1
Room: B106

Angelina Polyakova

PhD Student
Chair of Biochemistry II
Biocenter, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: B1
Room: B107

Ann-Kathrin Richard

Technische Assistentin
Lehrstuhl für Biochemie II
Biozentrum, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: B1
Room: B107 b

Lakshita Sharma

PhD Student
Lehrstuhl für Biochemie II
Biozentrum, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: B1
Room: B107

Daniel Wendscheck

PhD Student
Chair of Biochemistry II
Biocentre, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: B1
Room: B108 d

Johannes Zimmermann

PhD Student
Lehrstuhl für Biochemie II
Biocentre, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: Biozentrum, B1
Room: B106

Bettina Müller-Jäkel

Lehrstuhl für Biochemie II
Biozentrum, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: B1
Room: B108 c

Andrea Stephan

Technische Assistentin
Lehrstuhl für Biochemie II
Biozentrum, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: B1
Room: B115

Ann-Kathrin Staudt

Lehrstuhl für Biochemie II
Biozentrum, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: B1
Room: B108 d


Lab dog


Lab dog