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Publikationsliste Prof. Rainer Hedrich
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The GABA shunt contributes to ROS homeostasis in guard cells of Arabidopsis. . In New Phytologist, 241(1), pp. 73–81. 2024.
Trigger hair thermoreceptors provide for heat-induced calcium-electrical excitability in Venus flytrap. . In Current Biology, 33(18), p. 3962-+. 2023.
Cracking the code of plant herbivore defense. . In Cell, 186(7), pp. 1300–1302. 2023.
Integrative multi-omics analyses of date palm ( ) roots and leaves reveal how the halophyte land plant copes with sea water. . In Plant Genome. 2023.
The CIPK23 protein kinase represses SLAC1-type anion channels in guard cells and stimulates stomatal opening. . In New Phytologist, 238(1), pp. 270–282. 2023.
DYSCALCULIA, a Venus flytrap mutant without the ability to count action potentials. . In Current Biology, 33(3), p. 589-+. 2023.
Chronic ozone exposure impairs the mineral nutrition of date palm ( ) seedlings. . In Science of the Total Environment, 862. 2023.
Differences of nitrogen metabolism in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) seedlings subjected to water deprivation and salt exposure. . In Tree Physiology, 43(4), pp. 587–596. 2023.
Tobacco leaf tissue rapidly detoxifies direct salt loads without activation of calcium and SOS signaling. . In New Phytologist, 237(1), pp. 217–231. 2023.
Demystifying the Venus flytrap action potential. . In New Phytologist, 239(6), pp. 2108–2112. 2023.
ALMT-independent guard cell R-type anion currents. . In New Phytologist, 239(6), pp. 2225–2234. 2023.
Carnivory on demand: phosphorus deficiency induces glandular leaves in the African liana. . In New Phytologist, 239(3), pp. 1140–1152. 2023.
Subgenome dominance shapes novel gene evolution in the decaploid pitcher plant. . In Nature Plants. 2023.
Transporter networks can serve plant cells as nutrient sensors and mimic transceptor-like behavior. . In Iscience, 25(4). 2022.
The green light gap: a window of opportunity for optogenetic control of stomatal movement. . In New Phytologist, 236(4), pp. 1237–1244. 2022.
The sugar transporter ZmSUGCAR1 of the nitrate transporter 1/peptide transporter family is critical for maize grain filling. . In Plant Cell, 34(11), pp. 4232–4254. 2022.
The mutant of the salt-tolerant quinoa challenges our understanding of halophyte crop salinity tolerance. . In New Phytologist, 236(4), pp. 1409–1421. 2022.
Sugar loading is not required for phloem sap flow in maize plants. . In Nature Plants, 8(2), p. 171-+. 2022.
Stalk cell polar ion transport provide for bladder-based salinity tolerance in. . In New Phytologist, 235(5), pp. 1822–1835. 2022.
A unique inventory of ion transporters poises the Venus flytrap to fast-propagating action potentials and calcium waves. . In Current Biology, 32(19), p. 4255-+. 2022.
Chronic ozone exposure preferentially modifies root rather than foliar metabolism of date palm ( ) saplings. . In Science of the Total Environment, 806. 2022.
Ether anesthetics prevents touch-induced trigger hair calcium-electrical signals excite the Venus flytrap. . In Scientific Reports, 12(1). 2022.
The digestive systems of carnivorous plants. . In Plant Physiology, 190(1), pp. 44–59. 2022.
Molecular basis of multistep voltage activation in plant two-pore channel 1. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(9). 2022.
Protein expression plasticity contributes to heat and drought tolerance of date palm. . In Oecologia, 197(4), pp. 903–919. 2021.
GABA signalling modulates stomatal opening to enhance plant water use efficiency and drought resilience. . In Nature Communications, 12(1). 2021.
How to Grow a Tree: Plant Voltage-Dependent Cation Channels in the Spotlight of Evolution. . In Trends in Plant Science, 26(1), pp. 41–52. 2021.
Optogenetic control of plant growth by a microbial rhodopsin. . In Nature Plants, 7(2). 2021.
Optogenetic control of the guard cell membrane potential and stomatal movement by the light-gated anion channel ACR1. . In Science Advances, 7(28). 2021.
Date palm responses to a chronic, realistic ozone exposure in a FACE experiment. . In Environmental Research, 195. 2021.
The Developmental and Genetic Architecture of the Sexually Selected Male Ornament of Swordtails. . In Current Biology, 31(5), p. 911-+. 2021.
An optimized genetically encoded dual reporter for simultaneous ratio imaging of Ca and H reveals new insights into ion signaling in plants. . In New Phytologist, 230(6), pp. 2292–2310. 2021.
Salinity Effects on Guard Cell Proteome in. . In International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(1). 2021.
Stomata: the holey grail of plant evolution. . In American Journal of Botany, 108(3), pp. 366–371. 2021.
Prospects for the accelerated improvement of the resilient crop quinoa (vol 72, pg 5333, 2020). . In Journal of Experimental Botany, 72(10), pp. 3929–3929. 2021.
Metabolic responses of date palm ( L.) leaves to drought differ in summer and winter climate. . In Tree Physiology, 41(9), pp. 1685–1700. 2021.
Rapid depolarization and cytosolic calcium increase go hand-in-hand in mesophyll cells’ ozone response. . In New Phytologist, 232(4), pp. 1692–1702. 2021.
Action potentials induce biomagnetic fields in carnivorous Venus flytrap plants. . In Scientific Reports, 11(1). 2021.
Under salt stress guard cells rewire ion transport and abscisic acid signaling. . In New Phytologist, 231(3), pp. 1040–1055. 2021.
On the Origin of Carnivory: Molecular Physiology and Evolution of Plants on an Animal Diet. . In Annual Review of Plant Biology, Vol 72, 2021, 72, pp. 133–153. 2021.
Physiological responses of date palm ( ) seedlings to seawater and flooding. . In New Phytologist, 229(6), pp. 3318–3329. 2021.
Acidosis-induced activation of anion channel SLAH3 in the flooding-related stress response of. . In Current Biology, 31(16), p. 3575-+. 2021.
A voltage-dependent Ca homeostat operates in the plant vacuolar membrane. . In New Phytologist, 230(4), pp. 1449–1460. 2021.
PYL8 ABA receptors of play a crucial role in response to abiotic stress and are stabilized by ABA. . In Journal of Experimental Botany, 72(2), pp. 757–774. 2021.
Mechanosensitive channel gating by delipidation. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(33). 2021.
Sugar Beet ( ) Guard Cells Responses to Salinity Stress: A Proteomic Analysis. . In International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(7). 2020.
The MscS-like channel YnaI has a gating mechanism based on flexible pore helices. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(46), pp. 28754–28762. 2020.
Genomes of the Venus Flytrap and Close Relatives Unveil the Roots of Plant Carnivory. . In Current Biology, 30(12), p. 2312-+. 2020.
Pitfalls in auxin pharmacology. . In New Phytologist, 227(2), pp. 286–292. 2020.
Calcium dynamics during trap closure visualized in transgenic Venus flytrap. . In Nature Plants, 6(10), p. 1219-+. 2020.
Channelrhodopsin-mediated optogenetics highlights a central role of depolarization-dependent plant proton pumps. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(34), pp. 20920–20925. 2020.
Prospects for the accelerated improvement of the resilient crop quinoa. . In Journal of Experimental Botany, 71(18), pp. 5333–5347. 2020.
The calcium-permeable channel OSCA1.3 regulates plant stomatal immunity. . In Nature, 585(7826), p. 569-+. 2020.
Photosynthetic cyclic electron transport provides ATP for homeostasis during trap closure in. . In Annals of Botany, 125(3), pp. 485–494. 2020.
The Venus flytrap trigger hair-specific potassium channel KDM1 can reestablish the K gradient required for hapto-electric signaling. . In Plos Biology, 18(12). 2020.
Auxin-Induced Plasma Membrane Depolarization Is Regulated by Auxin Transport and Not by AUXIN BINDING PROTEIN1. . In Frontiers in Plant Science, 9. 2019.
Climate and development modulate the metabolome and antioxidative system of date palm leaves. . In Journal of Experimental Botany, 70(20), pp. 5959–5969. 2019.
Voltage-dependent gating of SV channel TPC1 confers vacuole excitability. . In Nature Communications, 10. 2019.
A large-scale screening of quinoa accessions reveals an important role of epidermal bladder cells and stomata! patterning in salinity tolerance. . In Environmental and Experimental Botany, 168. 2019.
Calcium signals in guard cells enhance the efficiency by which abscisic acid triggers stomatal closure. . In New Phytologist, 224(1), pp. 177–187. 2019.
On the origins of osmotically driven stomatal movements. . In New Phytologist, 222(1), pp. 84–90. 2019.
The role of ABA receptors from the PYR/PYL/RCAR family in stomatal acclimation and closure signal integration. . In Nature Plants, 5(9), pp. 1002–1011. 2019.
Optimization of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in the date palm during acclimation to heat and drought. . In New Phytologist, 223(4), pp. 1973–1988. 2019.
Effects of temperature on the cuticular transpiration barrier of two desert plants with water-spender and water-saver strategies. . In Journal of Experimental Botany, 70(5), pp. 1613–1625. 2019.
Anion channel SLAH3 is a regulatory target of chitin receptor-associated kinase PBL27 in microbial stomatal closure. . In Elife, 8. 2019.
Acquiring Control: The Evolution of Stomatal Signalling Pathways. . In Trends in Plant Science, 24(4), pp. 342–351. 2019.
Comparing Arabidopsis receptor kinase and receptor protein-mediated immune signaling reveals BIK1-dependent differences. . In New Phytologist, 221(4), pp. 2080–2095. 2019.
Venus flytrap trigger hairs are micronewton mechano-sensors that can detect small insect prey. . In Nature Plants, 5(7), pp. 670–675. 2019.
How PRR signaling regulates immunity. . In Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 32(10), pp. 227–228. 2019.
Venus flytrap - a plant on an animal diet. . In Febs Open Bio, 8, pp. 62–62. 2018.
Advances and current challenges in calcium signaling. . In New Phytologist, 218(2), pp. 414–431. 2018.
Spatio-temporal aspects of Ca signalling: lessons from guard cells and pollen tubes. . In Journal of Experimental Botany, 69(17), pp. 4195–4214. 2018.
Physiological responses of date palm ( ) seedlings to acute ozone exposure at high temperature. . In Environmental Pollution, 242, pp. 905–913. 2018.
Guard cells in fern stomata are connected by plasmodesmata, but control cytosolic Ca levels autonomously. . In New Phytologist, 219(1), pp. 206–215. 2018.
Sulfate is Incorporated into Cysteine to Trigger ABA Production and Stomatal Closure. . In Plant Cell, 30(12), pp. 2973–2987. 2018.
Venus Flytrap: How an Excitable, Carnivorous Plant Works. . In Trends in Plant Science, 23(3), pp. 220–234. 2018.
Understanding the Molecular Basis of Salt Sequestration in Epidermal Bladder Cells of. . In Current Biology, 28(19), p. 3075-+. 2018.
The Genome: Secondary Complexity and Implications for Plant Terrestrialization. . In Cell, 174(2), p. 448-+. 2018.
The Receptor-like Pseudokinase GHR1 Is Required for Stomatal Closure. . In Plant Cell, 30(11), pp. 2813–2837. 2018.
Mycorrhizal lipochitinoligosaccharides (LCOs) depolarize root hairs of. . In Plos One, 13(5). 2018.
AUX1-mediated root hair auxin influx governs SCF -type Ca signaling. . In Nature Communications, 9. 2018.
High V-PPase activity is beneficial under high salt loads, but detrimental without salinity. . In New Phytologist, 219(4), pp. 1421–1432. 2018.
A Poly(A) Ribonuclease Controls the Cellotriose-Based Interaction between and Its Host Arabidopsis. . In Plant Physiology, 176(3), pp. 2496–2514. 2018.
Structure and Function of TPC1 Vacuole SV Channel Gains Shape. . In Molecular Plant, 11(6), pp. 764–775. 2018.
A Tandem Amino Acid Residue Motif in Guard Cell SLAC1 Anion Channel of Grasses Allows for the Control of Stomatal Aperture by Nitrate. . In Current Biology, 28(9), pp. 1370-U145. 2018.
Stomata in a saline world. . In Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 46, pp. 87–95. 2018.
Tip-localized Ca -permeable channels control pollen tube growth via kinase-dependent R- and S-type anion channel regulation. . In New Phytologist, 218(3), pp. 1089–1105. 2018.
Biology of SLAC1-type anion channels - from nutrient uptake to stomatal closure. . In New Phytologist, 216(1), pp. 46–61. 2017.
A high-quality genome assembly of quinoa provides insights into the molecular basis of salt bladder-based salinity tolerance and the exceptional nutritional value. . In Cell Research, 27(11), pp. 1327–1340. 2017.
Detecting early signs of heat and drought stress in (date palm). . In Plos One, 12(6). 2017.
Coprophagous features in carnivorous Nepenthes plants: a task for ureases. . In Scientific Reports, 7. 2017.
The carnivorous Venus flytrap uses prey-derived amino acid carbon to fuel respiration. . In New Phytologist, 214(2), pp. 597–606. 2017.
Insect haptoelectrical stimulation of Venus flytrap triggers exocytosis in gland cells. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(18), pp. 4822–4827. 2017.
The fungal UmSrt1 and maize ZmSUT1 sucrose transporters battle for plant sugar resources. . In Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 59(6), pp. 422–435. 2017.
Drought-Enhanced Xylem Sap Sulfate Closes Stomata by Affecting ALMT12 and Guard Cell ABA Synthesis. . In Plant Physiology, 174(2), pp. 798–814. 2017.
Control of basal jasmonate signalling and defence through modulation of intracellular cation flux capacity. . In New Phytologist, 216(4), pp. 1161–1169. 2017.
The desert plant closes stomata via nitrate-regulated SLAC1 anion channel. . In New Phytologist, 216(1), pp. 150–162. 2017.
Functional characterisation and cell specificity of BvSUT1, the transporter that loads sucrose into the phloem of sugar beet ( L.) source leaves. . In Plant Biology, 19(3), pp. 315–326. 2017.
Epidermal bladder cells confer salinity stress tolerance in the halophyte quinoa and Atriplex species. . In Plant Cell and Environment, 40(9), pp. 1900–1915. 2017.
Do stomata of evolutionary distant species differ in sensitivity to environmental signals?. . In New Phytologist, 211(3), pp. 767–770. 2016.
The Nonspecific Lipid Transfer Protein AtLtpI-4 Is Involved in Suberin Formation of Crown Galls. . In Plant Physiology, 172(3), pp. 1911–1927. 2016.
Venus Flytrap HKT1-Type Channel Provides for Prey Sodium Uptake into Carnivorous Plant Without Conflicting with Electrical Excitability. . In Molecular Plant, 9(3), pp. 428–436. 2016.
Current Injection Provokes Rapid Expansion of the Guard Cell Cytosolic Volume and Triggers Ca Signals. . In Molecular Plant, 9(3), pp. 471–480. 2016.
Abscisic acid controlled sex before transpiration in vascular plants. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(45), pp. 12862–12867. 2016.
Rainer Hedrich. . In Current Biology, 26(23), pp. R1210-R1212. 2016.
Gating of the two-pore cation channel AtTPC1 in the plant vacuole is based on a single voltage-sensing domain. . In Plant Biology, 18(5), pp. 750–760. 2016.
Electrical Wiring and Long-Distance Plant Communication. . In Trends in Plant Science, 21(5), pp. 376–387. 2016.
Effectiveness of cuticular transpiration barriers in a desert plant at controlling water loss at high temperatures. . In Aob Plants, 8. 2016.
Acclimation to heat and drought-Lessons to learn from the date palm ( ). . In Environmental and Experimental Botany, 125, pp. 20–30. 2016.
Silent S-Type Anion Channel Subunit SLAH1 Gates SLAH3 Open for Chloride Root-to-Shoot Translocation. . In Current Biology, 26(16), pp. 2213–2220. 2016.
Venus flytrap carnivorous lifestyle builds on herbivore defense strategies. . In Genome Research, 26(6), pp. 812–825. 2016.
SLAH3-type anion channel expressed in poplar secretory epithelia operates in calcium kinase CPK-autonomous manner. . In New Phytologist, 210(3), pp. 922–933. 2016.
The Venus Flytrap Counts Prey-Induced Action Potentials to Induce Sodium Uptake. . In Current Biology, 26(3), pp. 286–295. 2016.
Stomatal Guard Cells Co-opted an Ancient ABA-Dependent Desiccation Survival System to Regulate Stomatal Closure. . In Current Biology, 25(7), pp. 928–935. 2015.
Sugar transport across the plant vacuolar membrane: nature and regulation of carrier proteins. . In Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 25, pp. 63–70. 2015.
Identification of the transporter responsible for sucrose accumulation in sugar beet taproots. . In Nature Plants, 1(1). 2015.
Elevated CO -Induced Responses in Stomata Require ABA and ABA Signaling. . In Current Biology, 25(20), pp. 2709–2716. 2015.
Calcium sensor kinase activates potassium uptake systems in gland cells of Venus flytraps. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(23), pp. 7309–7314. 2015.
Cytosolic Ca Signals Enhance the Vacuolar Ion Conductivity of Bulging Root Hair Cells. . In Molecular Plant, 8(11), pp. 1665–1674. 2015.
An RLP23-SOBIR1-BAK1 complex mediates NLP-triggered immunity. . In Nature Plants, 1(10). 2015.
The Venus flytrap attracts insects by the release of volatile organic compounds (vol 65, pg 755, 2014). . In Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(11), pp. 3429–3429. 2015.
Carnivorous plants. . In Current Biology, 25(3), pp. R99-R100. 2015.
β-amylase1 mutant Arabidopsis plants show improved drought tolerance due to reduced starch breakdown in guard cells. . In Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(19), pp. 6059–6067. 2015.
Integration of trap- and root-derived nitrogen nutrition of carnivorous. . In New Phytologist, 205(3), pp. 1320–1329. 2015.
A mechanism of growth inhibition by abscisic acid in germinating seeds of based on inhibition of plasma membrane H -ATPase and decreased cytosolic pH, K , and anions. . In Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(3), pp. 813–825. 2015.
Guard cell SLAC1-type anion channels mediate flagellin-induced stomatal closure. . In New Phytologist, 208(1), pp. 162–173. 2015.
: large-scale high-accuracy PacBio correction through iterative short read consensus. . In Bioinformatics, 30(21), pp. 3004–3011. 2014.
Two Fatty Acid Desaturases, STEAROYL-ACYL CARRIER PROTEIN Δ -DESATURASE6 and FATTY ACID DESATURASE3, Are Involved in Drought and Hypoxia Stress Signaling in Arabidopsis Crown Galls. . In Plant Physiology, 164(2), pp. 570–583. 2014.
Site- and kinase-specific phosphorylation-mediated activation of SLAC1, a guard cell anion channel stimulated by abscisic acid. . In Science Signaling, 7(342). 2014.
A Single-Pore Residue Renders the Root Anion Channel SLAH2 Highly Nitrate Selective. . In Plant Cell, 26(6), pp. 2554–2567. 2014.
Strategy of nitrogen acquisition and utilization by carnivorous. . In Oecologia, 174(3), pp. 839–851. 2014.
Salt bladders: do they matter?. . In Trends in Plant Science, 19(11), pp. 687–691. 2014.
Mechano-Stimulation Triggers Turgor Changes Associated with Trap Closure in the Darwin Plant. . In Molecular Plant, 7(4), pp. 744–746. 2014.
The Venus flytrap attracts insects by the release of volatile organic compounds. . In Journal of Experimental Botany, 65(2), pp. 755–766. 2014.
Overexpression of a proton-coupled vacuolar glucose exporter impairs freezing tolerance and seed germination. . In New Phytologist, 202(1), pp. 188–197. 2014.
A unified nomenclature of NITRATE TRANSPORTER 1/PEPTIDE TRANSPORTER family members in plants. . In Trends in Plant Science, 19(1), pp. 5–9. 2014.
Secreted major Venus flytrap chitinase enables digestion of Arthropod prey. . In Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics, 1844(2), pp. 374–383. 2014.
How Do Stomata Sense Reductions in Atmospheric Relative Humidity?. . In Molecular Plant, 6(5), pp. 1703–1706. 2013.
The Ammonium Channel Provides NH Uptake Associated with Venus Flytrap’s Prey Digestion. . In Current Biology, 23(17), pp. 1649–1657. 2013.
C-Terminus-Mediated Voltage Gating of Guard Cell Anion Channel QUAC1. . In Molecular Plant, 6(5), pp. 1550–1563. 2013.
Open stomata 1 (OST1) kinase controls R-type anion channel QUAC1 in Arabidopsis guard cells. . In Plant Journal, 74(3), pp. 372–382. 2013.
DNA Methylation Mediated Control of Gene Expression Is Critical for Development of Crown Gall Tumors. . In Plos Genetics, 9(2). 2013.
On the cellular site of two-pore channel TPC1 action in the Poaceae. . In New Phytologist, 200(3), pp. 663–674. 2013.
The Stomatal Response to Reduced Relative Humidity Requires Guard Cell-Autonomous ABA Synthesis. . In Current Biology, 23(1), pp. 53–57. 2013.
Salt Stress Triggers Phosphorylation of the Vacuolar K Channel TPK1 by Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinases (CDPKs). . In Molecular Plant, 6(4), pp. 1274–1289. 2013.
Pollen Tube Growth Regulation by Free Anions Depends on the Interaction between the Anion Channel SLAH3 and Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinases CPK2 and CPK20. . In Plant Cell, 25(11), pp. 4525–4543. 2013.
nanodomain-delimited ABA signaling pathway regulates the anion channel SLAH3. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(20), pp. 8296–8301. 2013.
Luminal and Cytosolic pH Feedback on Proton Pump Activity and ATP Affinity of V-type ATPase from. . In Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(12), pp. 8986–8993. 2012.
The Protein Composition of the Digestive Fluid from the Venus Flytrap Sheds Light on Prey Digestion Mechanisms. . In Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 11(11), pp. 1306–1319. 2012.
Anion channels: master switches of stress responses. . In Trends in Plant Science, 17(4), pp. 221–229. 2012.
Methods of staining and visualization of sphingolipid enriched and non-enriched plasma membrane regions of with fluorescent dyes and lipid analogues. . In Plant Methods, 8. 2012.
Poplar Extrafloral Nectar Is Protected against Plant and Human Pathogenic Fungus. . In Molecular Plant, 5(5), pp. 1157–1159. 2012.
PHO1 expression in guard cells mediates the stomatal response to abscisic acid in Arabidopsis. . In Plant Journal, 72(2), pp. 199–211. 2012.
Regulation of the V-type ATPase by redox modulation. . In Biochemical Journal, 448, pp. 243–251. 2012.
Vacuoles release sucrose via tonoplast-localised SUC4-type transporters. . In Plant Biology, 14(2), pp. 325–336. 2012.
Ion Channels in Plants. . In Physiological Reviews, 92(4), pp. 1777–1811. 2012.
Poplar Wood Rays Are Involved in Seasonal Remodeling of Tree Physiology. . In Plant Physiology, 160(3), pp. 1515–1529. 2012.
Poplar Extrafloral Nectaries: Two Types, Two Strategies of Indirect Defenses against Herbivores. . In Plant Physiology, 159(3), pp. 1176–1191. 2012.
Multiple Calcium-Dependent Kinases Modulate ABA-Activated Guard Cell Anion Channels. . In Molecular Plant, 5(6), pp. 1409–1412. 2012.
Molecular evolution of slow and quick anion channels (SLACs and QUACs/ALMTs). . In Frontiers in Plant Science, 3. 2012.
NRT/PTR transporters are essential for translocation of glucosinolate defence compounds to seeds. . In Nature, 488(7412), pp. 531–534. 2012.
A special pair of phytohormones controls excitability, slow closure, and external stomach formation in the Venus flytrap. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(37), pp. 15492–15497. 2011.
Stomatal Closure by Fast Abscisic Acid Signaling Is Mediated by the Guard Cell Anion Channel SLAH3 and the Receptor RCAR1. . In Science Signaling, 4(173). 2011.
A member of the mitogen-activated protein 3-kinase family is involved in the regulation of plant vacuolar glucose uptake. . In Plant Journal, 68(5), pp. 890–900. 2011.
A Novel Calcium Binding Site in the Slow Vacuolar Cation Channel TPC1 Senses Luminal Calcium Levels. . In Plant Cell, 23(7), pp. 2696–2707. 2011.
Proton-driven sucrose symport and antiport are provided by the vacuolar transporters SUC4 and TMT1/2. . In Plant Journal, 68(1), pp. 129–136. 2011.
TPC1-SV Channels Gain Shape. . In Molecular Plant, 4(3), pp. 428–441. 2011.
Guard Cell-Specific Calcium Sensitivity of High Density and Activity SV/TPC1 Channels. . In Plant and Cell Physiology, 51(9), pp. 1548–1554. 2010.
Stomatal action directly feeds back on leaf turgor: new insights into the regulation of the plant water status from non-invasive pressure probe measurements. . In Plant Journal, 62(6), pp. 1072–1082. 2010.
POLYOL/MONOSACCHARIDE TRANSPORTERS 1 and 2: fructose and xylitol/H symporters in pollen and young xylem cells. . In Journal of Experimental Botany, 61(2), pp. 537–550. 2010.
Dynamics and regulation of plant membrane transport. . In Plant Biology, 12, pp. 1–2. 2010.
Potassium-dependent wood formation in poplar: seasonal aspects and environmental limitations. . In Plant Biology, 12(2), pp. 259–267. 2010.
Perception of the Danger Signal Peptide 1 Involves the Pattern Recognition Receptor PEPR1 and Its Close Homologue PEPR2. . In Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(18), pp. 13471–13479. 2010.
Making sense out of Ca2+signals: their role in regulating stomatal movements. . In Plant Cell and Environment, 33(3), pp. 305–321. 2010.
Guard cell anion channel SLAC1 is regulated by CDPK protein kinases with distinct Ca affinities. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(17), pp. 8023–8028. 2010.
Arabidopsis V-ATPase activity at the tonoplast is required for efficient nutrient storage but not for sodium accumulation. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(7), pp. 3251–3256. 2010.
Sucrose- and H -Dependent Charge Movements Associated with the Gating of Sucrose Transporter ZmSUT1. . In Plos One, 5(9). 2010.
Early signaling through the Arabidopsis pattern recognition receptors FLS2 and EFR involves Ca2+-associated opening of plasma membrane anion channels. . In Plant Journal, 62(3), pp. 367–378. 2010.
Light-induced modification of plant plasma membrane ion transport. . In Plant Biology, 12, pp. 64–79. 2010.
K transport characteristics of the plasma membrane tandem-pore channel TPK4 and pore chimeras with its vacuolar homologs. . In Febs Letters, 584(11), pp. 2433–2439. 2010.
Ca2+-dependent activation of guard cell anion channels, triggered by hyperpolarization, is promoted by prolonged depolarization. . In Plant Journal, 62(2), pp. 265–276. 2010.
ALMT12 represents an R-type anion channel required for stomatal movement in Arabidopsis guard cells. . In Plant Journal, 63(6), pp. 1054–1062. 2010.
Inverse pH Regulation of Plant and Fungal Sucrose Transporters: A Mechanism to Regulate Competition for Sucrose at the Host/Pathogen Interface?. . In Plos One, 5(8). 2010.
A role for PSK signaling in wounding and microbial interactions in. . In Physiologia Plantarum, 139(4), pp. 348–357. 2010.
Increased Activity of the Vacuolar Monosaccharide Transporter TMT1 Alters Cellular Sugar Partitioning, Sugar Signaling, and Seed Yield in Arabidopsis. . In Plant Physiology, 154(2), pp. 665–677. 2010.
Outward-rectifying K channel activities regulate cell elongation and cell division of tobacco BY-2 cells. . In Plant Journal, 57(1), pp. 55–64. 2009.
Activity of guard cell anion channel SLAC1 is controlled by drought-stress signaling kinase-phosphatase pair. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(50), pp. 21425–21430. 2009.
Promotes Tumor Induction by Modulating Pathogen Defense in. . In Plant Cell, 21(9), pp. 2948–2962. 2009.
Salt stress affects xylem differentiation of grey poplar ( ). . In Planta, 229(2), pp. 299–309. 2009.
Heteromeric AtKC1.AKT1 Channels in Roots Facilitate Growth under K -limiting Conditions. . In Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284(32), pp. 21288–21295. 2009.
The mutation in the major vacuolar cation channel TPC1 confers tolerance to inhibitory luminal calcium. . In Plant Journal, 58(5), pp. 715–723. 2009.
Functional and physiological characterization of a novel tonoplast-localized transporter for -inositol. . In Plant Cell, 20(4), pp. 1073–1087. 2008.
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