Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology

Evolutionary Genomics


2020[ to top ]
  • A systematic comparison of chloroplast genome assembly tools. Freudenthal, Jan A.; Pfaff, Simon; Terhoeven, Niklas; Korte, Arthur; Ankenbrand, Markus J.; F{ö}rster, Frank. In Genome Biology, 21(1), bl 254. 2020.
2018[ to top ]
  • Natural allelic variation of the AZI1 gene controls root growth under zinc-limiting condition. Bouain, Nadia; Satbhai, Santosh B.; Korte, Arthur; Saenchai, Chorpet; Desbrosses, Guilhem; Berthomieu, Pierre; Busch, Wolfgang; Rouached, Hatem. In PLOS Genetics, 14(4), bll 1–23. Public Library of Science, 2018.
2017[ to top ]
  • The AraGWAS Catalog: a curated and standardized Arabidopsis thaliana GWAS catalog. Togninalli, Matteo; Seren, Ümit; Meng, Dazhe; Fitz, Joffrey; Nordborg, Magnus; Weigel, Detlef; Borgwardt, Karsten; Korte, Arthur; Grimm, Dominik G. In Nucleic Acids Research, bl gkx954. 2017.
  • Genetic Components of Root Architecture Remodeling in Response to Salt Stress. Julkowska, Magdalena; Koevoets, Iko Tamar; Mol, Selena; Hoefsloot, Huub CJ; Feron, Richard; Tester, Mark; Keurentjes, Joost J.B.; Korte, Arthur; Haring, Michel A; de Boer, Gert-Jan; Testerink, Christa. In The Plant Cell. American Society of Plant Biologists, 2017.
  • AraPheno: a public database for Arabidopsis thaliana phenotypes. Seren, {Ü}mit; Grimm, Dominik; Fitz, Joffrey; Weigel, Detlef; Nordborg, Magnus; Borgwardt, Karsten; Korte, Arthur. In Nucleic acids research, 45(D1), bll D1054-D1059. Oxford University Press, 2017.
2016[ to top ]
  • Leaf growth response to mild drought: natural variation in Arabidopsis sheds light on trait architecture. Clauw, Pieter; Coppens, Frederik; Korte, Arthur; Herman, Dorota; Slabbinck, Bram; Dhondt, Stijn; Van Daele, Twiggy; De Milde, Liesbeth; Vermeersch, Mattias; Maleux, Katrien; others. In The Plant Cell, 28(10), bll 2417–2434. American Society of Plant Biologists, 2016.
  • 1,135 Genomes Reveal the Global Pattern of Polymorphism in Arabidopsis thaliana. consortium, The 1001 genomes. In Cell, 166(2), bll 481–491. 2016.