Program Details 2024
Lectures and labs will be held daily from 9.00 a.m. to 5.15 p.m.
The main meeting point is the Seminar room of Bioinformatics and the CIP Pool ck02-05
Monday October 7th
8.45 a.m.: Registration and Welcome by Prof. Dandekar in the Seminar room Bioinformatics (including administration: attendance, insurance)
Course Certificates
Dear Course Members,
here are the details on getting your course certificate:
standard certificate (3 ECTS) you simply send a short summary on the course days regarding the scientific contents and what the key messages to learn were for every day (a total of 1-2 pages is enough; but this is no course evaluation but a scientific summary of the course contents) to Dr. Rapp-Galmiche, she will then send out the course certificate subsequently.
For a 5 ECTS certificate you send a summary of a particular topic (you can pick any lecture topic you like, please contact the lecturer of choice per e-mail and cc Dr. Rapp-Galmiche so that she knows from whom to expect the grading of the essay). Here the key point is to give a summary on the topic (about 4 pages, looking at current literature and giving proper references to current literature and of course just remember what has been taught in the course) and then write 3-4 pages about your own opinion and investigation on the topic. You may confirm the view presented in the lecture but you are also welcome to extend it by own suggestions or also point out the critical points, what is not yet clear, where more experiments etc. are warranted. Aim here to finish during December to send in the first draft. After corrections from the supervisor, the deadline for the revision is 9th of February. The summaries will be re-evaluated for completeness and content. After this the certificate for the course is sent to you.For this more demanding essay on a topic of the summer school in infection biology you can also get the course certificate with 5 ECTS and a grading (international A-E scale).
Monday October 7th
Systems Biology of Infection
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Dandekar (Homepage)
Chair, Bioinformatics
Pseudomonas Syringae attacks the host -- how do you understand the host response?
(A) Phenotype: Pst (104 CFU/ml) infection; red arrows indicate pathogen inoculation; black arrow indicates mock (10mM MgCl2) inoculation. Symptoms weare photographed three days post pathogen inoculation (DPPI). (B) Network: Topology of Pst- mediated hormone disease networks in Arabidopsis. Connectivity among nodes is based either on activation (->) or inhibition (-|). Node designation: blue, enzymes of hormone biosynthesis and degradation; yellow, active hormone molecules; green, host regulatory factors; red, Pst- originated pathogenicity factors responsible for triggering immunity in Arabidopsis; pink, “PR-1”, marker node for immunity against the infection of Pst in Arabidopsis. All nodes are denoted by abbreviations.
More information on these questions is found in our plant cell paper: Naseem M, Philippi N, Hussain A, Wangorsch G, Ahmed N, Dandekar T. Integrated systems view on networking by hormones in Arabidopsis immunity reveals multiple crosstalk for cytokinin. Plant Cell. 2012 May;24(5):1793-814.
However, the same techniques can also be applied (and are shown in the course) to study human infection defense against pathogens.
09:00-09:45 Introduction (Seminar room Bioinformatics): Prof. Thomas Dandekar, Department of Bioinformatics University of Würzburg (chair) and EMBL Heidelberg
Title: "Systems biology of infection – bioinformatical approaches"
09:45-10:45 Part I Database and Interactomics
- 09:45-10:15 Prof. Thomas Dandekar "Databases" (CIP Pool ck02-05)
- 10:15-10:45 Prof. Thomas Dandekar "Interactomics" (CIP Pool ck02-05)
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Part II Designing novel chemoinformatics algorithms to boost rational drug discovery in infection biology
- 11:00-11:30 Prof. Sergey Shityakov, ITMO University St. Petersburg (ZOOM Meeting, Seminar room Bioinformatics)
11:30-11:45 Coffee Break
- 11:45-12:30 Prof. Sergey Shityakov, ITMO University St. Petersburg (ZOOM Meeting, Seminar room Bioinformatics)
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
- 13:30-14:15 Dr. Elena Bencúrová, Laboratory of Biomedicine, Microbiology and Immunology,
University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice, Slovakia and University of Würzburg
Title: "Golden standards in Proteomics" (Seminar room Bioinformatics)
14:15-16:00 Part III Current trends in parasitology
- Prof. Alicia Ponte-Sucre, Humboldt professor, Insituto de Medicina Experimental, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas (ZOOM Meeting, Seminar room Bioinformatics)
Title: "Betulinic acid derivatives activity in L. braziliensis. Statistical Methods to evaluate the IC50. Further use for L. amazonensis"
Title: "Host-parasite interaction, Leishmania models: membrane potential and chemotaxis"
16:15-18:00 Part IV Drug design and current trends in infection biology
- 16:15-17:00 Dr. Meik Kunz, University of Erlangen (ZOOM Meeting, Seminar room Bioinformatics)
- 17:00-18:00 Prof. Thomas Dandekar, Department of Bioinformatics University of Würzburg (chair) and EMBL Heidelberg
Title: "Current trends of modelling in infection biology" (Seminar room Bioinformatics)
Useful link:
Systems Biology
A Textbook
Klipp, Edda / Liebermeister, Wolfram / Wierling, Christoph / Kowald, Axel
Arthur Lesk "introduction to bioinformatics"
For German speaking students the book by Andrea Hansen is fine
as well as my own (with Meik Kunz)
Tuesday October 8th
Seminar room Bioinformatics and CIP Pool (ck 02-05)
Intracellular S. aureus
Lecturer: Dr. Martin Fraunholz (Homepage)
Figure: Staphylococcus aureus (cyan) in phagolysosomes of human cells (yellow)
Topic area: Microscopic analysis of intracellular bacterial host-pathogen interactions: Practical image analysis with Fiji/ImageJ (basics & motion tracking, feature counting)
Upon infection Staphylococcus aureus is readily phagocytosed by macrophages and neutrophils but is also to invade epithelial and endothelial cells, fibroblast, osteoblasts, and keratinocytes. The uptake by latter so-called non-professional phagocytes has been proposed to play a role in evasion of the innate immune system. Further survival of phagolysosomal killing by S. aureus may also lead to disseminating infections within migrating phagocytes. We and others have shown that S. aureus is capable of escaping from host cell phagosomes. One of our methods is microscopy based and relies on the recruitment of a cytoplasmically expressed host cell marker that is recruited to the bacterial cell wall upon phagosomal membrane rupture.
We will address theoretical and practical aspects of confocal laser scanning microscopy as well as the underlying fluorophores. We will analyze images of uninfected and infected human cells using Fiji/ImageJ, a tool which is handy for other image analysis aspects, too.
Participants should bring a USB Thumb drive, if they want to keep their own personalized Fiji/ImageJ version.
Location: Seminar room Bioinformatics and CIP Pool
09:00-10:00 Introduction: Martin Fraunholz, Chair of Microbiology, University of Würzburg
10:00-12:30 Fiji/ImageJ to analyze biological data
- „Installation“ and Basics of biological image acquisition
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-16:00 Fiji/ImageJ to analyze biological data
- Image/Movie analysis in multiple dimension, Image quantification
Wednesday October 9th
Location: Seminar Room Bioinformatics
09:00-09:45 Career Perspectives (Prof. Thomas Dandekar)
10:00-10:45 Looking at Protein Sructures (Mahshid Danesh Shahraki)
11:00 Visit to the Chair of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine TERM (guides: Elif Özer, Aman Akash)
14:00 Technologies and ethics in research “in the era of Artificial Inteligence”
Prof. Alicia Ponte-Sucre, Humboldt professor, Insituto de Medicina Experimental, Universidad Central de Venezuela
(ZOOM Meeting, Seminar room Bioinformatics)
from 4:00 pm City Train - Sightseeing tours / Meeting point: From / To Residenzplatz / Balthasar-Neumann-Promenade stop / Duration: approx. 40 minutes
Thursday October 10th
Seminar room Bioinformatics and CIP Pool (ck 02-05)
Trypanosomes and Leishmania
Location: Location: Seminar Room Zoologie I
Lecturer: Dr. Susanne Kramer (Homepage)
Zoology I
Session 1: 09:00-13:00 Trypanosoma brucei and Sleeping Sickness
09:00-9:10 Welcome and Safety instructions
09:15-10:00 Insight into trypanosome research in Würzburg - TrypClub
(Johanna Odenwald)
10:00-10:15 Coffee-Break
10:15-11:30 Trypanosoma brucei: introduction to the parasite and disease
Lecture (Susanne Kramer)
11:30-12:15 Methods in Infection Biology (10 min talks)
- Lipidomics (Kevin Bongers)
- Forwards genetics with Base Editor (Nicole Herrmann-May)
- Breeding Tsetse Flies (Carina Praisler)
LUNCH BREAK: 12:15-13:30
13:30-14:30 Practical part (in 2 groups)
- Tsetse fly feeding and sex determination (Kathrin Weißenberg)
- Cell culture, determining cell densities of BSF and PCF trypanosomes (Susanne Kramer)
Session 2: 14:45-16:45 Leishmaniasis and Chagas
14:45-15:30 Chagas disease: Surveillance and prevention in Latin America. Different countries and ways of approaches.
Lecture with discussion (Alicia Ponte-Sucre via Zoom)
15:30-15:45 Coffee-Break
15:45-16:30 Leishmania, concepts and challenges, diagnosis, chemotherapy and drug resistance
Lecture with discussion (Alicia Ponte-Sucre via Zoom)
16:30-16:45 Concluding remarks (Susanne Kramer)
Friday October 11th
Hygiene Institute of the University Hospital
Parasitic Helminths
Lecturer: Prof. Klaus Brehm (Homepage)
Medical Parasitology
Institute of Hygiene and Microbiology
Figure: Echinokokkus
Parasitic Flatworms: A tale of mortality and immortality.
Parasitic helminths are a major cause of so-called ‘Neglected Diseases’. And Neglected Diseases are called ‘neglected’ because nobody (or only very few) has/have an interest to study them. So, why are we doing it? This is something we’re going to figure out in the ‘Parasitic Helminth’-day of the summer school. We shall learn that the development of novel therapies is not the only motivation to do infectious disease research and that these parasites (like many others) are highly fascinating from the view-point of immunologists as well as cell-, developmental- and evolutionary biologists. Above all, we shall learn how molecular research can be done in a ‘non-mainstream’ setting and which strategies should be followed to establish an infectious disease model system from scratch.
09:00-13:30 Lecture and practical in the Hygiene Institute of the University Hospital (Prof. Klaus Brehm)
13:00-13:30 Conclusions, final discussion