Förster, Frank (PhD)

Frank Förster
Dr. rer. nat.
PostDoc in the Computation Evolutionary Biology Group until 2017
2017[ to top ]
AliTV - interactive visualization of whole genome comparisons. . In PeerJ Comput. Sci., 3, bl e116. 2017.
2016[ to top ]
TBro: visualization and management of de novo transcriptomes. . In Database, 2016. 2016.
{{G}enome of a tardigrade: {H}orizontal gene transfer or bacterial contamination?}. . In Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2016.
biojs-io-biom, a {BioJS} component for handling data in Biological Observation Matrix ({BIOM}) format. . In F1000Research, 5, bl 2348. F1000 Research, Ltd., 2016.
2015[ to top ]
{{I}{T}{S}2 {D}atabase {V}: {T}wice as {M}uch}. . In Mol. Biol. Evol., 32(11), bll 3030–3032. 2015.
ITS2 Database V: Twice as Much. . In Molecular Biology and Evolution, 32(11), bll 3030–3032. 2015.