Comoe Research Station

Comoé Research Station

Comoé National Park Research Station

The Comoé National Park is a
 UNESCO World Heritage Site 
and Biosphere Reserve. As the
 largest protected area in West
 Africa, with a surface of
 11,500 sq km, it ranges from
 the dry Soudanian to the
 comparatively wet Guinea 
savanna. Its multitude of habitats 
along a steep climatic north-south gradient supports a remarkable diversity of life. Some species even find their last sanctuary in the different savanna types, riparian grasslands, gallery forests or forest islands, making it the most biodiverse savanna region in Africa.

The Comoé National Park Research Station was founded by Prof. Linsenmair in 1989/90 and has since then thrived through numerous partnerships to become one of the most modern field stations in Africa, with electricity, running water, internet and a large climatised laboratory. Since the 90s over 100 scientists from more than 20 international research institutions used the research station, publishing over 200 papers in peer reviewed international journals. Far more students participated in regular advanced field courses and the empirical data for more than 40 diploma, masters and Ph.D. theses have been collected in the surroundings of the station. The focus of the field based research is on the frontier fields of ecology, e.g. ecophysiology, behavioural, chemical and evolutionary ecology.


Comoé National Park Research Staion - University of Würzburg

28 BP 847 Abidjan 28

Côte d'Ivoire



Retired Founding Director

Prof. K. E. Linsenmair

Tel.: +49 (0)931 31-84351

Fax: +49 (0)931 31-80583

Local Director

Dr. N'Golo A Koné

University Nangui Abrogoua


Tel.: +225 07620384 / +225 75673717