Lorenzi, Isotta Dr.

Dr. Isotta Lorenzi
Phone: +49 931 - 31 85726
E-mail: isotta.lorenzi@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de
Room: B131
Curriculum vitae
Name | Dr. Isotta Lorenzi |
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Position | Post-Doc | ||||||
| Chair of Biochemistry, Theodor-Boveri-Institute at the Biocentre | ||||||
Career: | 2004-2007 | BSc in Biological Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy. |
2007-2009 | MSc in Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Bologna, Italy. | |
2010-2011 | Biologist at laboratory of the GruppoHera Company, Bologna, Italy. | |
2012-2016 | Dissertation at the Institute for Cellular Biochemistry, Georg-August- University, Göttingen, Germany | |
2016-2017 | Postdoc at the Institute for Cellular Biochemistry, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany. | |
2018-2019 | Postdoc at the Department of Biology, University of Padua, Padua, Italy. | |
since 2019 | Postdoc at the Department of Biochemistry, Biocenter, Würzburg, Germany. | |
Research Fields | mRNA-binding proteins and regulation of translation | |
Awards | 2020 | Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
Lorenzi I. and Scorrano L.* (2019). Too close not to encyst: Polycystic kidney disease and interorganellar contact sites. Science Signaling 12: 583.
Cogliati S. †, Lorenzi I. †, Rigoni G., Caicci F., Soriano ME. (2018). Regulation of Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain Assembly. JMB 430: 4849-4873.
† these authors contributed equally to this work.
Lorenzi I., Oeljeklaus S., Aich A., Ronsör C., Callegari S., Dudek J., Warscheid B., Dennerlein S., Rehling P. (2017). The mitochondrial TMEM177 associates with COX20
during COX2 biogenesis. BBA 1865: 323-333.
Lorenzi I., Oeljeklaus S., Ronsör C., Bareth B., Warscheid B., Rehling P., Dennerlein S. (2016). The ribosome-associated Mba1 links cotranslational export of Cox2 to tailtranslocation
in mitochondria. MCB 36: 2782-2793.
Levchenko M., Lorenzi I., Dudek J. (2016). The degradation pathway of the mitophagy receptor Atg32 is re-routed by a posttranslational modification. PLOS one 11: 1-17.
Callegari S., Richter F., Chojnacka K., Jans D., Lorenzi I., Pacheu-Grau D., Jakobs S., Lenz C., Urlaub H., Dudek J., Chacinska A. and Rehling R. (2016). TIM29 is a subunit of
the human carrier translocase required for protein transport. FEBS Letters 590: 4147-4158.
Richter-Dennerlein R., Oeljeklaus S., Lorenzi I., Helbig C., Bareth B., Warscheid B., Rehling P., Dennerlein S. (2016). Mitochondrial protein synthesis adapts to influx of
nuclear-encoded protein. Cell 167:471-483.
Bareth B., Nikolov M., Lorenzi I., Hildenbeutel M., Mick D.U., Helbig C., Urlaub H., Ott M., Rehling P., Dennerlein S. (2016). Oms1 associates with cytochrome c
oxidase assembly intermediates to stabilize newly synthesized Cox1. MBC 27: 1570-80.
Mick D.U., Dennerlein S., Wiese H., Reinhold R., Pacheu-Grau D., Lorenzi I., Sasarman F., Weraarpachai W., Shoubridge E.A., Warscheid B., Rehling P. (2012).
MITRAC links mitochondrial protein translocation