Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology

Computational Image Analysis (moved to HHU)

Please note that our group has moved to HHU Düsseldorf and is now the Institute for Biomedical Physics - this page will not be updated any more.

For more info, visit our website: Biomedical Physics - HHU


Modern imaging methods enable us to capture biological processes in unprecedented detail and with high temporal and spatial resolution. Often, however, we face the problem to extract and quantify relevant information from the vast amount of image data generated before hypotheses can be tested and new theories and models can be developed. To this end, cutting-edge methods from pattern recognition, machine learning and high performance computing are required to efficiently handle and automatically analyse very large image data sets.

We are a new group working on computational tools to analyze, quantify, and understand biological image data (“Bioimage Bioinformatics”). We are interested in images on all scales, from high-resolution microscopy, to 3D time-lapse imaging of tissues, to movies of swarming animals. We use techniques such as automated segmentation, feature tracking and pattern recognition to reproducibly quantify large multidimensional image datasets.


  • DeepCLEM: automated registration for correlative light and electron microscopy using deep learning [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. Seifert, R; Markert, SM; Britz, S; Perschin, V; Erbacher, C; Stigloher, C; Kollmannsberger, P. In F1000Research, 9(1275). 2020.
  • Active zone compaction for presynaptic strength. Mrestani, Achmed; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Pauli, Martin; Repp, Felix; Kittel, Robert J.; Eilers, Jens; Doose, S{ö}ren; Sauer, Markus; Sir{é}n, Anna-Leena; Heckmann, Manfred; Paul, Mila M. In bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2019.


2021[ to top ]
  • Active zone compaction correlates with presynaptic homeostatic potentiation. Mrestani, Achmed; Pauli, Martin; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Repp, Felix; Kittel, Robert J.; Eilers, Jens; Doose, Sören; Sauer, Markus; Sirén, Anna-Leena; Heckmann, Manfred; Paul, Mila M. In Cell Reports, 37(1). 2021.
  • Identifying {New} {Potential} {Biomarkers} in {Adrenocortical} {Tumors} {Based} on {mRNA} {Expression} {Data} {Using} {Machine} {Learning}. Marquardt, André; Landwehr, Laura-Sophie; Ronchi, Cristina L.; di Dalmazi, Guido; Riester, Anna; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Altieri, Barbara; Fassnacht, Martin; Sbiera, Silviu. In Cancers, 13(18), bl 4671. 2021.
  • Defining the {Basis} of {Cyanine} {Phototruncation} {Enables} a {New} {Approach} to {Single}-{Molecule} {Localization} {Microscopy}. Matikonda, Siddharth S.; Helmerich, Dominic A.; Meub, Mara; Beliu, Gerti; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Greer, Alexander; Sauer, Markus; Schnermann, Martin J. In ACS Central Science, 7(7), bll 1144–1155. 2021.
  • Subgroup-{Independent} {Mapping} of {Renal} {Cell} {Carcinoma}—{Machine} {Learning} {Reveals} {Prognostic} {Mitochondrial} {Gene} {Signature} {Beyond} {Histopathologic} {Boundaries}. Marquardt, André; Solimando, Antonio Giovanni; Kerscher, Alexander; Bittrich, Max; Kalogirou, Charis; Kübler, Hubert; Rosenwald, Andreas; Bargou, Ralf; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Schilling, Bastian; Meierjohann, Svenja; Krebs, Markus. In Frontiers in Oncology, 11. 2021.
  • Targeted volumetric single-molecule localization microscopy of defined presynaptic structures in brain sections. Pauli, Martin; Paul, Mila M.; Proppert, Sven; Mrestani, Achmed; Sharifi, Marzieh; Repp, Felix; Kürzinger, Lydia; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Sauer, Markus; Heckmann, Manfred; Sirén, Anna-Leena. In Communications Biology, 4(1), bll 1–13. 2021.
2020[ to top ]
  • Biological network growth in complex environments – a computational framework. Paul, Torsten Johann; Kollmannsberger, Philip. In PLOS Computational Biology, 16(11), bl e1008003. 2020.
  • Haruspex: {A} {Neural} {Network} for the {Automatic} {Identification} of {Oligonucleotides} and {Protein} {Secondary} {Structure} in {Cryo}-{Electron} {Microscopy} {Maps}. Mostosi, Philipp; Schindelin, Hermann; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Thorn, Andrea. In Angewandte Chemie International Edition, n/a(n/a). 2020.
  • Efficient {Classification} of {White} {Blood} {Cell} {Leukemia} with {Improved} {Swarm} {Optimization} of {Deep} {Features}. Sahlol, Ahmed T.; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Ewees, Ahmed A. In Scientific Reports, 10(1), bl 2536. 2020.
2019[ to top ]
  • Surface tension determines tissue shape and growth kinetics. Ehrig, Sebastian; Bidan, Cécile M.; West, Alan; Jacobi, Cornelius; Lam, Karen; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Petersen, Ansgar; Tomancak, Pavel; Kommareddy, Krishna; Fischer, Franz Dieter; Fratzl, Peter; Dunlop, John W. C. In Science Advances, 5(9), bl eaav9394. 2019.
  • Electron tomography of mouse LINC complexes at meiotic telomere attachment sites with and without microtubules. Spindler, Marie-Christin; Redolfi, Josef; Helmprobst, Frederik; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Stigloher, Christian; Benavente, Ricardo. In Communications Biology, 2(1), bl 376-. 2019.
  • Towards a {Connectomic} {Description} of the {Osteocyte} {Lacunocanalicular} {Network} in {Bone}. Weinkamer, Richard; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Fratzl, Peter. In Current Osteoporosis Reports. 2019.
2018[ to top ]
  • Tensile forces drive a reversible fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transition during tissue growth in engineered clefts. Kollmannsberger, Philip; Bidan, Cécile M; Dunlop, John; Fratzl, Peter; Vogel, Viola. In Science Advances, 4(1), bl eaao4881. 2018.
  • Automated classification of synaptic vesicles in electron tomograms of C. elegans using machine learning. Kaltdorf, Kristin V; Theiss, Maria; Markert, Sebastian M; Zhen, Mei; Dandekar, Thomas; Stigloher, Christian; Kollmannsberger, Philip. In PLoS one, 13(10), bl e0205348. Public Library of Science, 2018.
2017[ to top ]
  • FIJI Macro 3D ART VeSElecT: 3D Automated Reconstruction Tool for Vesicle Structures of Electron Tomograms. Kaltdorf, Kristin Verena; Schulze, Katja; Helmprobst, Frederik; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Dandekar, Thomas; Stigloher, Christian. In PLOS Computational Biology, 13(1), bll 1–21. Public Library of Science, 2017.
  • Coalignment of osteocyte canaliculi and collagen fibers in human osteonal bone. Repp, Felix; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Roschger, Andreas; Berzlanovich, Andrea; Gruber, Gerlinde; Roschger, Paul; Wagermaier, Wolfgang; Weinkamer, Richard. In Journal of Stuctural Biology, 199, bll 177–186. 2017.
  • Spatial heterogeneity in the canalicular density of the osteocyte network in human osteons. Repp, Felix; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Roschger, Andreas; Kerschnitzki, Michael; Berzlanovich, Andrea; Gruber, Gerlinde M.; Roschger, Paul; Wagermaier, Wolfgang; Weinkamer, Richard. In Bone Reports, 6, bll 101–108. 2017.
  • The Small World of Osteocytes: Connectomics of the Lacuno-Canalicular Network in Bone. Kollmannsberger, Philip; Kerschnitzki, Michael; Repp, Felix; Wagermaier, Wolfgang; Weinkamer, Richard; Fratzl, Peter. In New Journal of Physics, 19, bl 073019. 2017.
2016[ to top ]
  • Cell sheet mechanics: How geometrical constraints induce the detachment of cell sheets from concave surfaces. Yamashita, Tadahiro; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Mawatari, Kazuma; Kitamori, Takehiko; Vogel, Viola. In Acta Biomaterialia, 45, bll 85–97. 2016.
  • How type 1 fimbriae help Escherichia coli to evade extracellular antibiotics. Avalos Vizcarra, Ima; Hosseini, Vahid; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Meier, Stefanie; Weber, Stefan S.; Arnoldini, Markus; Ackermann, Martin; Vogel, Viola. In Scientific Reports, 6, bl 18109. The Author(s), 2016.
  • Gradual conversion of cellular stress patterns into pre-stressed matrix architecture during in vitro tissue growth. Bidan, C{é}cile M.; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Gering, Vanessa; Ehrig, Sebastian; Joly, Pascal; Petersen, Ansgar; Vogel, Viola; Fratzl, Peter; Dunlop, John W. C. In Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 13(118). The Royal Society, 2016.
2015[ to top ]
  • Shaping tissues by balancing active forces and geometric constraints. Foolen, Jasper; Yamashita, Tadahiro; Kollmannsberger, Philip. In Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49(5), bl 053001. IOP Publishing, 2015.
2014[ to top ]
  • Fiber-Assisted Molding (FAM) of Surfaces with Tunable Curvature to Guide Cell Alignment and Complex Tissue Architecture. Hosseini, Vahid; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Ahadian, Samad; Ostrovidov, Serge; Kaji, Hirokazu; Vogel, Viola; Khademhosseini, Ali. In Small, 10(23), bll 4851–4857. 2014.
2013[ to top ]
  • Geometry as a factor for tissue growth: towards shape optimization of tissue engineering scaffolds. Bidan, C{é}cile M; Kommareddy, Krishna P; Rumpler, Monika; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Fratzl, Peter; Dunlop, John WC. In Advanced healthcare materials, 2(1), bll 186–194. Wiley Online Library, 2013.
  • Architecture of the osteocyte network correlates with bone material quality. Kerschnitzki, Michael; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Burghammer, Manfred; Duda, Georg N; Weinkamer, Richard; Wagermaier, Wolfgang; Fratzl, Peter. In Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 28(8), bll 1837–1845. Wiley Online Library, 2013.
  • Curvature-induced spontaneous detachment of vascular smooth muscle cell sheets: towards vascular self assembly in microchannels. Yamashita, T; Kollmannsberger, P; Mawatari, K; Vogel, V; Kitamori, T. In Microsystem Technology in Chemistry and Life Science. 2013.
  • Mineralization kinetics in murine trabecular bone quantified by time-lapsed in vivo micro-computed tomography.. Lukas, Carolin; Ruffoni, Davide; Lambers, Floor M; Schulte, Friederike A; Kuhn, Gisela; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Weinkamer, Richard; M{ü}ller, Ralph. In Bone, 56(1), bll 55–60. Elsevier, 2013.
  • Bacterial filamentation accelerates colonization of adhesive spots embedded in biopassive surfaces. M{ö}ller, Jens; Emge, Philippe; Vizcarra, Ima Avalos; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Vogel, Viola. In New Journal of Physics, 15(12), bl 125016. IOP Publishing, 2013.
2012[ to top ]
  • How Linear Tension Converts to Curvature: Geometric Control of Bone Tissue Growth. Bidan, C{é}cile M; Kommareddy, Krishna P; Rumpler, Monika; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Br{é}chet, Yves JM; Fratzl, Peter; Dunlop, John WC. In PloS one, 7(5), bl e36336. Public Library of Science, 2012.
2011[ to top ]
  • Linear and nonlinear rheology of living cells. Kollmannsberger, Philip; Fabry, Ben. In Annual Review of Materials Research, 41, bll 75–97. Annual Reviews, 2011.
  • The physics of tissue patterning and extracellular matrix organisation: how cells join forces. Kollmannsberger, P; Bidan, CM; Dunlop, JWC; Fratzl, P. In Soft Matter, 7(20), bll 9549–9560. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011.
  • The Heterogeneous Mineral Content of Bone—Using Stochastic Arguments and Simulations to Overcome Experimental Limitations. Lukas, C; Kollmannsberger, P; Ruffoni, D; Roschger, P; Fratzl, P; Weinkamer, R. In Journal of Statistical Physics, 144(2), bll 316–331. Springer, 2011.
  • Nonlinear viscoelasticity of adherent cells is controlled by cytoskeletal tension. Kollmannsberger, Philip; Mierke, Claudia Tanja; Fabry, Ben. In Soft Matter, 7(7), bll 3127–3132. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011.
2010[ to top ]
  • Vinculin facilitates cell invasion into three-dimensional collagen matrices. Mierke, Claudia T; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Zitterbart, Daniel Paranhos; Diez, Gerold; Koch, Thorsten M; Marg, Susanna; Ziegler, Wolfgang H; Goldmann, Wolfgang H; Fabry, Ben. In Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(17), bll 13121–13130. ASBMB, 2010.
2009[ to top ]
  • Active soft glassy rheology of adherent cells. Kollmannsberger, Philip; Fabry, Ben. In Soft Matter, 5(9), bll 1771–1774. The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2009.
  • Anchorage of vinculin to lipid membranes influences cell mechanical properties. Diez, Gerold; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Mierke, Claudia T; Koch, Thorsten M; Vali, Hojatollah; Fabry, Ben; Goldmann, Wolfgang H. In Biophysical journal, 97(12), bll 3105–3112. Elsevier, 2009.
  • Filamin A is essential for active cell stiffening but not passive stiffening under external force. Kasza, KE; Nakamura, F; Hu, S; Kollmannsberger, P; Bonakdar, N; Fabry, B; Stossel, TP; Wang, N; Weitz, DA. In Biophysical journal, 96(10), bll 4326–4335. Elsevier, 2009.
  • Effect of surface pre-treatments on biocompatibility of magnesium. Lorenz, Carla; Brunner, Johannes G; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Jaafar, Leila; Fabry, Ben; Virtanen, Sannakaisa. In Acta biomaterialia, 5(7), bll 2783–2789. Elsevier, 2009.
2008[ to top ]
  • Up-regulation of Rho/ROCK signaling in sarcoma cells drives invasion and increased generation of protrusive forces. R{ö}sel, Daniel; Br{á}bek, Jan; Tolde, Ond{\v{r}}ej; Mierke, Claudia T; Zitterbart, Daniel P; Raupach, Carina; Bicanov{á}, Krist{{\`y}}na; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Paňkov{á}, Daniela; Vesel{{\`y}}, Pavel; others. In Molecular Cancer Research, 6(9), bll 1410–1420. AACR, 2008.
  • Mechano-coupling and regulation of contractility by the vinculin tail domain. Mierke, Claudia Tanja; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Paranhos Zitterbart, Daniel; Smith, James; Fabry, Ben; Goldmann, Wolfgang Heinrich. In Biophysical journal, 94(2), bll 661–670. Elsevier, 2008.
  • Breakdown of the endothelial barrier function in tumor cell transmigration. Mierke, Claudia Tanja; Zitterbart, Daniel Paranhos; Kollmannsberger, Philip; Raupach, Carina; Schl{ö}tzer-Schrehardt, Ursula; Goecke, Tamme Weyert; Behrens, J{ü}rgen; Fabry, Ben. In Biophysical journal, 94(7), bll 2832–2846. Elsevier, 2008.
2007[ to top ]
  • High-force magnetic tweezers with force feedback for biological applications. Kollmannsberger, Philip; Fabry, Ben. In Review of Scientific Instruments, 78(11), bll 114301–114301. AIP, 2007.