Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology

Juliano Sarmento Cabral

Juliano Sarmento Cabral

Guest PD Dr., group leader

Ecosystem Modeling, CCTB

University of Würzburg

Klara-Oppenheimer-Weg 32, 97074 Würzburg



Associate Professor for Biodiversity Modelling and Environmental Change

School of Biosciences, College of Life and Environmental Sciences

University of Birmingham

Birmingham B15 2TT, UK




My research interests are very broad: niche ecology, metabolic theory, population and community dynamics, landscape ecology, tropical biology, macroecology, macroevolution, biogeography and conservation. I am particularly interested in synthesizing all these fields through the investigation of biodiversity dynamics across scales and ecological levels, from populations and species ranges to biogeographical scale dynamics of plant species (Cabral & Schurr 2010; Cabral & Kreft 2012; Cabral et al. 2015) and communities (e.g. Cabral & Kreft 2012; Petter et al. 2015; Cabral et al. 2017; Leidinger & Cabral 2017; Cabral et al. 2019a, b; Pontarp et al. 2019). In my research, I have investigated not only current local population and metapopulation dynamics (Cabral & Schurr 2010), but also the impact of land use and climate change (Sarmento Cabral et al. 2013; Figueiredo et al. 2019) and of exploitation (Cabral et al. 2011) at the landscape and regional scales. Moreover, I have an interdisciplinary research profile, working with plant genetics and chromosome evolution (e.g. Cabral et al. 2006; Koehler et al. 2008; de Oliveira et al. 2015; Moraes et al. 2017), macroecology (e.g. Cabral et al. 2014; Weigelt et al. 2016; Keil et al. 2017) and trait-based community analyses (Petter et al. 2015). My field experiences entail hitherto tropical forests in Brazil and Panama (Cabral et al. 2015; Petter et al. 2016) as well as Mediterranean-like vegetation in South Africa (e.g. Cabral & Schurr 2010), sky island systems in Kenya and tropical remnants in South China.

Further links:

Researchgate profile

ORCID profile

Google scholar


Curriculum Vitae

2022 - present Associate Professor for Biodiversity Modelling and Environmental Change School of Biosciences, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
2022 - present Affiliated/Guest PD for Ecosystem Modeling Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology (CCTB), Faculty of Biology, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
2016 - 2022 Professor for Ecosystem Modeling (W1 non-tenure track) Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology (CCTB), Faculty of Biology, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
2015 - 2016 Postdoc Researcher Synthesis Center (sDiv) of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Leipzig, Germany
2012     Visiting Scientist Smithsonian Tropical Research Insitute, Panama City, Panama
20010 - 2015 Postdoc Researcher Department of Biodiversity, Biogeography and Conservation, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
2008     Visiting Scientist South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, South Africa
2007     Visiting Scientist South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, South Africa
2006 - 2010 PhD (in Ecology) Department of Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
2003 - 2004 Undergraduate Exchange Semester Iowa State University, Ames, USA
2001 - 2005 Bachelor in Biological Sciences Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil

Scientific acitivities

Reviewer for journals:

Annals of Botany

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Basic and Applied Ecology

Biodiversity and Conservation


Biology Letters

BMC Evolutionary Biology

Conservation Biology


Diversity and Distributions

Ecography (Copenhagen)

Ecological Research

Ecology Letters

Ecology and Evolution

Ecotropica (Bonn)



Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Global Ecology and Biogeography

Journal of Applied Ecology

Journal of Biogeography

Journal of Ecology

Landscape Ecology

Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Nordic Journal of Botany


Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Plos Computational Biology

Scientific Reports

The American Naturalist

Web Ecology


Reviewer for academic funding agencies:

1) Funding of research proposals at:

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Natural Environment Research Council Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (NERC – RCUK, UK)

Austrian Science Fund (FWF - Austria)

Leverhulme Trust (UK)

Swiss National Science Foundation (Switzerland)

2) Working group proposals at:

sDiv (Leipzig-Halle-Jena)

3) PhD project proposals at:

Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes

National Science Council (Poland)


Editorial work:

Associate editor at Diversity and Distributions (since 2019)


Major grant proposals and fellowships:

2018: Bavarian State Ministerium for Education, Science and Arts Funding for a subproject in the BLIZ  (Blick in die Zukunft) Consortium under the  BayKlif call

Biodiversity tipping points under climate and land-use change (Subproject 2). Support for personnel (2 PhD students and 1 postdoc) for developing process-based models with freshwater and terrestrial biodiversity for the State of Bavaria under Global Change scenarios and support for one summer school (ca. 400.000 €). Project written in German.

2017: DAAD Funding for International Summer School

Spatially-explicit modelling of ecological systems. Support for travel and accommodation expenses of international attendees as well as expendables (19.000 €). Project written in English.

2015-2016: sDiv Researcher’s own position

Drivers of plant diversity across spatiotemporal scales: integrating ecological, evolutionary and environmental processes. Position funding granted by the Synthesis Center (sDiv) of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Leipzig, Germany, for 2 years (halted after 6 months due to the junior-professorship at University of Würzburg). Activities: Development of integrative multi-theoretical process-based models for biodiversity dynamics, with focus on island biogeography. Project written in English.

2010-2016: DFG Researcher’s own position (DFG SA-21331)

Modelling spatial dynamics of vascular epiphytes. It was based at the Department of Biodiversity, Macroecology and Biogeography (Prof. Dr. Holger Kreft), University of Göttingen, Germany (ca. 275.000 €). Activities: Spatiotemporal dynamics of vascular epiphytes (field work, data analysis and spatially-explicit 3D mechanistic modeling), PhD co-supervision. Project written in English.

2005-2009: DAAD full PhD Fellowship

Demographic processes determining the range dynamics of plant species, and their consequences for biodiversity maintenance in the face of environmental change. Fellowship from the German Exchange Service (DAAD), including intensive German course (6 months) at interDaF e.V. Language School of the Herder-Institut of the University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany, and PhD studies (3 years and a half) at University of Potsdam, Germany (under supervision of Prof. Dr. Florian Jeltsch and Prof. Dr. Frank Schurr). Project written in English.

2004: Exchange Semester

Fellowship from CAPES („Coordination for the improvement of Personal with Undergraduate Level“): exchange semester and research internship (Prof. Dr. Kirk Moloney's lab) at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.

2002-2004: IC („Scientific Initiation“)

Citotaxonomy and Chromosomal evolution of Maxillariinae orchids. Fellowship from CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development): Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil. 2 years funding.


Honours and Awards:

2019: Winner of the E4 Award 2019b (Ecography Award for Excellence in Ecology and Evolution).

2016: Finalist of the first E4 Award (Ecography Award for Excellence in Ecology and Evolution) for selected review papers (E4 special issue).

2011: MCED Award for Innovative Contributions to Ecological Modelling (based on my PhD thesis), sponsored by Springer and Modelling Complex Ecological Dynamics book editors.

2005: ‘Laureate’ student (highest final grade) of the graduating class in Biological Sciences of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco.

2004: Dean’s List (All grades being A+) Spring Semester 2004, Iowa State University.




2024[ to top ]
  • Insights into the relationship between hydraulic safety, hydraulic efficiency and tree structural complexity from terrestrial laser scanning and fractal analysis. Dorji, Yonten; Isasa, Emilie; Pierick, Kerstin; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano; Tobgay, Tashi; Annighöfer, Peter; Schuldt, Bernhard; Seidel, Dominik. In Trees, 38(221-239). 2024.
  • Self-organization as a mechanism of resilience in dryland ecosystems. Kéfi, Sonia; Génin, Alexandre; Garcia-Mayor, Angeles; Guirado, Emilio; Cabral, Juliano S.; Berdugo, Miguel; Guerber, Josquin; Solé, Ricard; T. Maestre, Fernando. In PNAS, 121, bl e2305153121. 2024.
2023[ to top ]
  • Addressing controversies in the xylem embolism resistance – vessel diameter relationship. Isasa, Emilie; Link, Roman; Jansen, Steven; Tezeh, Fon; Kaack, Lucian; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano; Schuldt, Bernhard. In New Phytologist, 238, bll 283–296. 2023.
  • Assessing the agreement between the pneumatic and the flow-centrifuge method for estimating xylem safety in temperate diffuse-porous tree species. Paligi, Sharath Shyamappa; Link, Roman M.; Isasa, Emilie; Bittencourt, Paulo; Cabral, Juliano Sarmento; Jansen, Steven; Oliveira, Rafael S; Pereira, Luciano; Schuldt, Bernhard. In Plant Biology, 25, bll 1171–1185. 2023.
  • Formative Integration of Julia Code into the Unity Game Engine:The Use Case of Diving into Aquatic Plant Growth. Lewerentz, Anne; Manke, Nico; Schantz, David; Cabral, Juliano S.; von Mammen, Sebastian. 2023.
  • Potential change in the future spatial distribution of submerged macrophyte species and species richness: the role of today’s lake type and strength of compounded environmental change. Lewerentz, Anne; Hoffmann, Markus; Hovestadt, Thomas; Raeder, Uta; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano. In Oikos, accepted. 2023.
  • User-Centered Engineering of an Interactive Land Use Exploration Tool. Buhl, Tobias; Marcomin, David; Fallert, Stefan; Blechschmidt, Jana; Bönisch, Franziska; Mark, Robert; Cabral, Juliano S.; von Mammen, Sebastian. In Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis), S. Dutta, K. Feige, K. Rink, D. Zeckzer (reds.). The Eurographics Association, 2023.
  • The road to integrate climate change effects on land-use change in regional biodiversity models. Sarmento Cabral, Juliano; Mendoza-Ponce, Alma; da Silva, André Pinto; Oberpriller, Johannes; Mimet, Anne; Kieslinger, Julia; Berger, Thomas; Blechschmidt, Jana; Brönner, Maximilian; Classen, Alice; Fallert, Stefan; Hartig, Florian; Hof, Christian; Hoffmann, Markus; Knoke, Thomas; Krause, Andreas; Lewerentz, Anne; Pohle, Perdita; Raeder, Uta; Rammig, Anja; Redlich, Sarah; Rubanschi, Sven; Stetter, Christian; Weisser, Wolfgang; Vedder, Daniel; Verburg, Peter H.; Zurell, Damaris. In People & Nature, accepted. 2023.
2022[ to top ]
  • Hybridisation may aid evolutionary rescue of an endangered east african passerine. Vedder, Daniel; Lens, Luc; Pellikka, Petri; Adhikari, Hari; Heiskanen, Janne; Engler, Jan; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano. In Evolutionary Applications, 15, bll 1177–1188. 2022.
  • A simple kit to use computational notebooks for more openness, reproducibility, and productivity in research. Figueiredo, Ludmilla; Scherer, Cédric; Cabral, Juliano Sarmento. In PLOS Computational Biology, 18, bl e1010356. 2022.
  • Scaling up our understanding of tipping points. Kéfi, Sonia; Saade, Camille; Berlow, Eric; Cabral, Juliano S. Cabral; Fronhofer, Emanuel. In Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 377, bl 20210386. 2022.
  • Putting vascular epiphytes on the traits map. Hietz, Peter; Wagner, Katrin; Nunes Ramos, Flavio; Cabral, Juliano; Agudelo, Claudia; Benavides, Ana Maria; Cach-Pérez, Manuel Jesús; Cardelús, Catherine; Chilpa Galván, Nahlleli; Costa, Lucas; de Paula Oliveira, Rodolfo; Einzmann, Helena; Farias, Rafael; Guzmán Jacob, Valeria; Kattge, Jens; Kessler, Michael; Kirby, Catherine; Kreft, Holger; Kromer, Thorsten; Males, Jamie; Monsalve Correa, Samuel; Moreno-Chacón, Maria; Petter, Gunnar; Reyes-Garcia, Casandra; Saldana, Alfredo; Schellenberger Costa, David; Taylor, Amanda; Velázquez Rosas, Noé; Wanek, Wolfgang; Woods, Carrie; Zotz, Gerhard. In Journal of Ecology, 110, bll 340–358. 2022.
  • Are chromosome number and genome size associated with habit and environmental niche variables? Insights from the Neotropical orchids. Moraes, Ana Paula; Engel, Thaissa; Forni-Martins, Eliana; Felix, Leonardo; Cabral, Juliano. In Annals of Botany, 130, bll 11–25. 2022.
  • New proposal of epiphytic Bromeliaceae functional groups to include nebulophytes and shallow tanks. Reyes-García, Casandra; Pereira-Zaldívar, Narcy Anai; Espadas-Manrique, Celene; Tamayo-Chim, Manuela; Chilpa-Galván, Nahlleli Civi; Cach-Pérez, Manuel Jesús; Ramírez-Medina, Marypaz; Benavides, Ana María; Hietz, Peter; Zotz, Gerhard; Andrade, José Luis; Cardelús, Catherine; Oliveiras, Rodolfo De Paula; Einzmann, Helena J.R.; Guzmán Jacob, Valeria; Krömer, Thorsten; Pinzón, Juan Pablo; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano; Wanek, Wolfgang; Woods, Carrie. In Plants, bl accepted. 2022.
2021[ to top ]
  • Temporal environmental variation imposes differential selection on both genomic and ecological traits. Leidinger, Ludwig; Vedder, Daniel; Cabral, Juliano S. In Oikos, 130, bll 1100–1115. 2021.
  • gen3sis: The GENeral Engine for Eco-Evolutionary SImulationS on the origins of biodiversity. Hagen, Oskar; Flück, Benjamin; Fopp, Fabian; Cabral, Juliano S.; Hartig, Florian; Pontarp, Mikael; Rangel, Thiago F.; Pellissier, Loïc. In Plos Biology, 19, bl e3001340. 2021.
  • Evolutionary rescue and community re-assembly contribute to the waiving of extinction debts. Figueiredo, Ludmilla; Leidinger, Ludwig; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano. bl submitted. 2021.
  • Depth diversity gradients of macrophytes: shape, drivers and recent shifts. Lewerentz, Anne; Hoffmann, Markus; Cabral, Juliano Sarmento. In Ecology and Evolution, 11, bll 13830–13845. 2021.
  • Dealing with software complexity in individual-based models. Vedder, Daniel; Ankenbrand, Markus; Cabral, Juliano. In Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12, bll 2324–2333. 2021.
  • Modeling the long-term dynamics of tropical forests: from leaf traits to whole-tree growth patterns. Petter, Gunnar; Kreft, Holger; Ong, Yongzhi; Zotz, Gerhard; Sarmento, Juliano. In Ecological Modelling, 460, bl 109735. 2021.
  • Anthropogenic and environmental drivers shape diversity of non-native plants across the Pacific. Wohlwend, Michael; Craven, Dylan; Weigelt, Patrick; Seebens, Hanno; Kreft, Holger; Winter, Marten; Zurell, Damaris; Cabral, Juliano Sarmento; Essl, Franz; van Kleunen, Mark; Pergl, Jan; Pysek, Petr; Knight, Tiffany. In Diversity and Distributions, 27, bll 1120–1133. 2021.
  • Niche evolution reveals disparate signatures of speciation in the ‘great speciator‘ (White-eyes, Aves: genus Zosterops). Engler, Jan O.; Lawrie, Yvonne; Cabral, Juliano S.; Lens, Luc. In Journal of Biogeography, 48, bll 1981–1993. 2021.
  • Propagule pressure and an invasion syndrome determine invasion success in a plant community model. Vedder, Daniel; Leidinger, Ludwig; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano. In Ecology and Evolution, 11, bll 17106–17116. 2021.
  • Agent-based modeling of the effects of forest dynamics, selective logging, and fragment size on epiphyte communities. Petter, Gunnar; Zotz, Gerhard; Kreft, Holger; Cabral, Juliano Sarmento. In Ecology and Evolution, (11), bll 2937–2951. 2021.
2020[ to top ]
  • Modeling how community assembly alters the functioning of ecosystems. Koffel, Thomas; Kremer, Colin T.; Bannar-Martin, Katherine; Ernest, S. K. Morgan; Eisenhauer, Nico; Roscher, Christiane; Cabral, Juliano Sarmento; Leibold, Mathew A. In bioRxiv. 2020.
  • Mapping human pressures on biodiversity across the planet uncovers anthropogenic threat complexes. Bowler, D. E.; Bjorkman, A.D.; Dornelas, M.; Myers-Smith, I.; O’Connor, M.; Navarro, L.M.; Niamir, A.; Supp, S.R.; Waldock, C.; Vellend, M.; Blowes, S.A.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Bruelheide, H.; Elahi, R.; Antão, L.H.; Hines, J.; Isbell, F.; Jones, H.P.; Magurran, A.E.; Cabral, J.S.; Winter, M.; Bates, A.E. In People and Nature, 2, bll 380–394. 2020.
  • Macroecology in the age of big data – where to go from here?. Wüest, Rafael O.; Zimmermann, Niklaus E.; Zurell, Damaris; Alexander, Jake; Fritz, Susanne A.; Hof, Christian; Kreft, Holger; Normand, Signe; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano; Szekely, Eniko; Thuiller, Wilfried; Wikelski, Martin; Karger, Dirk Nikolaus. In Journal of Biogeography, 47, bll 1–12. 2020.
  • The effect of species extinctions on island biogeographic patterns. Matthews, Tom; Leidinger, Ludwig; Cabral, Juliano. In Ecological Research, 35, bll 372–381. 2020.
  • Disentangling the drivers of local species richness using probabilistic species pools. Karger, Dirk Nikolaus; Wüest, Rafael; König, Christian; Cabral, Juliano; Weigelt, Patrick; Zimmermann, Nikaus; Linder, Peter. In Journal of Biogeography, (47), bll 879–889. 2020.
  • Integrating the underlying structure of stochasticity into community ecology. Shoemaker, Lauren G.; Sullivan, Lauren L.; Donohue, Ian; Cabral, Juliano S.; Williams, Ryan J.; Mayfield, Margaret M.; Chase, Jonathan M.; Chu, Chengjin; Harpole, W. Stanley; Huth, Andreas; HilleRisLambers, Janneke; James, Aubrie R.M.; Kraft, Nathan J.B.; May, Felix; Muthukrishnan, Ranjan; Satterlee, Sean; Taubert, Franziska; Wang, Xugao; Wiegand, Thorsten; Yang, Qiang; Abbott, Karen C. In Ecology, 101, bl e02922. 2020.
2019[ to top ]
  • Assessing predicted isolation effects from the general dynamic model of island biogeography with an eco-evolutionary model for plants. Cabral, J.S.; Whittaker, R.J.; Wiegand, K.; Kreft, H. In Journal of Biogeography, 46, bll 1569–1581. 2019.
  • The latitudinal diversity gradient - novel understanding through mechanistic eco-evolutionary models. Pontarp, Mikael; Bunnefeld, Lynsey; Cabral, Juliano Sarmento; Etienne, Rampal S.; Fritz, Susanne A.; Gillespie, Rosemary; Graham, Catherine H.; Hagen, Oskar; Hartig, Florian; Huang, Shan; Jansson, Roland; Maliet, Odile; Münkemüller, Tamara; Pellissier, Loïc; Rangel, Thiago F.; Storch, David; Wiegand, Thorsten; Hurlbert, Allen H. In Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 34, bll 211–223. 2019.
  • Species richness change across spatial scales. Chase, Jonathan; McGill, Brian; Thompson, Patrick; Antao, Laura; Bates, Amanda; Blowes, Shane; Dornelas, Maria; Gonzalez, Andrew; Magurran, Anne; Supp, Sarah; Winter, Marten; Bjorkman, Anne; Bruelheide, Helge; Byrnes, Jarrett; Cabral, Juliano Sarmento; Elahi, Robin; Gomez, Catalina; Guzmán, Héctor; Isbell, Forest; Myers-Smith, Isla; Jones, Holly; Hines, Jessica; Vellend, Mark; Waldock, Conor; O’Connor, Mary. In Oikos. 2019.
  • A minimal model for the latitudinal diversity gradient suggests a dominant role for ecological limits. Etienne, Rampal S.; Cabral, Juliano S.; Hagen, Oskar; Hartig, Florian; Hurlbert, Allen H.; Pellissier, Loïc; Pontarp, Mikael; Storch, David. In The American Naturalist, (194), bll E122-E133. 2019.
  • The dimensionality of stability depends on disturbance type. Radchuk, Viktoriia; De Laender, Frederik; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano; Boulangeat, Isabelle; Crawford, Michael; Bohn, Friedrich; De Raedt, Jonathan; Scherer, Cedric; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Thonicke, Kirsten; Schurr, Frank; Grimm, Volker; Kramer-Schadt, Stephanie. In Ecology Letters, 22, bll 674–684. 2019.
  • Interactions between ecological, evolutionary, and environmental processes unveil complex dynamics of insular plant diversity. Cabral, J.S.; Wiegand, K.; Kreft, H. In Journal of Biogeography, 46, bll 1582–1597. 2019.
  • Understanding extinction debts: spatio-temporal scales, mechanisms and a roadmap for future research. Figueiredo, Ludmilla; Krauß, Jochen; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano. In Ecography, 42, bll 1973–1990. 2019.
2018[ to top ]
  • Integrating community assembly and biodiversity reveals new dimensions of ecosystem functions: the Community Assembly and the Functioning of Ecosystems (CAFE) approach. Bannar-Martin, Katherine; Kremer, Colin; Ernest, Morgan; Leibold, Mathew; Auge, Harald; Chase, Jonathan; Declerck, Steven; Eisenhauer, Nico; Harpole, Stanley; Hillebrand, Helmut; Isbell, Forest; Koffel, Thomas; Larsen, Stefano; Narwani, Anita; Petermann, Jana; Roscher, Christiane; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano; Supp, Sarah. In Ecology Letters, 21, bll 167–180. 2018.
  • Spatial scaling of extinction rates: theory and data reveal non-linearity, and a major upscaling and downscaling challenge. Keil, P.; Pereira, H.M.; Cabral, J.S.; Chase, J.; May, F.; Martins, I.S.; Winter, M. In Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27, bll 2–13. 2018.
2017[ to top ]
  • Biodiversity dynamics on islands: explicitly accounting for causality in mechanistic models. Leidinger, Ludwig; Cabral, Juliano Sarmento. In Diversity, 9(30). 2017.
  • Mechanistic models in macroecology and biogeography: state-of-art and prospects. Cabral, Juliano Sarmento; Valente, Luis; Hartig, Florian. In Ecography, 40(267-280). 2017.
  • Oceanic island biogeography through the lens of the general dynamic model: assessment and prospect. Borregaard, Michael K.; Amorim, Isabel R.; Borges, Paulo A. V.; Cabral, Juliano S.; Fernández-Palacios, José M.; Field, Richard; Heaney, Lawrence R.; Kreft, Holger; Matthews, Thomas J.; Olesen, Jens M.; Price, Jonathan; Rigal, Francois; Steinbauer, Manuel J.; Triantis, Konstantinos A.; Valente, Luis; Weigelt, Patrick; Whittaker, Robert J. In Biological Reviews, 92, bll 830–853. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2017.
  • Effects of time and isolation on plant diversity: testing island biogeography theory with an eco-evolutionary model. Cabral, J.S.; Whittaker, R.J.; Wiegand, K.; Kreft, H. In bioRxiv, (100289). 2017.
  • Karyotype diversity and genome size variation in Neotropical Maxillariinae orchids. Moraes, A.; de Mesquita Filho, J.; Koehler, S.; Cabral, J.; Lopes Gomes, S.; Viccini, L.; Barros, F.; Felix, L.; Guerra, M.; Forni-Martins, E. In Plant Biology, 19, bll 298–308. 2017.
  • Flagship umbrella species needed for conservation of overlooked biodiversity. Kalinkat, G.; Cabral, J.S.; Darwall, W.; Ficetola, F.; Fisher, J.; Giling, D.; Gosselin, M.-P.; Grossart, H.-P.; Jähnig, S.; Jeschke, J.; Knopf, K.; Larsen, S.; Onandia, G.; Pätzig, M.; Saul, W.-C.; Singer, G.; Jarić, I. In Conservation Biology, 31, bll 481–485. 2017.
  • Interactions between ecological, evolutionary, and environmental processes unveil complex dynamics of island biodiversity. Cabral, J.S.; Wiegand, K.; Kreft, H. In bioRxiv, (099978). 2017.
2016[ to top ]
  • Late Quaternary climate change shapes island biodiversity. Weigelt, Patrick; Steinbauer, Manuel Jonas; Cabral, Juliano Sarmento; Kreft, Holger. In Nature, 532(7597), bll 99–102. Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved., 2016.
  • Delineating probabilistic species pools in ecology and biogeography. Karger, D.N.; Cord, A.; Kessler, M.; Kreft, H.; Kühn, I.; Pompe, S.; Sandel, B.; Sarmento Cabral, J.; Smith, A.; Svenning, J.-C.; Tuomisto, H.; Weigelt, P.; Wesche, K. In Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25, bll 489–501. 2016.
  • Functional leaf traits of vascular epiphytes: vertical trends within the forest, intra- and interspecific trait variability, and taxonomic signals. Petter, G.; Wagner, K.; Wanek, W.; Sánchez Delgado, E.J.; Zotz, G.; Cabral, J.S.; Kreft, H. In Functional Ecology, 30, bll 188–198. 2016.
  • Benchmarking novel approaches for modelling species range dynamics. Zurell, Damaris; Thuiller, Wilfried; Pagel, Jörn; Cabral, Juliano S.; Münkemüller, Tamara; Gravel, Dominique; Dullinger, Stefan; Normand, Signe; Schiffers, Katja H.; Moore, Kara A.; Zimmermann, Niklaus E. In Global Change Biology, 22(8), bll 2651–2664. 2016.
2015[ to top ]
  • Chromosomal evolution in Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae) with emphasis on the genus Acianthera: chromosome numbers and heterochromatin. de Oliveira, I.G.; Moraes, A.P.; de Almeida, E.M.; de Assis, F.N.M.; Cabral, J.S.; de Barros, F.; Felix, L.F. In Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 178, bll 102–120. 2015.
  • Branchfall as a demographic filter for epiphyte communities: Lessons from a forest floor-based sampling. Cabral, J.S.; Petter, G.; Mendieta-Leiva, G.; Wagner, K.; Zotz, G.; Kreft, H. In PloS one, 10, bl e0128019. 2015.
2014[ to top ]
  • Biogeographic, climatic and spatial drivers differentially affect α-, β- and γ-diversities on oceanic archipelagos. Cabral, Juliano Sarmento; Weigelt, Patrick; Kissling, W. Daniel; Kreft, Holger. In Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 281(1784). 2014.
2013[ to top ]
  • Process, correlation and parameter fitting in species distribution models: a response to Kriticos et al. 2012. Schymanski, S.J.; Dormann, C.F.; Cabral, J.; Chuine, I.; Graham, C.; Hartig, F.; Kearney, M.; Morin, X.; Römermann, C.; Schröder, B.; Singer, A. In Journal of Biogeography, 40, bll 611–613. 2013.
  • Impacts of past habitat loss and future climate change on the range dynamics of South African Proteaceae. Sarmento Cabral, Juliano; Jeltsch, Florian; Thuiller, Wilfried; Higgins, Steven; Midgley, Guy F.; Rebelo, Anthony G.; Rouget, Mathieu; Schurr, Frank M. In Diversity and Distributions, 19(4), bll 363–376. 2013.
2012[ to top ]
  • Linking ecological niche, community ecology and biogeography: insights from a mechanistic niche model. Cabral, Juliano Sarmento; Kreft, Holger. In Journal of Biogeography, 39(12), bll 2212–2224. 2012.
  • Correlation and process in species distribution models: bridging a dichotomy. Dormann, Carsten F.; Schymanski, Stanislaus J.; Cabral, Juliano; Chuine, Isabelle; Graham, Catherine; Hartig, Florian; Kearney, Michael; Morin, Xavier; Römermann, Christine; Schröder, Boris; Singer, Alexander. In Journal of Biogeography, 39(12), bll 2119–2131. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2012.
  • How to understand species’ niches and range dynamics: a demographic research agenda for biogeography. Schurr, Frank M.; Pagel, Jörn; Cabral, Juliano Sarmento; Groeneveld, Jürgen; Bykova, Olga; O’Hara, Robert B.; Hartig, Florian; Kissling, W. Daniel; Linder, H. Peter; Midgley, Guy F.; Schröder, Boris; Singer, Alexander; Zimmermann, Niklaus E. In Journal of Biogeography, 39(12), bll 2146–2162. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2012.
2011[ to top ]
  • Effects of Harvesting Flowers from Shrubs on the Persistence and Abundance of Wild Shrub Populations at Multiple Spatial Extents. Cabral, Juliano Sarmento; Bond, William J.; Midgley, Guy F.; Rebelo, Anthony G.; Thuiller, Wilfried; Schurr, Frank M. In Conservation Biology, 25(1), bll 73–84. Blackwell Publishing Inc, 2011.
2010[ to top ]
  • Keeping the Cape Lowland archipelago afloat. Krug, C.B.; Brandl, R.; Boonzaier, C.; Cabral, J.S.; Esler, K.J.; Grant, P.B.C.; Heelemann, S.; Horn, A.; Keil, M.; Kongor, R.Y.; Meyer, J.; Nottebrock, H.; Poschlod, P.; Reisch, C.; Rösner, S.; Samways, M. J.; Schurr, F.; Vrdoljak, S. Vol. Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 3: Implications for landuse and management, bll 151–179. Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek, 2010.
  • Estimating demographic models for the range dynamics of plant species. Cabral, Juliano S.; Schurr, Frank M. In Global Ecology and Biogeography, 19(1), bll 85–97. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010.
  • The virtual ecologist approach: simulating data and observers. Zurell, Damaris; Berger, Uta; Cabral, Juliano S.; Jeltsch, Florian; Meynard, Christine N.; Münkemüller, Tamara; Nehrbass, Nana; Pagel, Jörn; Reineking, Björn; Schröder, Boris; Grimm, Volker. In Oikos, 119(4), bll 622–635. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010.
2008[ to top ]
  • Molecular phylogeny of the neotropical genus Christensonella (Orchidaceae, Maxillariinae): species delimitations and insights into chromosome evolution. Koehler, S.; Cabral, J.S.; Whiten, W.M.; Williams, N.H.; Singer, R.B.; Neubig, K.M.; Guerra, M.; Souza, A.P.; Amaral, M.C.E. In Annals of Botany, 102(491-507). 2008.
2006[ to top ]
  • Atlantic forest fragments in Pernambuco and Alagoas and theirs bromeliads: distribution, composition, richness and conservation. Siqueira-Filho, J.A.; Santos, A.M.M.; Leme, E.M.C.; Cabral, J.S. Vol. Fragments of the Atlantic Forest of Northeast Brazil: Biodiversity, Conservation and the Bromeliads, bll 101–131. Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio, Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
  • {Heterochromatin diversity and its co-localization with 5S and 45S rDNA sites in chromosomes of four Maxillaria species (Orchidaceae)}. Cabral, Juliano S.; Felix, Leonardo P.; Guerra, Marcelo. In {Genetics and Molecular Biology}, 29, bll 659–664. scielo, 2006.
2003[ to top ]
  • Dieta de coruja murucututu (Pulsatrix perspicillata perspicillata Lathan, 1790) no Campus de UFRPE, Recife, PE. Cabral, J.S.; de Vasconcelos, S.L.; Rodrigues, M.F.; Pontual, R.M.; Mascarenhas, L.L. In VI Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil, Vol. Volume III, bll 273–274. Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, 2003.