Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology

Schüttler, Magdalena (BSc)

Magdalena Schüttler

Student assistant and Master student
Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology (CCTB)

Supramolecular and Cellular Simulations Group - Student assistant
BioMedical Data Science - Master student

For my Master Thesis, I am developing automated image processing pipelines to quantify image-based biomarkers for Fabry disease. The goal of this project is the analysis and interpretation these biomarkers’ diagnostic and prognostic significance.

For my HiWi position, I am creating a macro for the image processing software Fiji/ImageJ that enables fully automated processing and quantification of 3D blood vessel networks in organoids and other tissue cultures.

  • 2022-now: Student assistant
    CSI, Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology (CCTB), University of Würzburg, Germany
    Main Project: VESNA – An Open-Source Tool for Automated 3D Vessel Segmentation and Network Analysis
  • 2023-Summer 2025: MSc Biochemistry
    BioMeDS, CCTB, Würzburg
    Thesis: "Imaging Biomarkers in Fabry Disease – An Assessment of Diagnostic and Prognostic Value"
  • 2020-2023: Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
    Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology, Würzburg, Germany
    Thesis: "Generation of Blood Vessel Organoids for Validation of Automated Image Processing and Data Analysis"